johnFkennedy said:It sure as hell felt like it when I played MW2 last night, and it sure as hell is according to Den Kirson's blog.
I hear you brother. PD still has the best hit detection I've ever seen in a game, and it's 12 fucking years old!IOnEI Falcon said:So does anyone find shooting enemies unsatisfying? I don't quiet know how to put it but I feel like I am shooting an empty texture. This is for all CoD games I have felt like this. In comparison games I have the most satisfaction shooting people in is Perfect Dark followed by Halo and then most recently Rage. Does anyone know what I am talking about or is it just me?
Kyoufu said:What bugs me the most is that on your own screen, you see 2 bullets hit and kill you, but on the kill cam the guy shoots a lot more than that.
I'm pretty sure Assassin is the perk you're looking for. Assassin Pro hides you from AUAVs, IIRC.Jangocube said:So the Blind Eye perk always you to remain hidden from UAV's as well correct? What about the advanced UAV?
NinjaFridge said:Getting my ass kicked on Veteran.It's also a pain in the arse that my the checkpoint before that part has an explosion go off in your face which kills you if you don't run backwards as soon as you can. And there are guys shooting at you from a tower too.The part where you have to use mortars to take out the from the tower. Its Africa i believe, can't even remember the name and i played it a few hours ago. Totally forgettable game.
Edit: Its called back on the grid.
Any Tips?
Brian Fellows said:At least you are seeing bullets. Half the time I just fall down dead as the guys gun fires.
Need to get assassin and pro version asap. UAV nonstop. Seems like, I am the only one trying to shoot them down. People don't seem to know shooting them down add to your killstreak.soultron said:I'm pretty sure Assassin is the perk you're looking for. Assassin Pro hides you from AUAVs, IIRC.
Shorty11857 said:Kill the guys in the building shooting at you before getting on the mortar, makes it easier
I didn't even know that. Thanks for the heads up!knitoe said:Need to get assassin and pro version asap. UAV nonstop. Seems like, I am the only one trying to shoot them down. People don't seem to know shooting them down add to your killstreak.
Kermit The Dog said:Is COD Elite working now?
It's because Black Ops wasn't made by IW...MDavis360 said:I prestiged in COD4, MW2 and Black Ops but I only have 2 Prestige Tokens...
MDavis360 said:I prestiged in COD4, MW2 and Black Ops but I only have 2 Prestige Tokens...
IOnEI Falcon said:It's because Black Ops wasn't made by IW...![]()
IOnEI Falcon said:It's because Black Ops wasn't made by IW...![]()
Brian Fellows said:It didn't feel like it when I played MW2 all last week to get ready for this game.
Den Kirson is probably a liar. Whoever he is.
X-Frame said:What does the Advanced UAV do?
Have you ever switched HDDs? I've been using my 20GB launch HDD since the beginning and got all 4 of my prestige tokens from COD4/WAW/MW2/BLOPS.JetBlackPanda said:I prestiged in COD4, MW2, Black Ops, and World at War and I only have 2 tokens as well.
Xanga still exists?johnFkennedy said:
TacticalFox88 said:So much bitching in this thread that I'm convinced that you all will still complain next gen.
TacticalFox88 said:So much bitching in this thread that I'm convinced that you all will still complain next gen.
If the formula hasn't changed by then, I'll be the first to complain. This game is great for now, however.TacticalFox88 said:So much bitching in this thread that I'm convinced that you all will still complain next gen.
soultron said:Have you ever switched HDDs? I've been using my 20GB launch HDD since the beginning and got all 4 of my prestige tokens from COD4/WAW/MW2/BLOPS.
JetBlackPanda said:make no mistake I like the game a lot I just feel like they need to fix the health or damage.
standard TDM feels like hardcore.
TacticalFox88 said:So much bitching in this thread that I'm convinced that you all will still complain next gen.
SameLive Free or Die said:Man this game is so fun. having a good time! :-D
Matts Legacy said:Wow..I just walked back in here after playing all day and i see almost everyone hating the game...*sigh* I think this is gonna be my last gen of games...I can't take the fanboys and ect anymore. I miss 90's-2000's in gaming. After 2006 it all changed so bad.
Matts Legacy said:Wow..I just walked back in here after playing all day and i see almost everyone hating the game...*sigh* I think this is gonna be my last gen of games...I can't take the fanboys and ect anymore. I miss 90's-2000's in gaming. After 2006 it all changed so bad.
Don't let other people's opinions bring you down! It's all about what you thinkMatts Legacy said:Wow..I just walked back in here after playing all day and i see almost everyone hating the game...*sigh* I think this is gonna be my last gen of games...I can't take the fanboys and ect anymore. I miss 90's-2000's in gaming. After 2006 it all changed so bad.
Matts Legacy said:Wow..I just walked back in here after playing all day and i see almost everyone hating the game...*sigh* I think this is gonna be my last gen of games...I can't take the fanboys and ect anymore. I miss 90's-2000's in gaming. After 2006 it all changed so bad.
What system?Home said:Playing some S&D on PC. Lvl 67 joins the game on the other team, proceeds to hack like hell (even his own team was calling him on it). That didn't take long at all.