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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Lionheart1827 said:
Yeah, although I dont remember it being much of a problem in COD4(I only played TDM so I dont know if it was more prevalent in other modes). However, RPGs seemed to be a much bigger problem in that game then the noobtubes were. I also hated the 3 frag spam on wet works.

I'm really interested on what Treyarch is gonna do with Black Ops MP.

When I used to play it, CoD4 on PC (S&D) would go from 8v8 down to about 5v4 after 5 seconds tops. So many of the maps had spawn tube locations. Bad map design? Could have easily been solved with WaW's delay or even a clipping wall in the sky between the spawns or something.


Just played 18-player free for all. Reminded me of CoD4. It was awesome! :D



bobs99 ... said:
Exactly! After how annoying it was on CoD 4 im suprised they brought it back, and also gave out perks like danger close, I want to know what they were thinking in those boardroom meetings.

Danger Close isn't exactly new. Sonic Boom perk from CoD4 anyone? The things that make explosives so viable are Scavenger and OMA. Also, way more noobs are playing MW2 compared to any past CoD game.

I wish the Blast Shield wouldn't disable your radar, I think more people would use it. I really liked using the Flak Jacket perk in WaW because it was useful if you wanted to take on Tanks and didn't have the drawbacks of Blast Shield.
Okay, I *really* try not to bitch and moan about all the overpowered/overused nonsense in this game. I don't quit out of games because I'm losing, I don't call everyone a camper just because they can hold a point better than I can storm it, and I don't yell and scream at other players like I'm 8 years old. I play it pretty much daily unless I have a new game, then I usually don't touch it for a week or two while I play the new one, and I always seem to do a lot better when I come back from a break. That tends to help me not get too tired of the series even though I've put tons of time into CoD4, WaW and MW2.

But I think I've finally had my fill of MW2. It just encourages people to be complete assholes and I can't take it anymore.

All week I've been dealing with an extreme amount of Commando runners, Heartbeat monitor abusers and Thermal snipers. Way more than I've seen in the past. Fine. Whatever. I just change up my tactics and move to my stealth class which helps with pretty much everything except Commando runners and their magic teleports.

But then last match I played, literally the "thump...boom!" sound never stopped. Noobtube after noobtube. It was a solid, constant wave. Every single person had grenade launchers, OMA and probably Danger Close, but I didn't bother to look during the killcams. You usually see a few people with them, but every single person with them shooting randomly non-stop? I've never seen anything like that before. I don't even really mind grenade launchers, it's hardly the biggest evil in the game, but I've NEVER seen anything like that. I was using my stealth class and trying to avoid being anywhere near the rest of my team. Taking the long way around to try to flank the objective points, and every time I turned a corner I was met with an explosion. I never wanted to quit a match so much in my entire life, but I didn't because I didn't want to be one of *those* assholes.

I pray Black Ops fixes some of this insanity. It's still the only MP series I've really gotten into, but IW really went too far with this one. All the embarrassingly childish player titles & emblems should have tipped me off sooner :(


I seem to be running into these commando and/or tubers a lot lately in the past week as well. I wonder though, why do you think people that quit out are assholes? I quit at least a couple rounds a night, it really isn't worth it to pull your hair out at the bullshit. If someone is playing like an asshole I will try to quit out before I get too pissed.
butts said:
I seem to be running into these commando and/or tubers a lot lately in the past week as well. I wonder though, why do you think people that quit out are assholes? I quit at least a couple rounds a night, it really isn't worth it to pull your hair out at the bullshit. If someone is playing like an asshole I will try to quit out before I get too pissed.

Perhaps my wording was a little strong on that. I personally think dropping out of a match because you're losing or your team is behind is a bit childish. How are you going to get better if you just drop out every time you're not doing well? Granted, there are exceptions if people are glitching, but I honestly won't quit unless I've been invited to a game by someone else, and since I usually play alone since I dislike using my mic in CoD games, that's pretty rare. I could count the times I've dropped out of matches in the last 3 CoDs combined on one hand.

Now, people that quit out of matches and then bitch when they get put into a game that's already in progress and stuck on the losing side, those are true assholes. People like that are exactly the reason stuff like that happens.


USD said:
I love Danger Close Pro too much for them to do that. They can dump the Danger Close for all I care, as long as increased air support damage is attached to some other perk.

I think air support is well overpowered without it.

aku:jiki said:
The only one that's still a little too shakey while doing this is the L86, the rest can cause some impressive destruction.

Ironically enough, that's how people use the L86 in real life (I think). Weird how a shorter range pseudo-sniper become the short range LMG...which is oxymoronic enough that it barely works in that role.

aku:jiki said:
I really don't think you'll get a lot of agreement from the community that Lightweight is worse than all the noobtubing. I honestly don't even know how you could think that...

I think Lightweight should've been calculated so that it gives a bigger boost to the heavier weapons instead of making the faster weapons so much faster.

Strider2K99 said:
I wish the Blast Shield wouldn't disable your radar, I think more people would use it. I really liked using the Flak Jacket perk in WaW because it was useful if you wanted to take on Tanks and didn't have the drawbacks of Blast Shield.

Yeah, they should make it up on the d-pad like night vision was since explosives are so prominent.
The quitting/join-in-progress mechanic is seriously broken in this game. Why should I care about another loss in my record from quitting when I get put into lopsided matches in progress all the time? There needs to be a strong quit penalty (I'm a fan of XP debt), and join-in-progress needs to be removed. I'd also suggest implementing quit bans a la Halo Reach.

It's a vicious cycle. I quit matches all the time (i'd say once a session); I don't care about my W/L ratio because for every game I quit, I get put into two matches in progress where I have no chance of winning. So why shouldn't I quit a match if I'm not having fun?

Oh, and sometimes you'll get put right back into the same match that you just quit. Yeah - that's just great.
Yeah, the win loss stat in these games is a joke. I wish they'd just add an option that tells you a game is in progress and asks if you'd like to join. If not, it'll search for the next match. A quitting penalty would be nice as long as they could ensure it wouldn't penalize players that get kicked out due to some Internet anomaly which happens way too often in CoD.

And just for the record, when I'm stuck playing Search and Destroy by myself against a team of 6, those "team" members that quit and left me like that = assholes. :(
I love the join match in progress mechanic and I can deal with getting putting into losing or just finished games. I wish it did give quitters a penalty however like halo but at the same time I wish halo had a join match in progress feature. 1 on 4 slayer is horrible.
divisionbyzorro said:
The quitting/join-in-progress mechanic is seriously broken in this game. Why should I care about another loss in my record from quitting when I get put into lopsided matches in progress all the time? There needs to be a strong quit penalty (I'm a fan of XP debt), and join-in-progress needs to be removed. I'd also suggest implementing quit bans a la Halo Reach.

It's a vicious cycle. I quit matches all the time (i'd say once a session); I don't care about my W/L ratio because for every game I quit, I get put into two matches in progress where I have no chance of winning. So why shouldn't I quit a match if I'm not having fun?

Oh, and sometimes you'll get put right back into the same match that you just quit. Yeah - that's just great.

I would like to add, getting rid of join in progress would make the games feel more like matches, and less like individual exp farming opportunities. I love the team based nature of something like Halo, I love knowing that the guys who trash talk me will be the same guys that are there are the end of the game.

On CoD theres just no satisfaction from winning, as it doesnt feel like a 'team' game, halfway through the match I could be playing a totally different set of guys with different tactics.
I honestly just don't see the point in quitting mid-match. It usually mixes up the teams a bit in the lobby before the next match anyway so it's not like the scenario is going to be exactly the same in the next game. If you leave you're just risking getting put onto another losing team next game you join, or just being stuck right back in the same one.


Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and quit. I don't quit mid-round in any other game I can think of, but this game I have no bad feelings about dropping at the first sign of douchebaggery. MW2 seems to wildly swing from being really awesome to being controller-throwingly bad depending on what lobby you get dropped into.

ThirstyFly said:
I honestly just don't see the point in quitting mid-match. It usually mixes up the teams a bit in the lobby before the next match anyway so it's not like the scenario is going to be exactly the same in the next game. If you leave you're just risking getting put onto another losing team next game you join, or just being stuck right back in the same one.

I play solo most of the time so I am usually dumped in against a group of people vs. a bunch of randoms and me. Another thing I've noticed is that the bigger the group, the lamer and more rage-inducing tactics they will use. You will almost never be on the same team with these people, always against, and for some reason they always decide to gloat about their glorious victory of marathon/lightweight/commando / oma/tube/dc "ownage" in the lobby afterwards which makes it even worse.


You like me, you really really like me!
zero margin said:
I love the join match in progress mechanic and I can deal with getting putting into losing or just finished games. I wish it did give quitters a penalty however like halo but at the same time I wish halo had a join match in progress feature. 1 on 4 slayer is horrible.

Pretty much. I don't mind joining games where my team is down or the game is just being finished. As long as I don't end up in 1 v 4 situations like in Halo.

Nothing is more boring and mundane in Halo than being the only guy on your team who didn't quit and having to wait out the rest of the 8 - 10 minutes of the match so you don't get an EXP penalty.

IW did it right with CoD4 and MW2. Join in progress = Good.
Cerrius said:
Pretty much. I don't mind joining games where my team is down or the game is just being finished. As long as I don't end up in 1 v 4 situations like in Halo.

Nothing is more boring and mundane in Halo than being the only guy on your team who didn't quit and having to wait out the rest of the 8 - 10 minutes of the match so you don't get an EXP penalty.

IW did it right with CoD4 and MW2. Join in progress = Good.

Oh yeah agreed there, trouble is, join in progress leads to unbalanced teams on cod in general, people dont mind quitting, and unless 1 lone player is searching its unlikely the slot will get filled.

I think Halo Reach will perfect this, theyre looking into ways to make it 'better', if it becomes 4v1 they may either give the solo guy an opportunity to just end the game, or they will give him better weapons.


Gosh darnit.

The 360 logo at the end of the trailer and Best Buy promotion thing isn't very encouraging for PS3 and PC players looking forward to not getting stuff later than everyone else for BO.
Xux said:
Gosh darnit.

The 360 logo at the end of the trailer and Best Buy promotion thing isn't very encouraging for PS3 and PC players looking forward to not getting stuff later than everyone else for BO.

What's the Best Buy promotion?



I just found out @BestBuy is offering $20 off 4,000 Microsoft Points cards this week with a pre-order of #CODBlackOps!

I just fear Sony isn't paying them off enough to offset Microsoft's encouragement for exclusives.
Cerrius said:
IW did it right with CoD4 and MW2. Join in progress = Good.

It makes up for so many of matchmakings problems. And it makes joining matches so quick!

Laggy match? Crappy map? Crappy gametype? Douchebag teamkiller teamates? Just quit out and find another match in 20 seconds. So easy, and no one cares since you'll be replaced! I love it.
Played hardcore TDM for the first time (almost fifth prestige, yeah I know) and first thing I do is kill a teammate with a predator. What do you guys who play that mode use A) weapon set up and B) killstreaks.

Help appreciated, fun mode, love the (more) authentic feel.


zero margin said:
Played hardcore TDM for the first time (almost fifth prestige, yeah I know) and first thing I do is kill a teammate with a predator. What do you guys who play that mode use A) weapon set up and B) killstreaks.

Help appreciated, fun mode, love the (more) authentic feel.

I like pure stealth for hardcore, so:

Weapon of choice w/Silencer
Sleight of Hand Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro

are the important ones for me. Sitrep if people are abusing claymores and such.
Strider2K99 said:
I like pretty much pure stealth for hardcore, so:

Weapon of choice w/Silencer
Sleight of Hand Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro

are the important ones. Sitrep if people are abusing claymores and such.

ok cool, I use silenced almost all the time anyway (SCAR, TAR), I'll switch predator to something else like UAV. Radars only appear with UAV's in hardcore? Pretty damn handy.


zero margin said:
ok cool, I use silenced almost all the time anyway (SCAR, TAR), I'll switch predator to something else like UAV. Radars only appear with UAV's in hardcore? Pretty damn handy.

A lot of people like to go stealth like Striker in Hardcore so UAV might not be that useful.


bobs99 ... said:
You dont need to use more than 2 noob tubes to kill a camper...

And what do you do when the ENTIRE opposing team is camping? Or the same guy keeps going back to the same spot? Should I have to die/kill myself every time I finally get rid of a camper just to get more ammo to kill another camper? They need to fix all these things before nerfing OMA:

-Fix the spawns
-Fix the host selection
-Fix the spawns
-Fix Commando
-Fix the spawns
-Remove Last Stand
-Fix the spawns
-Remove auto-aim or at least give an option to turn it off
-Fix the spawns
-Put in some form of lag compensation
-Fix the spawns
-Put in votekick
-Fix the spawns

It's bullshit that the game already fucks you over if you don't camp, and now they want to cripple one of the few reliable anti-camper weapons. Mind-boggling. I guess that's what you'd expect from a company who botched a game as badly as this.
Cerrius said:
Pretty much. I don't mind joining games where my team is down or the game is just being finished. As long as I don't end up in 1 v 4 situations like in Halo.

Nothing is more boring and mundane in Halo than being the only guy on your team who didn't quit and having to wait out the rest of the 8 - 10 minutes of the match so you don't get an EXP penalty.

IW did it right with CoD4 and MW2. Join in progress = Good.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each system for sure. But if you have a harsh quit penalty, including but not limited to temporary bans for serial quitters, you'll have less quitters overall. Thus, you'll have less of a need for join-in-progress. And if your teammates quit, you should have your experience increased by a multiplier based on the differential between teams (as a good sport bonus).

Here's a random idea. What about voting to forfeit? The option would be available if you're losing by a significant margin, and if 2/3 of your team agrees, the game ends immediately. I'm sure there are reasons why it's a bad idea, but it's something that just occurred to me.
divisionbyzorro said:
There are advantages and disadvantages to each system for sure. But if you have a harsh quit penalty, including but not limited to temporary bans for serial quitters, you'll have less quitters overall. Thus, you'll have less of a need for join-in-progress. And if your teammates quit, you should have your experience increased by a multiplier based on the differential between teams (as a good sport bonus).

If a game puts a quitting penalty in, they are essentially saying 'Since our matchmaking is so awesome, you will always be able to find the perfect game, no lag, great map, great gametype, great players. Thus if you quit, you're a rage quitting crybaby'. Now obviously no game can make that claim, so they have no business throwing in quitting penalties.

Right now you guys got a good system. It's super fast, and yet affords you a decent amount of control over your experience. Add in quitting penalties and all of the sudden you're throwing all that away and will have no escape from whatever vile circumstance matchmaking throws you into. And for what? The knowledge that you're all suffering together?

I've seen and played these systems with Halo and Uncharted 2. Right now, someone quits in a match, no one cares, someone will replace them soon enough. If someone quits in Halo or Uncharted 2, the match is basically ruined, and you've lost not only the extra time it took to get matched up, but you're now stuck wasting your time in the match! Lest you get penalized too!

Man just consider the consequences, you guys are just tripping over yourselves to give up any semblance of choice you have left. HaloGAF is already lost, don't follow in their footsteps!


I think being able to op out of joining a game in progress without penalty would be enough of a fix for me.

The whole forfeit vote thing and/or an experience bonus for staying for the games everyone would op out of helping you with sounds cool, too.


TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Well, I know the maps come out tomorrow, but I'm hoping for a bundle for $20.

Do you think it'll happen?

I think there's an extremely slim chance of that happening before the BO map packs start coming.


Xux said:
I think air support is well overpowered without it.
Danger Close Pro helps a lot with air strikes. I don't think I've ever got hit markers with DCP on, it's either a kill or miss. It also makes Chopper Gunner kills much faster so I can move on to the next target.

As far as air support goes, since I've been using One Man Army, I've never had a problem with it. Air support is incredibly easy to destroy in MW2.


USD said:
Danger Close Pro helps a lot with air strikes. I don't think I've ever got hit markers with DCP on, it's either a kill or miss. It also makes Chopper Gunner kills much faster so I can move on to the next target.

Yeah, that does sound pretty overpowered.

USD said:
As far as air support goes, since I've been using One Man Army, I've never had a problem with it. Air support is incredibly easy to destroy in MW2.

Yeah, it is.


Xux said:
Yeah, that does sound pretty overpowered.
I've found airstrikes to be far less effective in MW2 compared to COD4 for multiple reasons, they can definitely use the damage bump.


TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Well, I know the maps come out tomorrow, but I'm hoping for a bundle for $20.

Do you think it'll happen?

Who knows. WaW had a bundle, but it came out some 4 months after the last map pack. So if one does come out, it could be a bit of a wait.

Also, CoD2 map packs never got bundled.


Do we know what time the maps hit? I am so ready for some carnival action. :D

Edit: Damn, check out the awesome editing in this montage trailer! :lol


cdyhybrid said:
It's bullshit that the game already fucks you over if you don't camp, and now they want to cripple one of the few reliable anti-camper weapons. Mind-boggling. I guess that's what you'd expect from a company who botched a game as badly as this.
I don't understand why you need more than two tubes to take out a camper? Why do you need OMA for anti-camping? And why can't you just use smart manouvering and bullets like the rest of us? Campers aren't invincible.


Mayyhem said:
Did they ever mention why they arent making any Emblems and Titles in updates/dlc?
There's a post way back on Bowling's Twitter asking for suggestions but nothing ever materialised. It's a shame - it'd add so much more perceived value to the packs if they were in there, and don't even get me started on SpecOps.

I also kinda wish there were achievements tied to multiplayer, too. Nothing too crazy, but stuff like 'master one of each weapon class'.


Fourzerotwo said the title update is up for the Map Pack a couple hours ago. Said it'd take a couple hours for everyone to get it.
cdyhybrid said:
It's bullshit that the game already fucks you over if you don't camp, and now they want to cripple one of the few reliable anti-camper weapons. Mind-boggling. I guess that's what you'd expect from a company who botched a game as badly as this.

Agreed pretty much. I have a OMA/Danger Close noob tube class that I whip out anytime someone is pissing me off with Commando lunges or super soldier sprinting bullshit. Haven't touched the game in a few weeks but before I took a break, seems I was beingt forced to bring out the class virtually every game. It's broken beyond belief and this is one of the last things they should worry about fixing. There's always Scavenger though, if whatever fix is coming bothers you too much. I wouldn't expect IW to be competent enough to ever tweak Commando or the spawn system :lol


Bumblebeetuna said:
Agreed pretty much. I have a OMA/Danger Close noob tube class that I whip out anytime someone is pissing me off with Commando lunges or super soldier sprinting bullshit. Haven't touched the game in a few weeks but before I took a break, seems I was beingt forced to bring out the class virtually every game. It's broken beyond belief and this is one of the last things they should worry about fixing. There's always Scavenger though, if whatever fix is coming bothers you too much. I wouldn't expect IW to be competent enough to ever tweak Commando or the spawn system :lol
This is the awesomeness that is SitRep Pro. I can hear MLCs coming from a mile away. The only people that can catch me are the ffew people who opt for Ninja Pro instead, but they don't have the million mile lunge.


I think there is a lot of whine here from people who just keep making the same mistakes. I used to hate knife runners, noobtubers, campers etc but they are easy bait if you know what you are doing. I can however imagine that it is frustrating for people who are just getting into the game. I used to have the same issue but once you learn the game there is hardly any trouble with it.

The only real issue I have with the game is that spawns can be seriously fucked up at times.
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