Sold.nib95 after a few hours with the game, I'm just not very impressed. In-fact, I'm actually disappointed. My main complaints with the game lie with the aimlessness of it all. At times it feels almost serious sam like. And the amount of confusion and misdirection is just jarring. Things are going on from every direction, but it's never very clear which makes battles a tad confusing. I don't think the red blood/damage indicator is sufficient, especially when at times you can be getting shot from pretty much every angle. Half the time I was just clueless as to where I was supposed to shoot. And even when you do, the amount of effects, debris and smoke that come off sort of blur your vision to add to the confusion. The fact that the games constantly dogging you to get behind cover, when there isn't even a proper cover system (something the game desperately needs imo) doesn't help either. Just adds to the sloppiness of gunplay. It reminds me a little of RE5, where a lack of control options often lead to more deaths than actual player skill.
Then there's the auto aim. Ok, have they increased the amount or have times just moved on? The zoom in auto aim is just stupidly generous. It literally moves half the screen to click in to place. What the hell? It's like spoon feeding you kills. It's better to zoom in and out continuously and blindly (guaranteeing you insta locks) than it is to take your time and aim around zoomed in. I find that absurd, and totally anti-skill or reward.
Lastly, the narrative. I can't help but feel it's a tad blotchy and rushed. Elements just aren't fitting together very concisely, and I don't feel I'm getting a sense of the characters or plot much yet at all. For example,The menu's and interface events are slick, and aesthetically stunning, but how well they help the narrative/characters drive forward and actually embed themselves in the players mind, I'm not so sure.after the Airport level, which by the way I think was probably unnecessarily extreme, the way the main villain just shoots the under cover agent, it all happens so quick and so anti-climatically, you could almost miss it, and all the events that follow just seem rushed and loose as well.
I also think, the audio need some balancing. Voices are sometimes too soft/quiet, or change in pitch to variables that don't quite seem levelled properly.
On the pus sides, I loved the snow level (a nice pace, and cool effects), though the simplicity of the climbing was a bit un-ambitious (R1/L1 over and over repetitively like 100 times). The atmosphere is also really powerful in segments, in particular the art direction and colour schemes. It all looks quite raw and realistic, if a little on the light side.
So yea, so far, I'm finding it a bit difficult to see the AAA brilliance of the title. It seems like a very messy affair currently. Don't get me wrong, it's very polished with respect to the controls, but not (imo) so far in game design, where it seems to be all over the place and lacking in focus.
Will carry on and update with impressions later down the line. Maybe I just need to warm to the controls and pace of the game a little more, extremely frenetic and busy.
Yea well I have CAL-i proof!TheExodu5 said:Waiting in line from 11:20 to around 12:30. PC version was actually $49.99 (CDN), and I got a free 4 pack of Monster Energy (worth $10). I was planning on staying up tonight (got a quiz at 8:30 so I'll be staying up until then).
Installing now.
Will report on lag issues shortly. I am extremely sensitive to lag, btw (previous cs 1.6 cal-m experience, if that matters).
Well, you know, gotta check if they want to reserve any upcoming releases, and wait, I can get you more trade-in credit.CitizenCope said:Big F U to the Woburn MA Gamestop. Waited an hour and it looked like I still had 90 minutes before I'd get my copy so I left empty handed for the night. Seriously wtf, a customer was coming out of the store every 3-4 minutes. WTH is taking so long with 2 registers.
Coin Return said:Gonna chow down on my Taco Bell, then it's on!
wonkyaddict said:The front of the Hardened Edition says IW4 so I guess they still don't acknowledge Treyarch.
KoruptData said:So my trophies never installed. Is there a work around?
Its there job.. why shop there if you dont even like it.. retard.Foxtastical said:Well, you know, gotta check if they want to reserve any upcoming releases, and wait, I can get you more trade-in credit.
If I'm behind a customer at the register, and they pull that shit, I walk out of the store. I can't stand it anymore.
TurtleSnatcher said:Its there job.. why shop there if you dont even like it.. retard.
Full Recovery said:if anyone wants to play PS3 send me a friend request because I'm playing all night.
Captain N said:a few questions..
does the ps3 version have an install?
What do you guys think the split will be with PS3 / 360?
How many kids are going to wake up christmas morning only to find out santa got them Modern Warfare 1 because it was cheaper?
ergo said:I don't know if anyone else remembers this, but when I played the original CoD's SP there was a truck chase. When I played through cod4, the end truck chase reminded me of that. I swear it seems like IW reuses scenarios.
Y2Kev said:KoruptData
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(Today, 01:10 AM)
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gg guyFoxtastical said:Well, you know, gotta check if they want to reserve any upcoming releases, and wait, I can get you more trade-in credit.
If I'm behind a customer at the register, and they pull that shit, I walk out of the store. I can't stand it anymore.
If you had read a little bit of the thread you would have seen that only step two, and not step one, would have been necessary. This should work until you reset your system at least! AND THEN, WHO KNOWS?!?!?KoruptData said:Yep thats me!! There is nothing in the OP about it. But I went and deleted my save and reloaded the game and that worked. Good thing I did not play too far into the SP.
Rez said:that's sort of what I meant. the game plays out in the exact same way, regardless of whether or not they're technically respawning. you can't just sit in one area and hope to kill everyone during mid to large scale shoot-outs; at least, not from my experience.
Similar levels but not with the same impact as AGU.salva said:Is there any level as epic as All Guillied Up?
Gary Whitta said:Dare I brave midnight opening? Ugh...
Gary Whitta said:Dare I brave midnight opening? Ugh...
gratsgot2bekidding said:So I finally got my own copy to play. There were about 100 people spread out between Gamestop and Walmart, waiting for this release during a tropical storm. I'm glad I wasn't the only crazy one out there.
got2bekidding said:So I finally got my own copy to play. There were about 100 people spread out between Gamestop and Walmart waiting for this release during a tropical storm. I'm glad I wasn't the only crazy one out there.
Another crazy person! ^5 :lolNot a Jellyfish said:Lol I hear you on that. I am in Gulf Breeze (right next to Pensacola, Fl). Surprisingly lots of people out.
Coin Return said:Just got back, and it was definitely the biggest videogame launch I've ever been to. At least 150 people snaked around the shopping plaza:
The faint red light in the distance is Gamestop, plus there was about 50 more people behind me. Gonna chow down on my Taco Bell, then it's on!
got2bekidding said:Another crazy person! ^5 :lol