oh my did you guys really have a discussion about MW2 players on the different platforms..? oh my god.. and the best part someone is claiming Personal expirience as
a fact .. oh my. :lol
My K/D rate sucks on PS3.. My ratio is 0,92. But that doesnt mean I´m bad, not at all.. two weeks ago my K/D ratio was 0,71. And I have around 17.000 kills. I just started out by playing MW2 rambo style, so I had lots more deaths than kills.. but by joining some of my clan friends in their matches my playstyle has changed. And since then (K/D ratio of 0,60 a month ago) I have just racked up a lot more kills.
And I have played this game on X360 to.. my K/D ratio there is 4.40... wauw does that mean that all X360 players suck..? no it means I have only killed 44 people and only died 10 times..

but if I was like some of the other guys in this thread, I would take that as a fact, that for me shows that X360 players are lousy.. come on guys.. there is NO difference at all... it´s the same game, tha same controls, different controller though.. but the biggest diffrence is that there is more players on the X360 side. So you have a wider assortment of players, casual and hardcore players.
But I love MW2 on my ps3.. I don´t even want to pick up Heavy Rain at the moment, even though I have been anticipating it since the casting video. MW2 just draws me into it´s evil web every freaking night.
For the longest time I have been going for the nuke.. I have had 1 nuke thats all.. So I went with the Harrier+CG+Nuke for a couple of weeks.. the closest I got was 24 kills in 20 games.. for some strange reason I could never get the last kill. And my games normally ended 30 kills and 20 deaths. But this week I changed my killstreaks to Carepackage+Harrier+emergency Airdrop. .. and damn that changes things.. with my trusty UMP+silencer and Scavengerpro+hardlinepro+commandopro, things took a turn.. every game now ends something like 60K/20D every game now (except for S&D Off course, I only play mosh pit games).. so changing killstreaks trying new tactics can make the game feel much better.. I´m on my second prestige, just about to prestige once more.. and I love this game more than I did the first month I bought it..