jiien said:
Submachine guns have awful accuracy, making them useless beyond close range. ARs (especially the TAR) just do better close range than submachine guns do (and can extend to mid/long range, in cases).
I'm not sure you're using SMGs correctly.
Also, the UMP is one of the few guns in the game that can be used viably without Stopping Power; that is, it's damage does not benefit from SP as much as other guns do, and will still be on equal footing in firefights without it.
Because the UMP deals 40 damage max, stopping power actually makes a larger difference with the UMP than it does with almost any other gun in the game; it makes a max damage hit do 56, which is enough to kill in two shots. Combined with a fast rate of fire, that makes the UMP one of the best if not the best short range guns in the game. Without it, the only way to get a two shot kill is to shoot someone twice in the head at close range. Stopping power gives the gun a definite edge over ARs, which is important considering the territory that ARs occupy and the territory that the UMP occupies is very simillar.
The MP5K has ridiculous accuracy, as anything more than a really short burst fire renders it useless beyond really close quarter encounters. In fact, for the MP5K, you might as well use it Akimbo, since you never should be aiming down the sight with it. Seriously.
Don't fire so fast. That's the general rule behind using SMGs I suppose but it's most relevant to the MP5K because its recoil is off the wall.
The Vector has really good accuracy (low recoil), but really, really low damage. Except to have to pump a lot of bullets into someone to down them (even worse without Stopping Power). If I recall, it is one of the lowest damage per bullet guns in the game.
The vector kills in four hits or less with stopping power (Stopping power pushes it to 3 at short range, whereas, again, without stopping power, the only way to get a shot in three kills is to get three consecutive headshots at short range) which gives it one of the highest damage to fire rate (1000 RPM). It's unfair to take only the damage into consideration considering the ratio of the bullets required to kill between the UMP and the Vector is 2:3 (in the UMP's favour) when the Vector fires more than three bullets in the time it takes the vector to fire two. Combine that with the fact that the Vector has almost no recoil whatsoever and lends itself better to long-range firefights (because you can move while you shoot more effectively while wasting less effort correcting your recoil) and strictly statistically speaking, the Vector seems to come out on top.
The P90 has a great magazine (never need Scavenger with it, really), but it's damage and accuracy are subpar. It's not a bad gun, it's just that the UMP does it better (even without the super large magazine of the P90).
The P90 has a ton of things on the UMP.
Yeah, the UMP has a definite damage edge on the P90 (Stopping power damage 42-56 for the UMP and 28-38) but the P90 has a substantial fire rate advantage (>4:3 ratio) as well as a hugely predictable recoil pattern. With most shots killing in 3 hits (headshots in two, max range in four), the P90 is certainly a capable short range gun. But the real reason that the P90 is the best gun ever and that everyone really should use this gun is because it's basically a sniper rifle minus all of the drawbacks of wielding a sniper rifle.
This is the bullet marks left by two clips of each SMG fired from the same distance at the same wall while ADS and squeezing the trigger. Note the extremely predictable P90 pattern: With practice, you can learn to compensate pretty easily for the recoil and shoot in a more or less straight line from any distance because the recoil will almost always kick right. While it's fairly unrealistic to expect ACR-like accuracy from the P90, this combined with the fact that you don't *have* to squeeze the trigger (and at most ranges, shouldn't), means that the ability of the P90 to hit things at any distance is limited largely by your ability with the gun. There are very few guns in the game that have recoil patterns that are predictable; most of them move out of the center randomly (like the UMP) which makes it impossible to predict the direction that the gun will kick. However, by aiming at the chest (with some exceptions where you absolutely know you can land two headshots) and being ready to compensate for the kick, you can be assured that the recoil will not interfere.
This is also helped by the fact that the P90 takes a silencer extremely well (the visual [but not real] recoil is reduced, which is an added bonus) and that it has an absolutely gigantic clip with a short reload (if you cancel it and don't stupidly deplete your entire clip). The P90 gives you the freedom to fire as many bullets as you want (within reasonable limits) without having to worry about reloading or being spotted on the map.
In my opinion, the P90 is easily one of the game's best gun; it's not nearly as newbie friendly as it was in CoD4 (due to the fire rate relative to other guns being massively toned down) which is why it doesn't get a lot of use, but the gun's bizarre accuracy makes it a solid choice for a player willing to master it.
The Mini-Uzi, in my opinion, is the best SMG besides the UMP. It has decent damage, decent accuracy. However, again, the problem with all of these SMGs is that the UMP just does it best in every single way, and an AR (the TAR, specifically) just has better damage and accuracy (and fire rate, in some cases), and can double as a longer ranged gun (which the SMGs are god awful at, except for the UMP of course).
The Mini-Uzi has a lot of the same benefits as the P90: Fast fire rate (the MU is slightly faster: 888 RPM vs. 850), predictable kick (up instead of right), and good with a silencer. Indeed, they are very similar guns as they both deal the exact same damage at the exact same ranges. The only real differences are that the MU has a substantially slower reload (assuming you are cancelling both to maximum effectiveness, a P90 reload is 1.7 seconds versus 2.2 for the MU) and the MU has a smaller clip. What puts the MU more or less on par with the P90 is that for a newer player, the MU kick is certainly easier to predict (unlike the P90 which occasionally swings up, the MU will almost always kick in its primary direction); the MU will also give you more more or less recoil-free bullets (you'll usually only get two with the P90 whereas the MU will give you three which is enough to kill someone). The P90 is, in theory, slightly worse than the MU in close range (considering the slightly faster fire rate), but in practice the fire rate difference is negligible and the larger clip generally gives the P90 an advantage in more realistic scenarios.
At the end of the day, looking at the game's stats reveal that the SMGs are more or less designed to be used with stopping power. Without it, guns like the Vector would be absolutely worthless (five shots at most ranges for a kill? Sounds like fun). As well, SMGs are the only guns that still work effectively with a silencer; with the notable exception of the MP5K, every SMG loses damage rapidly before the midrange so using a silencer will only impact your damage if you manage to hit your opponent somewhere between short and mid range. With the Vector in particular, this range is laughably small (only a few feet), so there's no reason not to use a silencer.
SMGs are extremely viable in MW2; they're not nearly as widespread as SMGs were in CoD4 only because they've developed a learning curve in a game that also includes things like the ACR and the tube which take almost no real specific dexterity.