So has anyone actually gotten to Prestige lvl 10 without cheating/glitching?
SMZC said:I would rape all of you guys with my ACOGed ACR any day.
PetriP-TNT said:So has anyone actually gotten to Prestige lvl 10 without cheating/glitching?
divisionbyzorro said:It's been done; not by many, but it has been done.
That M1014 was so awesome in COD4, I could see preferring it over the SPAS. But again, how are you gonna choose anything over the Striker (for single use) or the 1887 (dual)?rezuth said:I can't understand why people would prefer M1014 over the SPAS. Grip+FMJ on SPAS and you are unstoppable. Given that it has a good rate of fire, great range and big mag it is clearly superior.
Hanmik said:there are 3 persons on my friendslist who are 10th prestige.. One I know has cheated, he has only played 4 days..
SPAS has insane range and damage. It's comparable to pre-patch Models. People just don't seem to know about it yet, but when they find out the game is going to turn into SPAS Warfare 2, count on that shit.DeuceMojo said:That M1014 was so awesome in COD4, I could see preferring it over the SPAS. But again, how are you gonna choose anything over the Striker (for single use) or the 1887 (dual)?
aku:jiki said:SPAS has insane range and damage. It's comparable to pre-patch Models. People just don't seem to know about it yet, but when they find out the game is going to turn into SPAS Warfare 2, count on that shit.
aku:jiki said:SPAS has insane range and damage. It's comparable to pre-patch Models. People just don't seem to know about it yet, but when they find out the game is going to turn into SPAS Warfare 2, count on that shit.
Yeah, I never used it my first go round because it was my first time playing an online FPS since Duke Nukem basically. The burst was too tough for me since I lacked the aiming ability.. but I used the Raffica after it unlocked on my sniper class and got used to burst shooting so I switched to the FAMAS when I prestiged and it's still my favorite AR. I do like the ACR as well but only use on my noob tube class.Sebulon3k said:I got to 70 full and decided I'd prestige for the fun of it, damn was it a good idea. I had never really used the FAMAS before but GOD DAMN.
Famas + Stopping Power is my new God. 1 Burst is good enough to finish anybody, I didn't realise how good it was before because I sucked but damn :lol .
shuri said:You're hardcore. I've had the game since launch and i'm just reaching level 65 now with about 2 days of gametime :O
Meier said:I have a love hate with the FAMAS because for some reason in a straight up firefight, it seems like 9/10 I'll die even though I have stopping power. Guns you can just lay on the trigger definitely seem to work better in that situation.
It goes faster once you prestige since you can unlock additional challenges/XP. I actually thought I was already on the 3rd one but am apparently only on the 2nd round.. 3rd time up to 70 I guess is why I got confused.shuri said:You're hardcore. I've had the game since launch and i'm just reaching level 65 now with about 2 days of gametime :O
I run with Ninja Pro but half the time it feels useless. I used a HBS most of my time up to 70 but I moved away from it. It is a pretty awesome attachment but it feels a little like cheating. :lol I use the Holo sight all the time. If I bling, I usually attach a Silencer as well.junkster said:The FAMAS has decent iron sights already, so I just equip it with a heartbeat sensor. Sure, someone can run around with Ninja Pro and mess that up for me, but that rarely happens.
The Brazil levels as a whole are by far the hardest/most frustrating in the game for me. Once you're passed those, the game can be frustrating but the Brazil levels it feels like it's freaking cheating.FunnyBunny said:I finally got MW2 this past weekend and played some last night.
It's gorgeous, but I nearly threw my controller through the screen during the first Brazil mission. There are moments where it is unclear where to go and cleared areas back-fill with militants who are, apparently, crackshots from 200 yards out.
Holy shiznat, that's crazy. Wow. I have a friend on his 3rd or 4th prestige (I'm on my second) and I think he has 10 days played. I thought that was a lot.Meier said:when I see someone who is leveled much higher than I am or has like 20 days played I'm blown away.
Meh, there are some areas where not making noise (Overpass, Quarry, Derail) is so beneficial that you're not cheating, the others are just being stupid for not running it.Meier said:I run with Ninja Pro but half the time it feels useless. I used a HBS most of my time up to 70 but I moved away from it. It is a pretty awesome attachment but it feels a little like cheating. :lol
DeuceMojo said:Meh, there are some areas where not making noise (Overpass, Quarry, Derail) is so beneficial that you're not cheating, the others are just being stupid for not running it.
I love Ninja Pro when I can run up on people inside a building and they never hear me coming.
xtheEnemy said:For me, this:![]()
I plan to stop at Prestige 6 cause I think that's the best looking emblem of all.
I feel like that's somewhat rare in comparison to the benefit you gain from Stopping Power. The two maps where Cold Blooded is definitely worthwhile IMO are Derail (if you're on the A side) and Wasteland. On Wasteland though that means you're giving up Danger Close if you're down in the bunker tubing and that's obviously a big loss.FerranMG said:However, the most useful perk is Cold Blooded by far. I love it when an enemy runs past me without noticing I'm gonna blow his brains in a second.![]()
FerranMG said:Love, love Ninja Pro as well.
However, the most useful perk is Cold Blooded by far. I love it when an enemy runs past me without noticing I'm gonna blow his brains in a second.![]()
xtheEnemy said:For me, this:![]()
Meier said:I feel like that's somewhat rare in comparison to the benefit you gain from Stopping Power. The two maps where Cold Blooded is definitely worthwhile IMO are Derail (if you're on the A side) and Wasteland. On Wasteland though that means you're giving up Danger Close if you're down in the bunker tubing and that's obviously a big loss.
MidnightRider said:STOPPING POWER
FunnyBunny said:I finally got MW2 this past weekend and played some last night.
It's gorgeous, but I nearly threw my controller through the screen during the first Brazil mission. There are moments where it is unclear where to go and cleared areas back-fill with militants who are, apparently, crackshots from 200 yards out.
Sealda said:Anyone who says anything else lacks logical thinking.
Yeah, they kinda screwed the balance of the 2nd perk, 'cause it's about impossible to run anything BUT stopping power unless you're playing hardcore.*Sealda said:Anyone who says anything else lacks logical thinking.
corkscrewblow said:Whatever you put on the ACR, it will never be as good as the silenced UMP so no, I would not get raped by the guy with the ACOG ACR.
jiien said:Are we talking extreme distances on maps like Afghan, Derail, and Wasteland? I hope so, because otherwise you're insulting my intelligence by assuming I was actually telling you that ACR and ACOG work in really close range maps. -_- Really?
The dudebro level of arrogance in this thread sometimes is nearly as bad as it is in game. Wow.
Well, we have Sporsk to thank for it not reaching that level, thank God. I think everyone knows there's a line you shouldn't cross here.jiien said:The dudebro level of arrogance in this thread sometimes is nearly as bad as it is in game. Wow.
DeuceMojo said:Yeah, they kinda screwed the balance of the 2nd perk, 'cause it's about impossible to run anything BUT stopping power unless you're playing hardcore.*
*which sucks
Lionheart1827 said:Yeah the problem with that level is that Soap constantly makes you feel like youre on a hidden time limit, but there is no time limit at all. He'll keep shouting at you to hurry up and dont get caught up, but you never run out of time. If you take your time on that mission, its pretty easy. Next time you play the level, try to take it slow if possible.
SP might be the most fun perk, but SitRep Pro is totally the most useful. It's just that nobody knows about it because getting Pro takes like 4 laps of prestige (if the counter didn't reset). :lol andMidnightRider said:STOPPING POWER
In my experience with the game, the only people who run around and yell how much they "RAPED EVERYBODY LOL" are OMA-tubers, CP glitchers, Models blingers, killstreak campers and RPG-whores who went 20-15, or just 13 y/o's in general regardless of how poorly they did.DeuceMojo said:I was a little surprised that someone would use the word "rape" in conjunction with his discussion of the ACR on NeoGAF of all places. "Rape" is so fucking dudebro, I don't even like using it. I prefer to say... "these fuckers are owning us with that care package glitch, let's rage quit."
aku:jiki said:SP might be the most fun perk, but SitRep Pro is totally the most useful. It's just that nobody knows about it because getting Pro takes like 4 laps of prestige (if the counter didn't reset). :lol and![]()
sweetvar26 said:LOL yeah I did play pretty hardcore, I played COD4 for over 2 years, skipped COD5 altogether and so did all my friends and we waited for the next Infinity Ward game, which ended up as a disappointment for me![]()
VGChampion said:I see a lot of people here caring about their K/D ratio? Is there anything besides the leaderboards that you're going for it? Because I can't imagine random people are browsing your stats for your info.
All that is just lost on me, but then again, I am one of those rare people who plays entirely for fun.
aku:jiki said:SP might be the most fun perk, but SitRep Pro is totally the most useful. It's just that nobody knows about it because getting Pro takes like 4 laps of prestige (if the counter didn't reset). :lol and![]()
:lol :lol :lolSpinning Plates said:maintaing a healthy ratio.
Spinning Plates said:It's a shame that there is nothing in the way of icon, emblem or title recognition in regards to maintaing a healthy ratio.
Anyone can grind there way through x amount of prestiges.