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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


Game moves a lot faster than Blops, I like it much more. Domination is still fun and the lag was nonexistent for me. Perfect game to just jump in and play real quick.


Bumblebeetuna said:
I am getting tremendous framerate issues on PS3. WTF Glenn Schofield or whoever you douche. You said PS3 version would be up to par. Probably going to return this for the 360 version tomorrow. Game seems amazing, but these slowdown issues suck. Seems like I am playing with bad lag but I got 4 bars. Game freezes for half a second every 5 seconds or so.

I've had nothing but a locked 60fps on my PS3. Probably your connection and the huge amount of people online.
T-0800 said:
I've had nothing but a locked 60fps on my PS3. Probably your connection and the huge amount of people online.

My connection is 25 up and down so it isn't that. I guess it could be the huge amount of people online but I doubt it, I don't see what the would matter once I am connection to a game. And in one I was even hosting. I will try disabling theater like someone else recommended.


so far my favorite game is the Kill Confirmed game, having so much fun with it and I think I'm gonna stick with it for a long . Spec Ops survival was fun also, but I'm still unsure of it's re-playability value


So i decided i would try out the multiplayer... 10 server connection timed out laters IN A ROW i am going just finish the SP and return it to redbox.

wtf is up? (ps3 version)

also what is this game running at? 60fps? looks really smooth

EDIT i can get in team deathmatch kill confirmed fine, nothing else.


Idk guys, I'm just really frustrated right now with the MP. The health is lower from previous COD games, and half the time I'm not even turning red, just two quick shot and I'm down like a box of rocks. It's even harder to stay alive with the small Vacant-esque maps because when you find one guy, you usually find 3 more and they probably just spawned there. I'm also tired of cars and broken crap in every street, alley, and hallway, it's impossible to get a line-of-sight especially with a sniper. I just am at a lose of how to play, my normal run-and-gun style is impossible cause I usually run into a hornet's nest or get killed by the guy in the corner, and you can't really camp because if you sit somewhere too long, they'll spawn behind you...
Raide said:

So basically, IW shouldn't have had the range and damage proficiencies for shotguns, they should have just taken the damage it does with damage proficiency and/or range proficiency and then let you be able to use more useful proficiencies.

Or they could have done what treyarch did and made aiming down the sights tighten to spread so that you could consistently get the pellets on them if you were good at aiming.

Or anything that could make the shotguns feel like something besides a fucking random number generator.


Bumblebeetuna said:
I am getting tremendous framerate issues on PS3. WTF Glenn Schofield or whoever you douche. You said PS3 version would be up to par. Probably going to return this for the 360 version tomorrow. Game seems amazing, but these slowdown issues suck. Seems like I am playing with bad lag but I got 4 bars. Game freezes for half a second every 5 seconds or so.

You're probably referring to the community manager er I mean creative strategist Robert Bowling. He said the PS3 version would look the same as the 360, but left out the part about it performing the same. Creative Strategist, indeed.


natedog4000 said:
Idk guys, I'm just really frustrated right now with the MP. The health is lower from previous COD games, and half the time I'm not even turning red, just two quick shot and I'm down like a box of rocks. It's even harder to stay alive with the small Vacant-esque maps because when you find one guy, you usually find 3 more and they probably just spawned there. I'm also tired of cars and broken crap in every street, alley, and hallway, it's impossible to get a line-of-sight especially with a sniper. I just am at a lose of how to play, my normal run-and-gun style is impossible cause I usually run into a hornet's nest or get killed by the guy in the corner, and you can't really camp because if you sit somewhere too long, they'll spawn behind you...

are you playing kill confirm? i suck on team deathmatch but do good on kill confirm. it's like they build the maps and play style for kill confirm in this game.
My only complaints:

-- The maps do feel way too small. I hated large maps like Derail and Fuel from MW2, but all of these seem tiny.

-- The spawn system is still completely torn up. So many Killcams tonight that started with the person who killed me getting killed.

-- This game has the SAME FUCKING ISSUE as MW2 with some launcher missiles just randomly missing the shit in the air. Unbelievable.
Is it just me or is the sound on the ps3 version way more subdued than BLOPs? I can't seem to hear of the action, explosions, even my characters foot steps.


TestOfTide said:
So basically, IW shouldn't have had the range and damage proficiencies for shotguns, they should have just taken the damage it does with damage proficiency and/or range proficiency and then let you be able to use more useful proficiencies.

Or they could have done what treyarch did and made aiming down the sights tighten to spread so that you could consistently get the pellets on them if you were good at aiming.

Or anything that could make the shotguns feel like something besides a fucking random number generator.

I can understand proficiency for the other guns but a shotgun? You just point at things and stuff dies. :D

Its basically more ways to fill up bars. Though it sounds more like an RPG where you shoot like shit until you have upgraded your "Not shoot like shit" skill.
Raide said:
I can understand proficiency for the other guns but a shotgun? You just point at things and stuff dies. :D

Its basically more ways to fill up bars. Though it sounds more like an RPG where you shoot like shit until you have upgraded your "Not shoot like shit" skill.

I'm not asking for shotguns to all have range between the Spas-12 in MW2 and the pre-patch akimbo 1887s. I'm asking that they be good enough that someone who was good enough with shotty to do great with olympia be able to consistently predict what the effective 1HK, 2HK, and 3HK ranges are for each shotgun and that they don't find they are getting 2-3 hitmarkers within 5-10 feet and still not get a kill.

they should up the damage and range for all the shotguns and change it so that the range proficiency has a downside for shotguns (slightly reduced close range damage) and the damage proficiency make the guns function more like the rangers in terms of damage and range (decreased range, but damage is largely increased so that 1 or 2 less pellets need to connect for the kill).


Loving it all around here. Feels great to be back on the drug.

Only gripes:
1. Kinda overwhelming at times with the amount of unlocks and shit. Get back to the lobby and I have like 7 different things going on.
2. Shotguns are pretty useless right now, but I have good faith they'll be fixed.
3. Every other year I love the damaged based assist points. Keep wishing IW would adopt Treyarch's assist system, but I understand tradition, etc.

It's going to take some getting used to the perks and stuff all again but it's coming back very quickly. Also, the rage. I get so mad playing this damn game sometimes because of my constant egotistical need to keep my ratio above a 1.3. I know I'm no expert player but I still like to feel good about myself while still having fun.

Here's to ignoring all other games the rest of the year!


After reaching rank 38, I can safely say this is my favorite MW game by far, if not favorite CoD. Hopefully, some of the connection/matchmaking/other issues will eventually be ironed out.


Do you guys think this game will be worth hanging onto in the longterm if you're not getting ELITE? I don't know if I feel like playing vanilla after 9 months worth of DLC have been dropped.

def sim

soultron said:
Do you guys think this game will be worth hanging onto in the longterm if you're not getting ELITE? I don't know if I feel like playing vanilla after 9 months worth of DLC have been dropped.

They get the DLC along with a paid subscription but I doubt they have timed exclusivity. Activision wouldn't want to miss out on money by doing that.


Speaking of ELITE, has anyone got it working/heard anything more than they're adding servers? I'm planning on buying 4000 points before the 13th to get ELITE, I'd just like to know what's going on. So far everything I've tried hasn't worked.


Finished the SP and started the MP (on PC). I really thought the campaign was a great end to the trilogy of MW games, and definitely the best CoD campaign out there. Multiplayer, so far, is a lot more fun than MW2 and plays more like MW to me, which is good.

Overall, very, very happy.


Man the lag on PS3 is killing me :(

The worst is when the game starts off fine (and I'm racking up the kills), then all of a sudden it shits the bed.

I really hope this smooths out soon.


MercuryLS said:
Man the lag on PS3 is killing me :(

The worst is when the game starts off fine (and I'm racking up the kills), then all of a sudden it shits the bed.

I really hope this smooths out soon.
I can't even get in a game on PS3 but doesn't bother me that much because im not a huge online player but i did want to try it out.

i get nothing but host migration fails and soon as it loads up it boots me, decided to just finish up the SP and return it to redbox in the morning.

BTW ill ask this again is it running at 60fps?


rance said:
They get the DLC along with a paid subscription but I doubt they have timed exclusivity. Activision wouldn't want to miss out on money by doing that.
I mean the fact that I won't ever be dropping $15 for a map pack, will it still be worth it when the community gets splintered with every subsequent map pack release.


soultron said:
I mean the fact that I won't ever be dropping $15 for a map pack, will it still be worth it when the community gets splintered with every subsequent map pack release.
This game has so many people playing there won't be an issue with a splintered community. So yeah, you can just skip all the DLC and play vanilla for the year, you'll have no problems.


3 ft, coiled to the sky
soultron said:
I mean the fact that I won't ever be dropping $15 for a map pack, will it still be worth it when the community gets splintered with every subsequent map pack release.
I put in Black Ops for PS3 today just on a whim to see if I can still play the game and had a full match 3 seconds after clicking it, having never downloaded any of the DLC whatsoever. You will be fine, there are a kajillion people playing these games.

(And I think it ships with what, sixteen different maps already? Who the hell even needs more than that.)
Really liking kill confirmed and the support streak system.

Honest, non-troll question, but people are upset about dying too quickly? Every CoD since MW2 for me has been which ever player sees the other one first is dead. If anything, for me, (360 version) it feels like the netcode is actually stable for once where it doesn't feel like I'm having to empty half a clip into someone while they just have to shoot me once and I'm dead.

Another honest question? There's no lightweight perk and sprinting seems slower, so why are people saying the game is too fast? Do they mean as in it feels less tactical and more everybody running like chickens with their heads cut off? That I get, but that's not new to CoD.

I'm not saying the games perfect, far from it. I'm actually amazed I'm enjoying it since I loathed the cluster fuck MW2 was and got bored really quickly of the more balanced, but too safe BLOPS.

If anything, the support stuff makes it really fun for more casual players like myself that can help out the team.


Dew XP is on the fritz, in a good way maybe. I entered a 15 minute code and got 30 minutes out of it and 2 combat cards. Wish I could see what my cards are, though.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Just got done with the first 30-45 minutes of the campaign... So fucking awesome! I really don't get the hate the single player in this game garners. Hell, I really don't get the CoD hate in general. First 30-45 minutes of this game were just as exciting if not more exciting than anything in UC3.


Tragic victim of fan death
Just played a match of Sniper on the churchyard or whatever. Sniping is much more fun in this game now. Much more fast paced due to map size.


WinoMcCougarstein said:
Just got done with the first 30-45 minutes of the campaign... So fucking awesome! I really don't get the hate the single player in this game garners. Hell, I really don't get the CoD hate in general. First 30-45 minutes of this game were just as exciting if not more exciting than anything in UC3.

The campaign is pretty much non-stop action. It's like a Michael Bay film, with an added layer of action and a side order of action.
Support juggernaut is OP. Even playing Ground War and getting pounded by 6 or 7 guys you are nigh impossible to kill. It doesn't have a time limit as far as I can tell, you regenerate just as quickly back to unkillable status, you can switch to your pistol and knife the shit out of people. Worst of all, it's piss easy to get because you don't have to get a killstreak. Not a game went by when I didn't have it by the halfway point and I was able to completely take over the game with it.

I can't imagine what it's like in gamemodes that don't have 9 players per team or focal points like domination. Use it now folks. It will be nerfed.
Playing the campaign, pretty much what I expected. Glad I rented this time.

Also, does anyone else have problem hearing what the soldiers around you are saying during battles? I can't hear them at all over the excruciatingly loud guns and explosions.
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