Woooo! I just had my best game ever! I went 80-20 on HQ on Scrapyard using only the SPAS! The majority of the deaths were from the end too, when some guy got pissed and went RPG crazy.
Cool part is that this wasn't me dominating noobs - these guys scored pretty well too and nobody went 8-30. What did it was that these guys were all playing in a refreshingly non-shitty way - no noobtubing, no RPG's until the end, no HBS camping or any camping for that matter. They all went for the HQ and we had battles like you usually don't see in this game. It was so much fun!
Had they only capped 1 or 2 more HQ's, I would've broken 100! I had just called in a Harrier when we capped the last HQ, I had another in my pocket plus a Pred and I was one kill away from starting my streak again. God damn, I've never been so much of a killing machine! :lol
Edit: Just looked at the scoreboard again... One guy did go 7-42, and I remember that dude stayed to play against us again for the following 5 games! That's perseverence right there. :lol
divisionbyzorro said:
So I'm falling in love with the Stealth Bomber.
I normally don't love the SB, but I did today when it got 5 people who were about to cap their last HQ on Wasteland. And because the SB got all of them, my friend managed to extend his streak to a nuke.