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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


johnFkennedy said:
Anybody else not get the right amount of prestige tokens? For some reason the game isn't recognizing the fact that I prestiged in Black Ops.

I don't have any and I prestiged in MW2 and Black Ops, does it even work for the PC version?
Maps are too small. They are much better than MW2 but too small never the less. I find myself bumping into my team mates more than I ever have and having to check my surrounds for teammates when I'm using my assassin class but there isn't enough room.
GQman2121 said:
Visually, the game is leaps and bounds easier on the eyes on the PS3 than BLOPS. It's like a generational leap too.
Hahah really? Like I said above that I had only played the previous games on PC and after getting this on PS3 it seems like a generational step backwards :lol


Enjoying the SP a lot IW understand that they have to keep you moving yes it's a pop and duck show for most levels but the presentation and urgency is always cool.

Just done some missons in the UK that were extremely thrilling the following ones are major serious business. I love how straight it's all played with the military lingo.
Dabanton said:
Enjoying the SP a lot IW understand that they have to keep you moving yes it's a pop and duck show for most levels but the presentation and urgency is always cool.

Just done some missons in the UK that were extremely thrilling the following ones are major serious business. I love how straight it's all played with the military lingo.

I think it's a lot less illogical...well compared to MW2 from the playthrough I watch.

Only one hour left...wish I had bothered to get this early lol.


soxinthebox said:
Hahah really? Like I said above that I had only played the previous games on PC and after getting this on PS3 it seems like a generational step backwards :lol

Of course it is. High settings on PC games are generally a generation ahead of consoles.


hamchan said:
Of course it is. High settings on PC games are generally a generation ahead of consoles.
Yeah I played blops on pc and I got this on 360 to play with my friends. It feels like I'm playing back in n64 days lol


So I have four of these prestige tokens, should I start spending them on double xp? I don't plan on prestiging in this game.


The first game that I played started out great (5-kill streak!!) and all of a sudden one guy gets a helicopter, then another, and another. My team loses badly and I finish 7-8.

It was MW2 all over again.


Wickerman said:
The first game that I played started out great (5-kill streak!!) and all of a sudden one guy gets a helicopter, then another, and another. My team loses badly and I finish 7-8.

It was MW2 all over again.
No, it's just that noone on your team is carrying launchers or running Support with a SAM launcher. I've never had problems with air support now that I run SAM.
Wickerman said:
The first game that I played started out great (5-kill streak!!) and all of a sudden one guy gets a helicopter, then another, and another. My team loses badly and I finish 7-8.

It was MW2 all over again.

Shoot the GD thing down!


Wickerman said:
The first game that I played started out great (5-kill streak!!) and all of a sudden one guy gets a helicopter, then another, and another. My team loses badly and I finish 7-8.

It was MW2 all over again.
Sam turrets are your friend. I litter them all over lol

Angry Fork

k so I just spent a couple hours on it, half and half TDM and search and destroy.

1. 1/3 of the maps are way too small/dull/bad, 1/3 are okay/playable and the other 1/3 I could say I like. Nowhere near COD4 quality for me right now which is disappointing but maybe I have to play them a bit more to get to know where people's routes are and shit.

2. You get killed way too fast/easily, they need to nerf damage big time and I REALLY hope they do. Make it take 1-2 more bullets to kill. If you're caught out in the open you have no chance of turning around and killing. I primarily play Hardcore also so I can't imagine how much bullshit damage is going to be there once I unlock it, it'll be 1 hit kill for every weapon. (Or they need to increase the health, whatever is better for balance)

3. Pistols are nerfed too much, I've shot people 4 times in the chest then he gets me in 1 shot with the big bad machine gun, fuck that. Very frustrating.

4. Snipers feel useless because of the small maps, machine guns basically travel/zoom as far as sniper rifles without the scope, and the high damage. There's no fucking way it's okay for a barret to take 2 shots to kill someone and also takes 2 shots from any other machine gun. No. Snipers should be 1 shot kill and everything else a minimum of 3.

They're probably going to get me interested in Elite because these maps are pretty weak imo. It's like a modder made these or something. Most of them are completely even with boring routes, COD4 took chances and had interesting layouts. Anyway my main gripe right now is that you're basically dead once you're seen. In COD4 I distinctly remember you being able to have a chance to turn around if you were quick enough and get him. That's not remotely possible here.
Gritesh said:
Yeah I played blops on pc and I got this on 360 to play with my friends. It feels like I'm playing back in n64 days lol
Do you find it feels like you're playing in slow motion as well?
Nice change of pace IMO.
Bit of a shock graphically after playing BF3 on PC on high-ultra and UC3 but the game makes up for some of it with silky smooth fps.

Man ND and IW are still masters of the set pieces. Very enjoyable campaign so far, though I will say it doesn't do a great deal differentiating itself much from MW2 campaign.
I wonder if enough people are making a fuss about the health in the game. It really is a bit jarring how fast people go down. I hope people are making a stink on twitter/official forums. I don't want bullet sponges but it should take a bit more.
-Pyromaniac- said:
I wonder if enough people are making a fuss about the health in the game. It really is a bit jarring how fast people go down. I hope people are making a stink on twitter/official forums. I don't want bullet sponges but it should take a bit more.

It needs to be fixed..its horrible right now


Extremely disappointed with this game.

It isn't even MW2.5. It's MW2.1.

PS3 is lagging like shit. Guess how many bad PS3 launches the COD series has given us? Let's count:


no wai! Are we sure Activision didn't let some Treyarch retards into IW studios, just to give the game the extra shit factor previous IW entries have been missing?
I dunno about other people, but I've always loved the Single Player part of the Infinity Ward Games, and this is no different.

It's not about the challenge, it's not about the game play, it's about the ride.

I play it on Regular (easy is just to bullshit you can stand in the path of fire for like a full minute) so I can get through it as quickly as possible, and I hate dying over and over and over again from bullshit infinity guys coming.

But seriously? This is the best campaign in all of the games since COD4. MW2 was a mess IMO compared to this, I don't know why but I just love the way they achieved the feeling of WW3, it's like a modern representation of COD2 with it's very own
Omaha beach landing
and all!!

I know how shallow it is, I know it. But I don't care and I know how crumby the game play is, but I think they've done well with this. The graphics just don't even compare to BF3, I mean my computer is cranking out 200fps+ the entire time at 2560x1440 with everything maxed, but it's SO smooth, and after BF3 (which I prefer as you should all know) it's a bit refreshing to have something nice and easy to play, point and shoot - die.

I haven't tried multi-player yet - I'm just trying to power through the single player, but I must say, they definitely know how to wow a crowd with that SP, the set pieces are shit hot incredible. They've even managed to implement some destruction in some areas! (WOW! :p).

We'll see how I feel about multi - I'll probably not play the multi too much and just go back to BF3, but it's good to have as an aside for sometimes, it's just a pity that BF3 is a graveyard right now :/


bigwinnerx said:
Shoot the GD thing down!

I don't think the three loadouts that you start out with have a launcher. It was literally the first match that I played and it reminded me so much of MW2 with the constant barrage of stuff in the air.


I've decided this game was over hyped and obviously activision has pull on review outlets as it very much does not deserve the scores it was given. No changes gameplay wise, downright ugly graphics and poor sound design. Talked to 4 other friends tonight 2 of which are die hard cod fans and they all echo my complaints.

I will finish this and trade it in for skyrim this weekend I guess. I'm sad I was excited for a roller coaster of awesomeness and I'm left disappointed.


ChefRamsay said:
Extremely disappointed with this game.

It isn't even MW2.5. It's MW2.1.

PS3 is lagging like shit. Guess how many bad PS3 launches the COD series has given us? Let's count:


no wai! Are we sure Activision didn't let some Treyarch retards into IW studios, just to give the game the extra shit factor previous IW entries have been missing?
First impressions: Why did I bother
Campaign is much better than I expected, done the first 5 missions on Vet and they were...fun. Already better than the campaign in Blops by far


JB1981 said:
First impressions: Why did I bother
I'm not sure what that means but I'm assuming it's something about me being dumb for buying the game without reading first impressions?

I preordered it 4 months ago for $39.99. Anyone could resell it for $60 used no problem within a week.
Dan Yo said:
I skimmed the last couple pages and couldn't find too many opinions, but is everyone in agreement that this is the worst COD multiplayer and worst of the MW multiplayers by a large margin?

Maps feel like they were designed by amateurs. Bunch of rat mazes with tight corridors. Sniping and long range assault rifles are damn near useless as they were in Black Ops. Although even more so in this one.

The perk that allows people to run while aiming down their sights has completely warped the pace and structure of COD multiplayer. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing something much more old school when I see people strafing and flying around the maps like they're on crack.

Finally, the graphics in multiplayer look very bland and lifeless. Pretty much the first sign I'd always notice when going from an Infinity Ward COD to a Treyarch COD.

As far as I'm concerned, no sequels to MW1 and MW2 exist until Respawn puts out whatever they're making. I'm completely done with COD games.

I told all of you several pages back.
It's funny how they wanted to de-emphasize the Call of Duty name for Modern Warfare 2, only adding it to the box at the last minute, and now this boxart says CALL OF DUTY and just the initials for MW3. OK it's not really funny, but interesting nonetheless.

Installing now!


ChefRamsay said:
I'm not sure what that means but I'm assuming it's something about me being dumb for buying the game without reading first impressions?

I preordered it 4 months ago for $39.99. Anyone could resell it for $60 used no problem within a week.
First impressions for most are generally review scores which were all 9 and 10s and this game is far from a 9 or 10. I feel the same way as him.


ChefRamsay said:
I'm not sure what that means but I'm assuming it's something about me being dumb for buying the game without reading first impressions?

I preordered it 4 months ago for $39.99. Anyone could resell it for $60 used no problem within a week.
No I'm saying my first impression of MW3 after playing the MP is why did I bother with the game. It is MW2.1 but worse. Maps suck, gameplay remains unchanged, nothing new.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
if you dashboard during a game, does it automatically put you to level 1?
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