Sebulon3k said:
Any tips for wanna-be snipers? I always had a stigma when sniping was involved but after trying it I realised how easy it is to hit people.
Currently I have the WA2000 equipped with silencer, thinking of switching to the Intervention though.
First I just want to say that using an Intervention makes you feel like a badass. Fantastic gun, one of my favorites. Single handedly made sniping a lot more fun for me personally.
Otherwise, I would suggest Intervention or the Barrett. WA2000 is alright. EBR is good for beginners.
If you want to be a running sniper (not just sitting in one spot whole game, lots more kills, fun as hell)
- Sleight of Hand Pro (Great for reloading under high pressure, godsend for quick scoping)
- Stopping Power Pro (Self explanatory), Cold Blooded Pro
- Anything here. I personally prefer Ninja Pro. Steady Aim would be my second choice. Never get Scrambler. Ever.
I'd suggest a Heartbeat Sensor for a running sniper, or Thermal Scope if you would prefer. Let me just say that HBS on a sniper class is a godsend.
- Play with a higher sensitivity if you're not already. I'd recommend 4 or higher. There's something about the game that if you move the cross hair across a target quickly, you're more likely to get a shot. Useful for quick scoping.
- Go around the edges of the map. Never engage say, in the middle of a large fire zone.
- Stay at a decent range when shooting, move very deliberately.
- Practice, practice, practice. You'll get better and better from just playing, and playing smart.
If you want to be a camping sniper (More safe, requires less skill/work, less kills)
- Scavenger, Bling Pro (Maybe a Thermal, HBS. Silencer can help, but the lessened range rapes your potential for killing)
- Stopping Power, Cold Blooded
- Steady Aim Pro, Ninja
- Grab a Claymore if you're using Scavenger, place them correctly and people will get really angry hunting you down.
- Be VERY careful once you kill someone. They'll know where you are, so try to move around slightly and take everyone out before they take you out.
That's all i can think of right now. Just play it and keep trying it out. I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time.