Zzoram said:360 gets timed exclusive on first 2 map packs
DMPrince said:oh. what is the date of the DLC anyways?It gives IW time to polish the DLC for ps3
Zzoram said:360 gets timed exclusive on first 2 map packs
DMPrince said:oh. what is the date of the DLC anyways?It gives IW time to polish the DLC for ps3
MrPliskin said:Yea, good 'ol american dollar fucking up the videogame industry once again.
Jesus christ this is stupid...
I'm seriously done with the fucking practices this generation, Publishers (and the fucking money grubbing Sony / MS) have lost it and are ruining the industry.
HixxSAFC said:Wasn't a huge fan of CoD4, but man I'm addicted. Me and a mate have rushed through the first 4 Spec Ops things in the last 4 hours on veteran and I'm now well into the multiplayer. My eyes are frigging knacking :lol
I do! I am not a fan of tutorials. They are slow, they really do a terrible job of bringing you into the game and immersing you, but rather make you feel like a 2 year old where you are hoping around like an idiot looking for some fun in the 5ftx5ft pen with invisible walls you are fenced in. I don't mind them, but make the manual properly and make the tutorials skipable. I really did not need it in MW2.ALeperMessiah said:Again, it's just a manual. Almost every manual this gen has been that way. While you make like your manuals 90% of people don't even crack them open, which is why developers now push tutorial levels on us. The world has passed the instruction manual by, I don't miss it.
soldat7 said:This makes me happy. I really didn't like COD4.
Yeah.goldsoundz said:I was feeling too guilty to notice.
MrPliskin said:I'm seriously done with the fucking practices this generation, Publishers (and the fucking money grubbing Sony / MS) have lost it and are ruining the industry.
Zzoram said:Timed exclusives are nothing to get your panties in a bunch over. Retailer exclusive pre-order items that you can't get in any other way are the only really bad practice. Nobody ordered LBP at 3 retailers to get all the exclusive costumes, but if you didn't do that, you'd be missing some cool ones.
MrPliskin said:Yea, good 'ol american dollar fucking up the videogame industry once again.
Jesus christ this is stupid...
I'm seriously done with the fucking practices this generation, Publishers (and the fucking money grubbing Sony / MS) have lost it and are ruining the industry.
MrPliskin said:I think it is a big problem, because ultimately it sways buying decisions and corporate affiliations.
In the end, it just screws the consumer. Honestly, I am regretting getting the PS3 version (rather, getting this damn game at all). I just don't think it's the place of a Manufacturer to pen any deals (especially if monetary compensation is involved) in order to get a foot hold in market share. Hell, Activision has been very very close with Microsoft, and has been lambasting Sony for quite some time, and I find that disturbing givin the size of both Activision and Microsoft (and Sony's position).
I'm not for or against any publishers or manufacturers, however, I am against relationships like this as they can be detrimental to the industry.
While this one instance of exclusive DLC (timed or not) is not enough to crush the competition, continued practices like this ultimately hurt market share for one competitor or the other, be it software or hardware sales. I'd hate to see MS and Activision get too chummy and get in bed together making games exclusively for one platform (or Two with PC). I just don't think these kind of relationships are healthy for the industry.
OldJadedGamer - I understand that. Sony has a long history of doing the same bullshit, but it certainly feels like both of the big players have been considerably more aggresive this generation in obtaining exclusive rights and partnerships. I really wouldn't be worried if Sony wasn't in such bad shape. Not that I'm for or against either, but I know I absolutely do not want to see Sony fall out of the "console race". If they shut down their gaming division then we can pretty much hang it up for a while and go back to PC gaming until someone else steps in. Nintendo + MS is not enough "competition" to keep the market healthy.
Jonsoncao said:eh...
time exclusive mappack for modern warfare 1 also, I thought ppl already get used to it
Major Williams said:Do people actually enjoy doing that in real life? That's fucked up...
MrPliskin said:While this one instance of exclusive DLC (timed or not) is not enough to crush the competition, continued practices like this ultimately hurt market share for one competitor or the other, be it software or hardware sales. I'd hate to see MS and Activision get too chummy and get in bed together making games exclusively for one platform (or Two with PC). I just don't think these kind of relationships are healthy for the industry..
Rummy was all over MW1 too. It's hardly politicization, the man had the job.lawblob said:Does anyone else find the frequency of quotes by Donald Rumsfeld in death animations odd or offputting?
From a purely business perspective, I would not want ANY appearance of politicization near my cash cow product. I have to chalk this up to yet another thing IW has done which should have been reconsidered.
360 never got the joker did they? and the DLC for BL is free for 2 weeks after that it's paid DLC.TruHero said:Did you have the same objections with PS3 getting the exclusive Joker content for Batman AA? Or how the PS3 is getting Brutal Legend DLC for free?
DMPrince said:360 never got the joker did they? and the DLC for BL is free for 2 weeks after that it's paid DLC.
Sean said:Gotta love XBL http://qkpic.com/98a17 *sigh* how does shit like that make it past the gamertag filter :lol
Stay classy 14 year olds.Sean said:Gotta love XBL http://qkpic.com/98a17 *sigh* how does shit like that make it past the gamertag filter :lol
Y2Kev said:Went and bought a copy. Will return my other one. Seriously, screw amazon.
Y2Kev said:Went and bought a copy. Will return my other one. Seriously, screw amazon.
Class_A_Ninja said:I wondered why I wasn't getting any trophies on the PS3 version. Who knew?
I didn't order from Amazon, but I'm curious if they compensate for missing the release date delivery?Y2Kev said:Went and bought a copy. Will return my other one. Seriously, screw amazon.
Darn trophies are still screwed up huh? Just got my copy from Amazon but wont be home until later tonight. Hope a patch goes up soon.HixxSAFC said:Wasn't a huge fan of CoD4, but man I'm addicted. Me and a mate have rushed through the first 4 Spec Ops things in the last 4 hours on veteran and I'm now well into the multiplayer. My eyes are frigging knacking :lol
Bit bummed about the PS3 trophy problems though![]()
got2bekidding said:I didn't order from Amazon, but I'm curious if they compensate for missing the release date delivery?
TruHero said:Did you have the same objections with PS3 getting the exclusive Joker content for Batman AA? Or how the PS3 is getting Brutal Legend DLC for free?
Y2Kev said:Went and bought a copy. Will return my other one. Seriously, screw amazon.
Nope.Ken Masters said:any notable differences between the ps3/360 versions?