rodvik said:Underpass is a nice map once you have a good handle on the central building/roof angles and approaches you can cross the map with ease.
For Wasteland however I bring no forgiveness, instant vote to quit followed by bail. Will not play.
SpeedingUptoStop said:underpass, rundown and derail can burn in hell for all I care. God damn sniper's paradise.
Spawn, run 50 feet, get shot in the head from 6 miles out. Repeat ad nauseum.
So snipe them back. It's fun as hell with an Intervention or Barrett. "One shot... One kill" is the most satisfying bonus in the game!SpeedingUptoStop said:underpass, rundown and derail can burn in hell for all I care. God damn sniper's paradise.
Spawn, run 50 feet, get shot in the head from 6 miles out. Repeat ad nauseum.
Derail is the fucking worst sometimes, especially on Hardcore where one random bullet from anywhere will force you to start your lifetime trek all over again. Run halfway across the map (takes like 20 god damn minutes) then get shot in the back by someone who spawned at your spawn point. Repeat.DarknessTear said:Underpass and Rundown has a good anti-camping route.
Derail... well, I don't have much to say about that map, but I have some decent rush routes on it.
ultim8p00 said:I went back to free for all and rediscovered why I fell in love with this game. Damn
ultim8p00 said:I went back to free for all and rediscovered why I fell in love with this game. Damn
aku:jiki said:Entered the match when some guy already had 700 points... Started off by dying by running into a sniped headshot like an idiot, then I apparently rose fwom my gwave as an altered beast and tore shit up with quicksnipes. I ended up by the little tin shed by the helipad and I wasn't even trying to camp but every single time I popped out from the shed to see if it was clear to move, some dude would turn the corner by the hedge and get sniped. Got 11 kills in what must have been max a minute! Unfortunately I got greedy and thought I had time to win and launch the AC-130 in time for a game winning kill with it, but yeah...that wasn't happening. Did end up second with 19-1 though.![]()
zero margin said:xXItzHellboyXx
foomfoom415 said:I've noticed that some of the best players in the matches I play always have the worst damn gamertags. Maybe I should add some xXxXes and 666es to my gamertag. Maybe I'd die less. :lol
Edit: No offense to anyone who actually has that stuff in their gamertag. You're probably better than me in MW2 anyways.
zero margin said:.... Anyway, props.
Search with a good number of Snipers is like playing Russian Roulette. :lolInsaniac said:highrise is becoming a stupidly terrible map for one reason: Snipers.
I saw the dumbest name yesterday...Strider2K99 said:"iTz (insert name here)" is the worst latest trend among gamertags. :lol
Full Recovery said:The lightweight/knife combo is really starting to get annoying. Have they said anything about fixing it yet?
You know it's broken when half of the players are using it and being successful.
TheOrange said:Regarding X360, do VGA connection creates less TV input lag than HDMI? That's what some people are saying.
Currently, playing on Samsung LN52A750 TV with HDMI2 (DVI/PC label) with game mode on, but I notice on killcam that what I see seems to be slightly behind(lag?). I seem to get a few shots off, but nothing during killcam. Also, makes point blank knifing a crap shoot.
Full Recovery said:The lightweight/knife combo is really starting to get annoying. Have they said anything about fixing it yet?
You know it's broken when half of the players are using it and being successful.
Foxy Fox 39 said:Hey, is there a way you guys combat boosters in FFA? I actually love hunting them down and ruining cheating for them but sometimes even when I know where they are things don't go exactly well.
I guess what I'm asking is - has anyone made an anti-booster class and what does it have?
haha now that's funny.eek5 said:Can't fix something that isn't broken!
Foxy Fox 39 said:Hey, is there a way you guys combat boosters in FFA? I actually love hunting them down and ruining cheating for them but sometimes even when I know where they are things don't go exactly well.
I guess what I'm asking is - has anyone made an anti-booster class and what does it have?
Full Recovery said:The lightweight/knife combo is really starting to get annoying. Have they said anything about fixing it yet?
You know it's broken when half of the players are using it and being successful.
Foxy Fox 39 said:Hey, is there a way you guys combat boosters in FFA? I actually love hunting them down and ruining cheating for them but sometimes even when I know where they are things don't go exactly well.
I guess what I'm asking is - has anyone made an anti-booster class and what does it have?
You're telling me this is just fine:divisionbyzorro said:It might be annoying at times, but it's far from broken. My regular gaming buddy almost exclusively knifes, and he has a ~1 K/D. Sure, he's gotten a couple nukes off of it, but it's rare. There will always be people who wreck with it, but it's just fine.
kaizoku said:I can't stand ground war, that shit is just sooo hectic that I feel like my only tactic is to camp somewhere lame which doesn't really achieve anything but keep me alive or to rush. And them it feels like a mad lottery with who see's who first.
With all the extra lag you get in that mode, fuck ground war!
Full Recovery said:You're telling me this is just fine:
An opponent teleporting 5-10 feet and stabbing you. Sometimes the length of an entire room or from the bottom of the stairs to the top of the stairs.
Getting knifed in the face even if you put several shots into them? and this is all going on when everyone has 4 bars.
It's not CoD modern knife 2. It should take longer to knife, if you get shot while attempting to knife someone you should be stunned. Stabbing should also be less predictable, give a stab a 50/50 chance of killing the opponent. It doesn't seem like knife attacks even miss anymore like they did in cod4.
Full Recovery said:It doesn't seem like knife attacks even miss anymore like they did in cod4.
jiien said:Just for clarity for readers, you don't get faster ADS with Lightweight Pro. You lift your gun faster after sprinting with Lightweight Pro. Faster ADS is Sleight of Hand.
ADS is Aiming Down the Sight.
aku:jiki said:And to clarify even further, "lift your guns" means hip fire, not ADS.
uraldix said:I always thought that hip firing was shooting without lifting your gun.
divisionbyzorro said:When you sprint, you drop your guns to run, and there is a delay before you lift them to be able to fire again. Lightweight Pro reduces that delay.
rodvik said:That is NOT the way.
PM that punk and let him know he is a hacking cheater, throw in an ethnic or sexual slur to make sure.
That ,sir, is the traditional greeting upon meeting a skilled player online, we may not have much, but by god we can hold on to our traditions![]()
You lower your weapon when you sprint. Hence, "lift your guns." Your comment doesn't even work as sarcasm dude.uraldix said:I always thought that hip firing was shooting without lifting your gun.
Why are people who play this game so very happy to spew hate over something they have not even tried once? The knife misses ALL THE TIME.Full Recovery said:It's not CoD modern knife 2. It should take longer to knife, if you get shot while attempting to knife someone you should be stunned. Stabbing should also be less predictable, give a stab a 50/50 chance of killing the opponent. It doesn't seem like knife attacks even miss anymore like they did in cod4.