Red Blaster
Friend in Tampa just told me his store had over 900 pre-orders. Crazy.
Red Blaster said:Friend in Tampa just told me his store had over 900 pre-orders. Crazy.
The comparisons are for console gamers indecisive about which version to choose. Presumably, anyone with a modern gaming rig wouldnt be conflicted at all in their decision, they'd play it at 120 fps in 1080p.Pctx said:If you want to talk about performance then you should be talking about the PC version. The consoles performance is negligible.
Rez said:disgusting != objectionable
I thought it was powerful. I'm not quite sure what they were trying to say, though.
And also,calling it 'just a video game' is belittling for the whole medium. Don't do that.
Probably could show up half an hour late, and there would still be a line. I was with my friends for Halo 2, and I did GTAIV alone.whytemyke said:I've never done a midnight release guys. Can you show up at gamestop at like 12:15 and still get your game or do they pretty much close once the line is gone? Can anyone give me some details on what to expect? Do I have to go get in line early? Should I wait for tomorrow if I don't wanna have a huge affair made out of it?
I appreciate any advice you all can give me.![]()
Ogs said:Ok, Single Player complete, ive gone through the entire damn thing in 1 sitting since my last post :lol What a ride.......
Theyve completely gone tits mental with the story, its like a thoroughly enjoyable season of 24 :lol
There are some absolutely spectactular moments, and a bit that will make everyone shout with glee![]()
How long did it take me ? 4 hours 30 minutes pretty much bang on, i did sort of play to the pace of the game (PUSH FORWARD). I havent touched spec ops yet or multiplayer, and then theres all the Steam achievements left to get.
Better than MW1 ? I would say not quite, simply because MW1 had a couple of absolutely brilliant parts such as All Ghillied Up, but the stuff they do is still above and beyond what everyone else does (exception being Uncharted 2).
Fucking hell i need some sleep, but i cant as i promised my army buddy il pick him up a cheap copy from Sainsburys at 7am :lol Hell ive even got a cold thats fucking with my head.
Graphics looked about the same as MW1 but with some neat new effects, and 1 level just looks absolutely mind blowing. Pretty sure the PC has some higher resolution textures, especially with the characters models, they look pretty much as good as Crysis. My system ran the game at pretty much 60+ FPS solid throughout the most of it, with drops in only the most intensive of scenes (Q6600, 4GB DDR2, 5770 1GB).
Now i get to try out the all new IWNet stuff, should be "interesting".....
Anyway, heres a screenshot from the training level for those interested -
Right, time to chill a bit, get some painkillers down me and then crack on with multiplayer![]()
whytemyke said:I've never done a midnight release guys. Can you show up at gamestop at like 12:15 and still get your game or do they pretty much close once the line is gone? Can anyone give me some details on what to expect? Do I have to go get in line early? Should I wait for tomorrow if I don't wanna have a huge affair made out of it?
I appreciate any advice you all can give me.![]()
Red Blaster said:Friend in Tampa just told me his store had over 900 pre-orders. Crazy.
MirageDwarf said:Unbelievable!!!
whytemyke said:I've never done a midnight release guys. Can you show up at gamestop at like 12:15 and still get your game or do they pretty much close once the line is gone? Can anyone give me some details on what to expect? Do I have to go get in line early? Should I wait for tomorrow if I don't wanna have a huge affair made out of it?
I appreciate any advice you all can give me.![]()
Ogs said:Ok, Single Player complete, ive gone through the entire damn thing in 1 sitting since my last post :lol What a ride.......
it's an IW single player campaign. in all fairness, you should know what you're getting into at this point.brain_stew said:4 and a half hours, that's.......not good.
The facial models seem to have improved quite a bit but the rest looks to be the same old COD fare.
gibration said:Is anyone making a GAF chat on PSN?
FromTheFuture said:Whats my chance of just walking in store tomorrow and picking up a copy?
-PXG- said:If you can, show up before midnight or midnight on the dot. What I hated most about midnight launches was the jackass (who called earlier to verify) who would come at like 12:30 or 12:45, after everyone else had left. By then (at least at my store), the registers are closed, we're cleaning up and counting the deposit.
Reason why? If you do it for one person, you're going to have to do it for everyone. Plus, they (the customer) are going to think they can get away with it over and over again. We would always let people know when to show up and an estimated time when we would be done.
gnarkill bill said:Hit up Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc. You should be fine.
FromTheFuture said:Whats my chance of just walking in store tomorrow and picking up a copy? I've never preordered a game and I've never failed to get a game day 1. But all these 900 preorder anecdotes are scaring me.
whytemyke said:I've never done a midnight release guys. Can you show up at gamestop at like 12:15 and still get your game or do they pretty much close once the line is gone? Can anyone give me some details on what to expect? Do I have to go get in line early? Should I wait for tomorrow if I don't wanna have a huge affair made out of it?
I appreciate any advice you all can give me.![]()
CcrooK said:Wait, PXG, what list you adding? PS3? 360?
-PXG- said:Guaranteed a copy. You shouldn't have a problem....unless....
Wanna know a secret?
I never did this, because I knew it was wrong, and I just felt bad. Corporate gives us shit about our numbers. How many pre-orders, Edge card subscriptions, used games we've sold, ect. Because of that, employees push that stuff, so they can keep the higher ups off their asses. Anyway, some employees refused to sell a game, to a customer who was reluctant to pre-order a game, that they were, 100%, going to buy the first day. They would claim the store was sold out and awaiting another shipment.
Yeah, it's shitty and bad. But (and I am not condoning it), it sucks when customers, who plan on coming to the same store, day one, for that game, don't pre-order. There shouldn't be any reason why they can't plunk down $5 towards their game. Plus, most games come with little "gifts". Yeah....some customers would go APE if they didn't get their bonuses
-PXG- said:Guaranteed a copy. You shouldn't have a problem....unless....
Wanna know a secret?
I never did this, because I knew it was wrong, and I just felt bad. Corporate gives us shit about our numbers. How many pre-orders, Edge card subscriptions, used games we've sold, ect. Because of that, employees push that stuff, so they can keep the higher ups off their asses. Anyway, some employees refused to sell a game, to a customer who was reluctant to pre-order a game, that they were, 100%, going to buy the first day. They would claim the store was sold out and awaiting another shipment.
Yeah, it's shitty and bad. But (and I am not condoning it), it sucks when customers, who plan on coming to the same store, day one, for that game, don't pre-order. There shouldn't be any reason why they can't plunk down $5 towards their game. Plus, most games come with little "gifts". Yeah....some customers would go APE if they didn't get their bonuses
Ecto311 said:The line gone at 12:15? Halo 3 and Halo 2 took forever to get the line down. I was in the middle of both lines and it took forever. I left around 1:00am both times. I would get there a tad early or just go tomorrow. In all the times I went, I just stood in line with my wife until it started to move and listened to all ignorant stories from others in line. Others bragging or making up shit to impress others that were there for their kids. It sucks as you get older and that's the reason I went to amazon and will go to amazon for all my recent games to come out.
tHoMNZ said:At least the game is balanced for print screen
:lol Yeah.igotnewsuper8 systemWRONG! said:Something about MacTavish's haircut makes me think he has been playing a bit too much Killzone.
Blader5489 said:For people who have the game:
I have no interest in MP and will never play it. Is this worth the purchase for just the SP and Spec Ops?