Snipers dominate?! What fucking game are you talking about? :lolcorkscrewblow said:Shotguns as primary only would drastically reduce the number of people using them. They were really damn rare in CoD4 because that was your main gun, but now in MW2 you can have something that dominates at long range in primary (sniper) and something that dominates close range (SPAS, akimbo rangers, w/e) which is just fucking bullshit. Shotguns as secondary was an awful addition to the game period.
I'm torn between Marathon and Scavenger but overall I agree, though I found myself playing a bit more defensively than normal with SCAR. I just wouldn't be picking up as many blue bags as with my M4 or whatever, for whatever reason... But every time I ran into a corpse pile, I'd gleefully pick up a bunch of blue bags and feel like maybe I could accomplish something on this life. :loldivisionbyzorro said:It's fantastic with Scavenger, but otherwise I agree with you. The ammo is too low to be useful. I'd take TAR over SCAR every day in a build without Scavenger.
That said, every single one of my main builds uses Scavenger, except for my runner build. I feel like it's the best blue perk, by far.
aku:jiki said:Have you guys seen this kid DnB Oos' montages? Holy shit, this kid is good. Check these out:
Amazing multi-weapon montage (That's what it's called, but it's also true!)
aku:jiki said:Have you guys seen this kid DnB Oos' montages? Holy shit, this kid is good. Check these out:
Amazing multi-weapon montage (That's what it's called, but it's also true!)
Stop It
Quad headshot with reaction :lol (That's not Oos flipping out himself - he's british)
corkscrewblow said:Shotguns as primary only would drastically reduce the number of people using them. They were really damn rare in CoD4 because that was your main gun, but now in MW2 you can have something that dominates at long range in primary (sniper) and something that dominates close range (SPAS, akimbo rangers, w/e) which is just fucking bullshit. Shotguns as secondary was an awful addition to the game period.
aku:jiki said:
Haha, yeah. I love how he has three clips where he surprises an entire team on Skidrow! What the fuck are all of them doing in that doorway in the alley?! :loldivisionbyzorro said:A more accurate name for these would be "Oos discovers a bunch of tards bunched up together" montage. Very entertaining :lol
Invalidated everything he just did once he m203'd the spawn. Scum.aku:jiki said:Have you guys seen this kid DnB Oos' montages? Holy shit, this kid is good. Check these out:
Amazing multi-weapon montage (That's what it's called, but it's also true!)
Stop It
Quad headshot with reaction :lol (That's not Oos flipping out himself - he's british)
Oh, you're gonna love this:Full Recovery said:Invalidated everything he just did once he m203'd the spawn. Scum.
You gotta admit it was pretty good lol.Full Recovery said:Invalidated everything he just did once he m203'd the spawn. Scum.
I've started to do the margin said:I just use the Intervention and Spas on every map now. Marathon, SP and steady aim perks.
FMJ does nothing on SPAS. It's a glitch.Full Recovery said:Spas + FMJ
Akimbo Rafficas are the optimal sniper secondary! Up close they're basically a fast-ass shotgun, and the switch is very fast (regular handgun speed).Full Recovery said:The only thing that gets me from time to time is the switch rate of the shotgun, sometimes I'd rather just have an m9 but the spas is greater in every other way.
Dude, come on.grap3fruitman said:Why are people dual weilding shotguns allowed to knife me? Do they keep the knife in thier mouths or what? I'm just not getting it.
I would have to say yes. I think you need to elaborate on why this is a problem.divisionbyzorro said:So am I the only person who thinks that the game would be significantly better if sniper no-scopes always missed after a certain distance?
grap3fruitman said:Why are people dual weilding shotguns allowed to knife me? Do they keep the knife in thier mouths or what? I'm just not getting it.
It's bad enough that shotgun bullets magically disappear after a certain distance, so yes, you are alone on this one.divisionbyzorro said:So am I the only person who thinks that the game would be significantly better if sniper no-scopes always missed after a certain distance?
divisionbyzorro said:So am I the only person who thinks that the game would be significantly better if sniper no-scopes always missed after a certain distance?
aku:jiki said:I would have to say yes. I think you need to elaborate on why this is a problem.
grap3fruitman said:Why are people dual weilding shotguns allowed to knife me? Do they keep the knife in thier mouths or what? I'm just not getting it.
This better be sarcasm.Brian Fellows said:Yep. I love being able to out-snipe just about any sniper with my SCAR.
I don't know what to tell you. I noticed yesterday that I've played over 5000 games and the only time I'm ever noscoped, seriously ever, is when I surprise a sniper who just kneejerks and pops one off.divisionbyzorro said:Oh, it's not a huge problem. I don't feel like the game is horribly unbalanced or anything. It's similar to the "knife with third hand" problem - it makes no sense. I don't mind getting no-scoped up close, but no-scope from across the map? It'd be one thing if it were truly random, but it's not - the bullet always goes into the invisible middle of the reticule.
Have you ever no-scoped? Because it is very random. One may hit center, but the next few will be way off.divisionbyzorro said:Oh, it's not a huge problem. I don't feel like the game is horribly unbalanced or anything. It's similar to the "knife with third hand" problem - it makes no sense. I don't mind getting no-scoped up close, but no-scope from across the map? It'd be one thing if it were truly random, but it's not - the bullet always goes into the invisible middle of the reticule.
I guess I just feel like sniper rifles should be used for, you know, sniping? :lol
Meh - carry on.
Full Recovery said:Have you ever no-scoped? Because it is very random. One may hit center, but the next few will be way off.
No, that's quickscoping. Noscoping is simply sniper hipfire.jiien said:But the act of no-scoping refers to starting the process of aiming down the sight, and shooting immediately after the animation starts.
I used to noscope all the time, and it's random as hell. Sometimes you go on a lucky string where every bullet seems to hit.aku:jiki said:No, that's quickscoping. Noscoping is simply sniper hipfire.
I've heard lots of knowledgable people post what Full Recovery did - that noscopes are randomized - but I don't know how the kills in this compilation are possible if so...
Anoj's Top 10 Killcams
Check out #2 (3:51), the 7 (!) noscopes in a row on Favela. Is that just the luckiest killstreak in the history of games, or are noscopes not random?
aku:jiki said:No, that's quickscoping. Noscoping is simply sniper hipfire.
I've heard lots of knowledgable people post what Full Recovery did - that noscopes are randomized - but I don't know how the kills in this compilation are possible if so...
Anoj's Top 10 Killcams
Check out #2 (3:51), the 7 (!) noscopes in a row on Favela. Is that just the luckiest killstreak in the history of games, or are noscopes not random?
PetriP-TNT said:HOLY SHIT, that Mobile-PC-To-Your-Face was the coolest thing I have seen anyone do in this game
Not to correct you all day long, dude, but it's clearly an intended animation. He holds the laptop with both hands and folds it a little while smacking. Very cool addition by IW!jiien said:It's the knifing animation freaking out because you have the laptop attached to your arm.
aku:jiki said:Mythbusters Episode 4 is out.
Not a lot of useful info in this one, but I had no idea that you can use equipment while climbing. The delay on using weapons after climbing ladders has been a big annoyance for me, very good to know that I can climb up and toss a grenade or knife instead.
Not to correct you all day long, dude, but it's clearly an intended animation. He holds the laptop with both hands and folds it a little while smacking. Very cool addition by IW!![]()
Haha, I just checked and I think we're both right! Kind of.jiien said:Fuck me. Really? I did this a long time ago, by accident, and it seriously looked like my knife arm going out, with just a laptop stuck on top of it. I'm just full of wrong information today.
I can tell you what happened in that clip. He was playing Ground War against an inexperienced team, and he used the usual spawnkilling turbo-flank you can pull off right when the game starts.kaizoku said:I sometimes wonder how many of those clips are staged or simply lucky to run into a bunch of idiots. One guy running into a crowd of 5 or 6 with a P90 and no one kills him? bullshit or freak accident, nothing to do with skill imo.
how unlucky is that guy :lolDRE Fei said:Anyone seen this yet?
Only when it's silenced. Really fun gun to use.aku:jiki said:Also, P90 is a fucking beast.![]()
Full Recovery said:I just went 29-0 on TDM Wasteland. But I didn't have my nuke equipped.![]()
Foliorum Viridum said:I'm so good at this game I just 44-7.
How? I got three care packages, two of which had an AC130, and the other was a Pavelow. :lol I realise this may prompt those "game be broke lol" posts which pretty much everyone hates, but it was so fucking enjoyable I wanted to share.
It seemed like payment for all of the matches I got ammo resupplies.![]()