Tenkai Star
For gods sake think about the kitties!!!glaurung said:Every time someone pays full price for the Prestige edition, Bobby Kotick rapes a kitten.
For gods sake think about the kitties!!!glaurung said:Every time someone pays full price for the Prestige edition, Bobby Kotick rapes a kitten.
johnFkennedy said:Hit right on the d-pad.
glaurung said:Every time someone pays full price for the Prestige edition, Bobby Kotick rapes a kitten.
GodofWine said:Connectivity issues on day one....NO WAY!!! :lol
El_TigroX said:I get the reference.
In the cut scene before the airport mission you see a guy's body (presumably your characters) and he's getting tattoos put on him. I instantly thought of Eastern Promises. I think they dropped the ball a bit in that they didn't explore that a bit more, but I thought the airport scene was effective. You participate in a massacre and then are scapegoated for it. I think the scene works.
KiKaL said:damn I'm going to give in, lets hope I can find this somewhere on my lunch break since I didn't pre-order. I will be able to go into a store and find it today right? Or is tomorrow the real day? I always get so confused.
Does anyone know if UPS is working tomorrow? More than likely I'm going to be at work when the UPS truck comes to my house, so I'm thinking about picking this up at best buy and then returning my unopened Amazon copy to BB...
Freedom = $1.05 said:I hate to quote myself but this thread is moving fast and I figured that someone has to know the answer to my question.
From UPS said:UPS 2009 Holiday Schedule
In the United States, UPS observes the following holidays:
Memorial Day - May 25, 2009*
Independence Day - July 4, 2009*
Labor Day - September 7, 2009*
Thanksgiving Day - November 26, 2009*
Day after Thanksgiving - November 27, 2009**
Christmas Day - December 25, 2009*
New Year's Eve - December 31, 2009**
New Year's Day - January 1, 2010*
In addition, the following holidays are recognized, but not observed:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - January 19, 2009
Lincoln's Birthday - February 12, 2009
Valentine's Day - February 14, 2009
President's Day - February 16, 2009
Washington's Birthday - February 16, 2009
Ash Wednesday - February 25, 2009
St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2009
Passover - April 9, 2009
Good Friday - April 10, 2009
Flag Day - June 14, 2009
Rosh Hashanah - September 19, 2009
Yom Kippur - September 28, 2009
Columbus Day - October 12, 2009
Veteran's Day - November 11, 2009
Hanukkah - December 12, 2009
Christmas Eve - December 24, 2009***
ultron87 said:So despite how sad I was at seeing a bunch of people buy them, I have to ask: any Night Vision Goggle impressions? I just wanna know if it was a giant rip off or actually somewhat cool.
ultron87 said:So despite how sad I was at seeing a bunch of people buy them, I have to ask: any Night Vision Goggle impressions? I just wanna know if it was a giant rip off or actually somewhat cool.
I really appreciate it. I guess I'm picking it up at BB todayShallNoiseUpon said:So, yes, they are working tomorrow.
gibration said:If anyone here wants to party up for some Spec-Ops or MP on PSN later on today, add me. PSN ID: gibration
Violater said:the only game that can get away with such short a campaign.
I have the NVGs. They're not bad, but they're not great either. Image is quite blurry but they work enough to walk around in the pitch black. I've nothing else to compare them with, maybe if I'd tried an expensive pair first I'd call them complete rubbish but they perform as I expected them to.ALeperMessiah said:I'd like to know as well. Halo 3 ruined mega editions for me, but I want to know just how shitty those night vision goggles are.
EDIT: ^^^ Thanks.
RubxQub said:Bad ass as in it made you feel like a bad ass, or bad ass as in it heightened the moment's drama?
Not having played the scene, I can only hope that their intent wasn't to make you feel like a badass in that moment.
LiquidMetal14 said:So no trophies for MP even if you registered them to XMB pre 1.01?
Or are they retroactive?
micromagic said:I have the NVGs. They're not bad, but they're not great either. Image is quite blurry but they work enough to walk around in the pitch black. I've nothing else to compare them with, maybe if I'd tried an expensive pair first I'd call them complete rubbish but they perform as I expected them to.
sullytao said:Just seen IGN and Gametrailers review. I agree with them on every part except the story. I personally think the story is amazing and well presented. In a first person shooter games seeing the plot unfold through your point of view is much more engaging than watching it through a cutscene.
IGN UK also say they think the story is poorly put together and confusing again I disagree. All of this is ofcourse my personal opinion but I thought it flows very well with buildup and tension for some of the games big surprises. The characters are very likable and feel real. It helps that there all voice acted by very competant and talented people (Keith David is a legend).
All in all I loved every second of the campaign. Its not very long but the campaign itself has plenty of replay value and more than its fair share of hell yeah moments.
CrazedArabMan said:The only problem is the final score didn't seem to take into effect that they were ragging on the story.
Yeah thats like complaining about the fact that you don't actually play Fotball in a Fotball Manager game.amstradcpc said:Those problems only count on other games.
amstradcpc said:Those problems only count on other games.
It did cross my mind, there is a park across from where I live, but I'd likely get set upon by a bunch of druggies.ultron87 said:Did you stalk a few people through a park or something as a test run?
Also, do they make the "night vision goggle sound" when you turn them on?
Freedom = $1.05 said:Hey folks, started a Gamertag thread over at Online. Here's the link. Enjoy!
Captain N said:one of the few people who link to neogaf.net..it caught me guard.
Each negative comment in a review is worth .5 points, correct? You take all of them and subtract from 10, right?amstradcpc said:Those problems only count on other games.
Freedom = $1.05 said:Yeah, neogaf.com is blocked @ work, yet neogaf.net works perfectly fine. Silly, ain't it :lol
Michael McWhertor said:Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson answers the call of duty in the highly charged Modern Warfare 2, developer Infinity Ward's immediate successor to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.