Xamdou said:So how do you get clan exp?
Clan operations/challenges. I'm not sure if that part is up yet.
Xamdou said:So how do you get clan exp?
Lionheart1827 said:Clan operations/challenges. I'm not sure if that part is up yet.
Fugu said:Also, your opinion is based on the incorrect premise that this is a bug that needs fixing. Considering IW doesn't see it that way, I'd say that pretty much invalidates that whole line of thinking.
aristotle said:I think it's part of an upcoming update to Elite. Right now founders can add XP to their clan though.
Brian Fellows said:Yeah if the fuckers will actually give you founders status. Still waiting on mine.
BattleMonkey said:Again it's about what players think/want. Just because devs of the game say something is intended, doesn't mean people are going to like it. I know they seem fine with it, but lot of people obviously have not been since MW2 and many were hoping it was going to go away in MW3.
The uselessness of sniper rifles in the current game if you are forced to aim is because of the crappy maps in this which has made the game much more of a corridor arena shooter. Other games use sniper rifles that require aiming just fine.
BattleMonkey said:Again it's about what players think/want. Just because devs of the game say something is intended, doesn't mean people are going to like it. I know they seem fine with it, but lot of people obviously have not been since MW2 and many were hoping it was going to go away in MW3.
The uselessness of sniper rifles in the current game if you are forced to aim is because of the crappy maps in this which has made the game much more of a corridor arena shooter. Other games use sniper rifles that require aiming just fine.
All of those games have quickscoping, GAF just doesn't know what quickscoping is. Quickscoping is when you pre-aim your rifle correctly enough that you can fire immediately after scoping, sometimes even before you're fully scoped. That's really all it is; a fast shot with a sniper rifle.njean777 said:Well he/she is right about other games not having quick scoping. BF3:nope, Resistance:nope, Halo:nope, Killzone:nope.
If the rifle basically aims itself, you can go ahead and get an Osprey Gunner by run and gun quickscoping on Village and upload the replay. It won't take you longer than like 20 minutes, right, since the game basically does it for you?BattleMonkey said:Oh please, on PC people still are required to do some work and aim unlike the easy quick scoping on consoles. Ton of games on consoles don't have it either. Or does it bother you people calling it a cheat or exploit? People have been saying so since MW2
Fugu said:They didn't solve the problem, they created an entirely new balance problem by which the M14 was the undisputed greatest gun of guns, because now that sniper rifles had hipfire spread even when they're in ADS (during the transition period) there was even less reason to use them over the M14.
Of course it's exploiting the system! But so is using the recoil patterns of guns to systematically reduce or eliminate recoil, or reload cancelling. But the basis of winning is correctly exploiting the system put in place.
aku:jiki said:All of those games have quickscoping, GAF just doesn't know what quickscoping is. Quickscoping is when you pre-aim your rifle correctly enough that you can fire immediately after scoping, sometimes even before you're fully scoped. That's really all it is; a fast shot with a sniper rifle.
I'm pretty sure the term comes from CS or Halo or something. It certainly wasn't invented with CoD.
If the rifle basically aims itself, you can go ahead and get an Osprey Gunner by run and gun quickscoping on Village and upload the replay. It won't take you longer than like 20 minutes, right, since the game basically does it for you?
Don't be ridiculous, is what I'm saying, and don't talk a bunch of shit about something you've obviously never even tried to do.
(No, I'm generally not a sniper even though I can do some decent quickscopes. I just think this whole retarded "OMG it's like the game plays itself!" line of thinking needs to die, because it's completely wrong and insisting that the discussion be based on a broken assumption makes it a broken discussion. Which is stupid, because it is a valid discussion.)
No weapon snaps to anything in any multiplayer of any CoD.njean777 said:It doesnt snap to the target like it does in COD.
ace3skoot said:that would be because the PS3 doesn't have servers its p2pso blame your connection or the host connection.
apparently disabling theatre mode (in online main menu) appraently makes it more tolerable though i haven't tried myself yet. or play bf3 its pretty dam tight (dedicated severs)on PS3 but its very different beast to cod
BadTaste105 said:Playing with 2 other friends, and they lag too. Explain how it shows we have green (good) ping yet we all lag like hell?
Sa-weeeeeet!Alienshogun said:360 clan is level 10, gold clan tags and 2x exp for 2 hours, fuck yeaaaah
ajf009 said:So has anyone else noticed this stupid leaderboard glitch?
when you prestige, your games player on the Score and Kills leadrboard reset. but you're number of Kills and total score stay the same. Leading to so ridiculous score and kill per game numbers
rance said:pfft i kill thousands of people per game all the time myself. i can't turn this swag off it just happens
GodfatherX said:Just opened my hardened edition, am I right in assuming I can activate the elite code, and that will give me founder status, then I have another founder code to give away?
Alienshogun said:360 clan is level 10, gold clan tags and 2x exp for 2 hours, fuck yeaaaah
Full Metal Jacket said:
Xamdou said:Can ya post a picture of how the gold clan tags look?
Jack Scofield said:Quickscoping is retarded, but if someone quickscopes you then they would have killed you with any other gun anyway.
Maybe it's because MW2 conditioned me to jump/dive to prone every time I came face to face with a sniper. Anything I could do to throw off his aim, even though I've been killed by a quickscoper maybe ten times total in MW2.
rCIZZLE said:Exactly. People who are good with it are the kind of 4 k/d top scoring every game kind without it. Everybody sees youtube videos and thinks every game is like that. Like somehow you pickup a sniper and the game is ezmode for everybody. I don't think I've run into a good quickscoper in mw3 so far even though it's supposedly simpler.
The guy isn't even funny or interesting in the least. He's awful I don't know how people stomach himBankaiZaraki said:Oh my god. It's just a game. I didnt even get that mad when I would die. Jeez.
bobs99 ... said:Quick question, if I join the GAF clan does that lock me in? I would love to jump in to check out the features and stuff, but can see myself clan hopping depending on who I play with.
Live Free or Die said:How do I join the GAF PS3 clan?
rCIZZLE said:If you mean group you can just search and join. If you mean clan I also have been wondering about this.
Live Free or Die said:How do I join the GAF PS3 clan?
rCIZZLE said:If you mean group you can just search and join. If you mean clan I also have been wondering about this.
DontTouchMe said:Are rocket propelled grenades a prominent problem like they were in mw2?
rCIZZLE said:Not at all.
DontTouchMe said:Do they still have perks for explosives?
Alienshogun said:Nope, but there are perks to make them suck more.
The hilarious thing is that's how it is. The killcam lies to you; you can't quickscope until the frame you can see through the scope. Despite the animation of the hip fire crosshairs shrinking, you're still at max hip spread until the gun completes it's ADS animation and is done zooming in.SmokeMaxX said:How about this- IW only allows hip-fire accuracy until you can see the opponent? What could you possibly have against that? If you can't see the opponent, why should you get a bonus which essentially makes the opponent cover 3/4th of your screen?