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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


divisionbyzorro said:
Dogs. W@W has dogs. *shudder*

I was P1, level fifty-something when I quit W@W, largely due to tanks and dogs. Ugh.
Tanks were indeed a bit of a problem. Dogs I felt were not that bad (nor effective) - just personal experience. Artillery was pretty much ineffective. My biggest complaint was the fact that I HAD to use the MP40 to be effective. The STG was alright...the Gewehr was actually my favorite AR, but if you wanted to do well, it felt like you had to use the MP40.


Damn, I do miss WaW a little. What a coincidence, I was thinking of popping it in for a little too.

I didn't mind dogs or tanks. Dogs died easy, and against good players, they couldn't kill anything. I used to chase them just to find out where people were, sort of like another UAV of sorts. And when enemies would be distracted trying to kill the dog, I'd kill the player.

Tanks went down easy too, just took a couple of coordinated people per team to make them entirely useless. I did enjoy the maps without them more, but I got higher killstreaks if I actually bothered to get into one. More often than not though, I found that most teammates that actually hopped into one didn't know what they were doing, and were therefore essentially useless teammates, which is why I preferred the maps without them.

One thing I do notice between WaW and MW2 is that having a bad team in MW2 hurts a lot more. Maybe its just my experiences, but with a bad team in WaW, I could still get by most of the time and do pretty well. In MW2 though, you get steamrolled much more easily. There are just so many more alleyways, windows, paths, shortcuts, random bushes and what have you all over MW2 maps that make it impossible to defend them all by yourself. You need to have people to rely on and help, keep running around randomly, or hide in those same places you're trying to watch.


I popped in COD: Modern Warfare 1 today and suprise the multiplayer is still alive and kicking.
I played the maps: Bloc, Countdown, Crash, Crossfire and District. All quality maps, none I really dislike.
Now I know why people are so pissed off on some (if not all) maps of MW2, MW1 pretty much had all balanced maps.
Strange also was that MW1 multiplayer did not feel like it was dated, even feels kinda superieur to MW2.


JustHadToJoin said:
Speaking of Spec Ops, anyone else on PS3 but needs more/some people to play with? I played with my friends but they have 360s and I wanna use my full screen and ps3 to do it. Anyone else interested? We could even get a ps3 spec ops chat going where you could find people willing to play at any time of the day. Add me with a message people, I really wanna do spec ops

Just sent ya a PM about adding me.
PSN id = todahawk


Crap. Just left a game on the 360 where everyone was running super fast, almost like ice skating. Anyone see this recently?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
divisionbyzorro said:
Dogs. W@W has dogs. *shudder*

I was P1, level fifty-something when I quit W@W, largely due to tanks and dogs. Ugh.

I like the dogs. Kill streaks I can kill with my gun, knife, or bettys are cool with me.

I'm pretty decent with a tank but yeah I'd axe them if I could.
Full Recovery said:

What a douchebag! :lol

I love how you see the blast shield icon pop up in the middle of all that nonsense. And I love how they keep running into Charlie, even though they know he's just gonna keep doing that.

The way to respond to that is to forget Charlie, rush Bravo, and send a runner into Alpha. Spawn toobing only works at the beginning of the match; once all flags have been taken, he can't do his douchey stuff anymore (at least, not to the same degree).

I've definitely gotten a nuke like that. Once you find the spot that puts a toob on the enemy's starting flag, it's over :lol


divisionbyzorro said:
I've definitely gotten a nuke like that. Once you find the spot that puts a toob on the enemy's starting flag, it's over :lol
Here's something for you, man. A video where SeaNanners isn't nervous and doesn't talk like a douche!

Should you start a YouTube channel?

While I'm posting videos, here's another very important one that the entire community should see:

How to play Sabotage like a man (YES! Stop this camping bullshit!)

And WOR made a video discussing the various broken iron sights in the game (M9, M240, MG4):

WingsOfRedemption on MG4 Iron Sights
aku:jiki said:
While I'm posting videos, here's another very important one that the entire community should see:

How to play Sabotage like a man (YES! Stop this camping bullshit!)

This man is my hero!!! But it shows that the scoring for Sabotage is all screwed up. They should be getting massive win bonuses for winning so quickly; in fact, there should be a specifically massive bonus for being the first to grab the bomb, planting without dropping, and having it blow up like that.

aku:jiki said:
And WOR made a video discussing the various broken iron sights in the game (M9, M240, MG4):

WingsOfRedemption on MG4 Iron Sights

This reminds me: didn't W@W have bipod attachments for LMGs? Where did that go? I thought that was a great idea; you could deploy them in windows or when prone and they were basically like a mounted MG. Bring that back! Bling it with thermal or an ACOG, get a buddy with a riot shield, and WIN!


Neo Member
I've played CoD4, W@W, and now MW2 a lot - primarily a TDM, Ground War, Domination junkie.

Yesterday I fired up Headquarters for the first time. What an awesome gamemode. Can't believe I was missing out on this for so long. It's like a whole new game.
HooCares said:
Yesterday I fired up Headquarters for the first time. What an awesome gamemode. Can't believe I was missing out on this for so long. It's like a whole new game.

I pretty much exclusively played HQ in W@W, but for some reason I've barely touched it in MW2. I don't know what it is, but it just doesn't click with me anymore. I pretty much only play Ground War these days.


Alligator F*ck House
divisionbyzorro said:
I pretty much exclusively played HQ in W@W, but for some reason I've barely touched it in MW2. I don't know what it is, but it just doesn't click with me anymore. I pretty much only play Ground War these days.

Same. MW2 could be an amazing game if it wasn't garbage.
TheOddOne said:
I popped in COD: Modern Warfare 1 today and suprise the multiplayer is still alive and kicking.
I played the maps: Bloc, Countdown, Crash, Crossfire and District. All quality maps, none I really dislike.
Now I know why people are so pissed off on some (if not all) maps of MW2, MW1 pretty much had all balanced maps.
Strange also was that MW1 multiplayer did not feel like it was dated, even feels kinda superieur to MW2.

MW1 is the shit, I still play it from time to time... Multiplayer is more than alive and kicking, it dropped down when MW2 was released but now it is picking back up. Can't complain, I guess, its got the most I ever spent on any game.

COD4 maps are much better than MW2 ones, I think MW2 maps have a lot more spots to post up or camp, lot of corners in general compared to COD4. Oh well...
any more people want to play spec ops on ps3 and want to have more people so their options are wider, add me ( and greenjerk if he wants more people too).


Oh man, just had one of the most satisfying match turnarounds I've ever had. These british kids were all talking a bunch of trash in the lobby and when the match started, it was CTF on Favela and they had at least 4 knife runners. Total montage wannabe kids too - jumping off buildings and tossing throwing knives everywhere etc. I tried to go slow with my assault class on the first round but it was just impossible with all these fucking knives everwhere. We got owned in the first round. 0-3 flags capped and they were talking some serious trash in the little intermission break. Raaaape and pwnage and all that.

So I said fuck these kids and equipped First Recon. Went on a 20 kill streak with the knife, got the drop on these motherfuckers every single time. Not only that, but I managed to catch them aiming Stingers at my AC-130 every time they tried too. (Honestly, I don't know how since I suck at using that thing, but it worked out!)

They rage quit after a couple of AC-130 multikills. :lol :lol


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
aku:jiki said:
Oh man, just had one of the most satisfying match turnarounds I've ever had. These british kids were all talking a bunch of trash in the lobby and when the match started, it was CTF on Favela and they had at least 4 knife runners. Total montage wannabe kids too - jumping off buildings and tossing throwing knives everywhere etc. I tried to go slow with my assault class on the first round but it was just impossible with all these fucking knives everwhere. We got owned in the first round. 0-3 flags capped and they were talking some serious trash in the little intermission break. Raaaape and pwnage and all that.

So I said fuck these kids and equipped First Recon. Went on a 20 kill streak with the knife, got the drop on these motherfuckers every single time. Not only that, but I managed to catch them aiming Stingers at my AC-130 every time they tried too. (Honestly, I don't know how since I suck at using that thing, but it worked out!)

They rage quit after a couple of AC-130 multikills. :lol :lol


how do you catch people aiming at you? I always thought that beep indicated a missile was incoming and flares were being deployed, is there some way of finding who is locking onto you and taking him out? or is it just luck?


kaizoku said:

how do you catch people aiming at you? I always thought that beep indicated a missile was incoming and flares were being deployed, is there some way of finding who is locking onto you and taking him out? or is it just luck?
Best way is to look for people who don't show up as white outlines, and/or stand still. Usually means they're aiming for you, and have Cold Blooded on.

Just went 40-6 on Favela, Ground War, with the akimbo uzis+lightweight pro. Raced from Flag A to Flag C as the match started and caught three people with a C4 when they were trying to cap C. :lol


divisionbyzorro said:
This reminds me: didn't W@W have bipod attachments for LMGs? Where did that go? I thought that was a great idea; you could deploy them in windows or when prone and they were basically like a mounted MG. Bring that back! Bling it with thermal or an ACOG, get a buddy with a riot shield, and WIN!
As if people didn't camp enough in this game...?
kaizoku said:

how do you catch people aiming at you? I always thought that beep indicated a missile was incoming and flares were being deployed, is there some way of finding who is locking onto you and taking him out? or is it just luck?

I look for the flash where the shot is fired from and hammer that area with shells or bullets, normally doesnt matter till your all out of flares anyway.
So with all this IW news, are we going to get map packs/ more patches, It would suck if the game suffered. Another patch would be nice to get rid of the stupid new ice skating glitch. Who does that anyway, its not even fun :lol


bobs99 ... said:
So with all this IW news, are we going to get map packs/ more patches, It would suck if the game suffered. Another patch would be nice to get rid of the stupid new ice skating glitch. Who does that anyway, its not even fun :lol

I don't see why not. The heads of IW were laid off, not the entire team. It's still business as usual and the rest of the team is supposed to be working on the map packs and such.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I just had a late night 1am session for the first time in awhile and man it sucks. When all the americans come on, either there's way too many badasses or more likely the netcode just fucking sucks.

I fired all 3 FAMAS shots with stopping power into a guy and he doesn't die. I fired a full famas clip on someone with hit markers on each one yet he manages to kill me after he spots where I am. Even if they're behind a wall you expect to kill them with that many hits.

I unloaded a full SCAR-H clip on a guy who was half behind a wall, hit marker was flashing all the way through and the guy didnt die.

I guess we'll never know but if thats how the game is usually for you guys, I can see why so many people moan and why you'd wanna quit. Its just unplayable, feels sooooo different to playing during normal hours. Also a much higher percentage of noobtubers and knife runners which I hadn't seen for awhile. spent most the session cowering in fear.

I normally play until I have a good game so my rage is gone but couldnt really do it today, best I managed was like 14-8. so have to rant on here. graaaaah!! nothing makes me rage more than this game.


Will somebody just donate a capture card to me? Please? I'm starting to need that shit!

Had two beautiful montage moments today... One was on Scrapyard CTF - I was gonna spawnkill a few folks so my buddy could grab the flag undisturbed and another buddy tossed a flash in there to help me. I flank in through the side door and the whole god damn team is covering their eyes in there! Ratatatat multi-kill! That killcam must've caused some rage. :lol

Later I was in a round of S&D with pretty much the worst team ever on my side, so I killed the entire enemy team one by one, planted the bomb and when the last guy came to defuse, I allowed him to start and then I danced and jumped around him a few laps, teabagged him and then finally ran off and aimed up a perfect throwing knife headshot from across the room just for good measure. That killcam got laughs even from the dude I killed. :lol

One dude in that team in S&D had the worst class I've ever seen by the way - M16 with steady aim (what?!), stopping power and sleight of hand (what?!) with a silenced AA-12 secondary. And he just WOULD NOT turn off that noobtube, even when the enemy was below him and instead he fucking tried to shoot the god damn thing through the floor. YES HE DID!! SPECTATE RAAAAAGE

divisionbyzorro said:
I pretty much only play Ground War these days.
I've converted to Mosh Pit only, but today I tried some other modes and I don't know how you can stand Ground War. So fucking laggy, so many OMG WTF THAT DID SO NOT HAPPEN moments and so much camping and bullshit play.

Mosh Pit really is the only playlist I can have fun in anymore. I keep hyping it but nobody checks it out! Damn it, it's great! Everybody plays objectives and when you find someone killstreak camping so hard he's about to explode, you get a little shocked. Like, "they still make you?!" :lol
aku:jiki said:
I've converted to Mosh Pit only, but today I tried some other modes and I don't know how you can stand Ground War. So fucking laggy, so many OMG WTF THAT DID SO NOT HAPPEN moments and so much camping and bullshit play.

Mosh Pit really is the only playlist I can have fun in anymore. I keep hyping it but nobody checks it out! Damn it, it's great! Everybody plays objectives and when you find someone killstreak camping so hard he's about to explode, you get a little shocked. Like, "they still make you?!" :lol

I would play Mosh Pit, but I hate Sabotage and Search & Destroy. Simply cannot stand them. Sabotage would be okay if people didn't just camp and screw around, but Search is just too boring.

Demolition is actually my favorite mode, but:

  • I refuse to play Demolition with pubbies. Just too frustrating.
  • Ground War is the only first-person team mode with XBL Party Chat.
  • In-game chat is too spotty to be reliable.

Hence why I usually play Ground War. If all modes had party chat, and if the matchmaking was less shitty, I would play Demolition more than anything else.

Plus: I have a great connection, open NAT, and pull host about half of the time. I don't notice lag all that much, even in Ground War.


Forever Platinum
I got my first two nukes today, huzzah. I decided the hell with it, I'm gonna play Ground War with nuke on and not stop until I get one. Sure enough, in ~5 games I got one.

Rundown TDM
TAR-21 Extended Mags
Akimbo Magnums
Stun Grenade

Scavenger Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Ninja Pro

Oddly enough, I absolutely hate Rundown, especially in domination, and after that first nuke, I got another with the same loadout playing just that 2 games later. I've decided now to leave it on until I get my icon, and then prestige again. I was playing well today, will probably hit up some more tonight.


Did all the good players leave for BC2 or something? I just ran around with the akimbo Uzis for an hour. I don't think I died more than ten times in any of those matches, while racking up 30+ kills.

It's either that or the lag gods are smiling on me.

I'm thinking that I'm just lucking out on getting terrible players. Scrapyard, Ground War-Domination, they're capping B so I just run in and open up. One full clip gone from my Uzis, four people dead.

I'm surprised at how many multikills I get, though.


Decided to get thermal as quick as possible this prestige. Couple 3-4 games and it puts me in a game with bad people and I get the 15ish kills all fast and stuff. Pretty cool.

Also like me some M4; I always seem to do good with when I pick it up after a prestige. PP2000's been doin' me good so far, too.
Okay GAF, help me out here. I'm starting my second prestige today, and I've decided to do a few things differently this time to keep things fresh: I'm going to try LMGs and snipers for the first time. Any pointers? What perks are good for LMGs and snipers? What's the best gun for learning how to snipe? What's a good secondary for a sniper or an LMG?

I've done two straight runs through the game pretty much only using ARs and SMGs. I feel like I should learn the other half of this game and see what it's like.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
divisionbyzorro said:
Okay GAF, help me out here. I'm starting my second prestige today, and I've decided to do a few things differently this time to keep things fresh: I'm going to try LMGs and snipers for the first time. Any pointers? What perks are good for LMGs and snipers? What's the best gun for learning how to snipe? What's a good secondary for a sniper or an LMG?

I've done two straight runs through the game pretty much only using ARs and SMGs. I feel like I should learn the other half of this game and see what it's like.

LMGs I like to go for brute force so I use grip to reduce recoil, stopping power, scavenger for claymores and ammo and steady aim cos LMGs rock for hip fire. sleight of hand might be good too. Cos it's so easy to spray accurately from any range with these, FMJ kills are quite easy to get. You don't need to reload so often now. The key is to move slowly and clear the area since you can't really fun fast or far.
Playing Hardcore derail last night, some guy used an elevator glitch and was sniping the crap out of us, this game just feels so ruined sometimes.


Been messing with the TAR after reading a few posts a couple of pages back. It's a nifty gun indeed, although I have recoil issues when I go full auto. With short bursts, I'm impressed with the long distance accuracy. Looking at Den Kirson damage chart, I'm surprised that it has a higher RoF than the UMP. I suspect now that the TAR does fairly well in a CB+Silencer Kit - it's ironsights are better than the FAL so if what I suspect is correct, my main CB+Silencer Kit will be centered around the TAR (rather than the FAL).

divisionbyzorro said:
Okay GAF, help me out here. I'm starting my second prestige today, and I've decided to do a few things differently this time to keep things fresh: I'm going to try LMGs and snipers for the first time. Any pointers? What perks are good for LMGs and snipers? What's the best gun for learning how to snipe? What's a good secondary for a sniper or an LMG?

I've done two straight runs through the game pretty much only using ARs and SMGs. I feel like I should learn the other half of this game and see what it's like.
Sorry, div - I've got nothing. Similar to you, I'm AR-biased and I've just recently been picking up SMGs right now. I'd be interested to see what other posts here as well since I'm keen on messing with Sniper Guns next. You might want to check out what Hutch and Ensindees (synwyn) are using - those are two guys I think that go with Sniper as their preferred kit.

Edit: I believe that Hutch goes with Akimbo Deagles for his secondary simply for the damage output.


divisionbyzorro said:
Okay GAF, help me out here. I'm starting my second prestige today, and I've decided to do a few things differently this time to keep things fresh: I'm going to try LMGs and snipers for the first time. Any pointers? What perks are good for LMGs and snipers? What's the best gun for learning how to snipe? What's a good secondary for a sniper or an LMG?
LMGs are tough. I just had one of my best games ever on Scrapyard with the L86, but the next match against the same team I was destroyed. I don't know what that says other than that they aren't very reliable and you will not be doing good with them consistently. You just move so slowly which makes any kind of flanking impossible, and everybody's gun is easier to use than yours.

But here are a couple of kits I think work:

L86 LSW with Grip (Good iron sights, good damage, very good for hipfire in CQ, fast reload.)
Thumper or AT4-HS (For when that one guy ducks into perfect cover, but can't leave.)
Marathon (or Scavenger for your launchers)
Stopping Power (or Danger Close for your launchers, I'd go with DC)
Ninja or Steady Aim

This is a campy kit, while still able to quickly move around the map. L86 doesn't need SoH even though it has a longish reload (it's reload is almost on par with RPD *with* SoH). You want launchers instead of basically any other sidearm, mostly because you need to hang back more with LMGs and there are many situations where you can't hit a guy you know is there. Plus you already have a bullet hose, what other secondary is gonna be useful then?

Edit: Oh! This is a beast kit too:

RPD with Grip and Silencer (Steady like an ACR!)
Thumper or AA-12
Stopping Power
Ninja or Steady Aim

For sniping, the easiest way to get into it is this:

Intervention (Maybe with a HBS in the beginning, to get a better feel for when to switch to secondary.)
Akimbo Raffica's (Fast switch but still deadly as fuck!)
Sleight of Hand Pro (Faster ADS means you can camp and look for kills without scoping - then aim, "quickscope," adjust aim, fire.)
Stopping Power Pro (To be able to actually get any kills at all.)
Steady Aim Pro (Longer hold breath for that ADD guy who keeps jumping up and down and shit.)
Tactical Insertion (So you can own your camping spot.)

Intervention is definitely the way to go in the beginning. I hated sniping until I clicked with it, and now that I've gotten some 800 kills with the Intervention, I'm much more comfortable using the weaker WA2000 or even (gasp!) a silenced sniper rifle. Yes, Barrett is technically supposed to be "better," but there just is something with the hitbox or whatever with the Intervention. I can't explain it, but you get those "wait what, I thought he managed to get away?" kills much more often with the Intervention than with any other sniper rifle. I mean, there is a reason why almost everyone uses the Intervention and it's not because bolt rifles are cooler.

Basically, Intervention gives you so many free kills that you feel better at sniping, which in turn will make you actually better at sniping in the long run. It's like training wheels I guess. After you learn the Intervention, the Barrett is probably the better all-round choice (faster put-down time and faster RoF) except for the fact that it's loud and everybody knows where you are when you use it. An alternative is a silenced WA2000 - it often requires you to fire two shots anyway, so you might as well go silenced.

I don't recommend Thermal. It's basically only useful if you stand around and hardscope and scan the environment for kills, but I feel like a regular scope is more versatile and useful in more situations. You can use the regular scope to see what's up further away on the map, for example, and get a feel for what's going on - Thermal can pretty much only get you kills.
Holy fuck I am so sick of the bullshit spawns in this game. I was playing Ground War Domination on Terminal and of course my team is a piece of shit and the other team gets B and C while we get stuck at A. I start off playing pretty well, going like 10-3. Then we begin to get spawn trapped. I shit you not, I spawn and successively die 30 times in a row at A because the other team is just bombarding us with noob toobs, semtex and RPGs with Danger Close on them. How the fuck is the spawn system so broken that it spawns me within 10 feet of the A flag 30 fucking times in a row? Seriously, I'm glad that some people at IW lost their jobs; this shit is unacceptable.


backflip10019 said:
Holy fuck I am so sick of the bullshit spawns in this game. I was playing Ground War Domination on Terminal and of course my team is a piece of shit and the other team gets B and C while we get stuck at A. I start off playing pretty well, going like 10-3. Then we begin to get spawn trapped. I shit you not, I spawn and successively die 30 times in a row at A because the other team is just bombarding us with noob toobs, semtex and RPGs with Danger Close on them. How the fuck is the spawn system so broken that it spawns me within 10 feet of the A flag 30 fucking times in a row? Seriously, I'm glad that some people at IW lost their jobs; this shit is unacceptable.
Tell me about it, I just had a horrible spawn system freakout too. We were playing HQ and during one of the HQ's, their spawn moved at least five times. Five times in 30 seconds! Every single fucking time I took two guys out, they'd move their spawn and come running from my back. It was insane - everybody in our team was like WTF is going on?!
backflip10019 said:
Holy fuck I am so sick of the bullshit spawns in this game. I was playing Ground War Domination on Terminal and of course my team is a piece of shit and the other team gets B and C while we get stuck at A. I start off playing pretty well, going like 10-3. Then we begin to get spawn trapped. I shit you not, I spawn and successively die 30 times in a row at A because the other team is just bombarding us with noob toobs, semtex and RPGs with Danger Close on them. How the fuck is the spawn system so broken that it spawns me within 10 feet of the A flag 30 fucking times in a row? Seriously, I'm glad that some people at IW lost their jobs; this shit is unacceptable.

That's not the spawn system's fault - that's the map's fault. In Domination, the flags pretty much are the spawn points - but on Terminal, there aren't enough escape points out of Alpha to break out when you only have a single point. It's similar to what happens on Highrise (and why I think Highrise needs to be removed from the Domination rotation).

The bookstore at Alpha should have a window to the outside accessible from inside the bookstore. This would give a team who was spawn-trapped at Alpha a back-door escape route to run and either capture Bravo/Charlie, or get up behind the guys watching the spawn and disrupt their operations. It would require the other team to thin out a bit more to cover all the exits.

I know exactly what you're talking about though: it's why whenever we play Terminal, I always tell my teammates to push Charlie and ignore Alpha. Nothing is worse that letting the team that spawns at the bottom of the lobby get Bravo and Charlie right off the bat.
Where is your online mw2 data stored? I'm talking rank/challenges etc not single player stuff. Is it on the HD or a server? Just wouldn't want to lose everything if I had a hard drive failure.


aku:jiki said:
I just had the most bullshit death I've ever had in this game. I just hit my streak and knew that I had another easy kill in the area because I saw a guy just aimlessly crouching around on the UAV. Decided to go for him and help my streak instead of launching that Pred first. I eventually found him and got a SPAS shell in him. Of course, the shitty crouching hitbox let him get away with just a little jelly. Chased him down and blasted him again with his back fully turned, running away from me...

He goes into Last Stand and Commando teleports a good 5 meters in Last Stand. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IN FUCK GOD DAMN IT RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAGE
:lol :lol :lol


backflip10019 said:
Holy fuck I am so sick of the bullshit spawns in this game. I was playing Ground War Domination on Terminal and of course my team is a piece of shit and the other team gets B and C while we get stuck at A. I start off playing pretty well, going like 10-3. Then we begin to get spawn trapped. I shit you not, I spawn and successively die 30 times in a row at A because the other team is just bombarding us with noob toobs, semtex and RPGs with Danger Close on them. How the fuck is the spawn system so broken that it spawns me within 10 feet of the A flag 30 fucking times in a row? Seriously, I'm glad that some people at IW lost their jobs; this shit is unacceptable.

The only people who lost their jobs were the heads of the company.

celestial body said:
Where is your online mw2 data stored? I'm talking rank/challenges etc not single player stuff. Is it on the HD or a server? Just wouldn't want to lose everything if I had a hard drive failure.



MW2 has been my favorite online shooter in years, but I really hope we never see anything remotely as stupid as Akimbo Shotguns in a game again. Ever.

I'm going to pick up Bad Company 2 today. I don't know that it will be able to replace MW2 completely, but so far it sounds like it gives it a great run for its money.

Akimbo anything = I hate you.
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