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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.

Argh, Dome must be the worst free for all map ever (along with Nuketown). Everyone is camping in some damn corner and you can't run 10 meters without someone shooting you in the back. I don't know how anyone can find a map like that fun...


Otherwise math, common sense and vision aren't your strong points.
Uh, knowledge of this game isn't one of yours. And I'm pretty sure that's what we're discussing, not math.

You're not supposed to be a match-owning, killstreak-destroying machine on level 1. And the starting weapons in all categories are good, or have at least all categories have a good one (UMP45, M4, USAS, L118A).


Uh, knowledge of this game isn't one of yours. And I'm pretty sure that's what we're discussing, not math.

You're not supposed to be a match-owning, killstreak-destroying machine on level 1. And the starting weapons in all categories are good, or have at least all categories have a good one (UMP45, M4, USAS, L118A).

Really? Okay, ACR is stronger than the M4 (math). The iron sights suck (vision), and using a red dot as an attachment to make up for a weapon's weakness when a better, zero recoil weapon, yet VERY high level weapon, doesn't need the wasted slot (common sense).

At least I'm being accurate, you guys are just trolling.
Did you fall off your bed onto your head this morning? Otherwise math, common sense and vision aren't your strong points.

What does have to do with anything you're discussing when it's all subjective? I think the M4 has great iron sights and the G36 has probably the worst iron sights in the game.

Chill pill. Take one.


What does have to do with anything you're discussing when it's all subjective? I think the M4 has great iron sights and the G36 has probably the worst iron sights in the game.

Chill pill. Take one.

Why don't you? You added nothing to the discussion besides to say what is an untruth and now you're troll #3.
Why don't you? You added nothing to the discussion besides to say what is an untruth and now you're troll #3.

I'm a troll cause I disagreed with you? Where is that common sense that you keep touting?

If you can't do well with anything but the ACR then I don't know what to tell you, like Aku said above me there's a myriad of great weapons that are open from the get go and if you can't cut it with those then maybe you shouldn't prestige. Oh shit, there's that common sense stuff again.
Lol junkster you need to calm the fuck down. Its all opinion anyway. Math can say one thing, but ultimately it boils down to what gun feels good in use. Lies damn lies and statistics yadda yadda. I, for example, use both the ACR and M4 with equal success. I use red dots and/or silencers on both depending on my mood. I don't feel like either gun gives me a huge advantage, nor do I feel that either of them hold me back in any way.


Alright we need more people in the PS3 GAF Clan. If you would like to join, go here and say so or send me a PM on neogaf.

MW3 Community/Clan thread

We'll be having more group games tonight starting around 8pm Central. I may start a little bit earlier, but they will definitely be going on around 8pm. We always have a great time playing as a group and I can safely say we've only played one bad game in the weeks since MW3 released. We'd love to see people there who are new. you don't have to a great KDR or anything. We play to have fun and we always do.

Hope to see you online!


The ACR is better than the M4 in every possible way. It's got less recoil which results in better accuracy. It's got usable iron sights which doesn't block out other opponents. It's more powerful and it's level 55.

I wouldn't prestige if it wasn't for the slots. It's rough because many many useful things are behind level walls. There's certainly some spillover but you won't be effective with a search class the same way as with a sabotage class, TDM, etc.

I prestige because of extra class slots because I play with different people who like different modes, and I myself like different modes. I know, I should be tarred and feathered for that. How strange I must be!
I hate how he's blatantly looking right at the spawn point waiting for someone to appear. I never saw this once in 40+ days of MW2. It drives me mad lol.

That's weird. The same exact thing happened to me today. Same map and the dude was standing in the same exact spot, needless to say I lost my shit when I watched the killcam.


That's weird. The same exact thing happened to me today. Same map and the dude was standing in the same exact spot, needless to say I lost my shit when I watched the killcam.

I've seen it a few times. Here's another one on Mission. When I rendered the clip it added the glass back into the window so it's hard to see.
It's not exactly a spawn killing but the guy was basically watching for heads to pop up over the wall and I believe he got 3 in a row.

It seems to happen when the floor directly underneath a spawn point is out of the enemy's view.
Almost as though the system is checking line of sight to the spawn but not to full player height, if that makes any kind of sense at all (I'm slightly drunken).

Just my observations. Needs fixing asap.
I've seen it a few times. Here's another one on Mission. When I rendered the clip it added the glass back into the window so it's hard to see.
It's not exactly a spawn killing but the guy was basically watching for heads to pop up over the wall and I believe he got 3 in a row.

It seems to happen when the floor directly underneath a spawn point is out of the enemy's view.
Almost as though the system is checking line of sight to the spawn but not to full player height, if that makes any kind of sense at all (I'm slightly drunken).

Just my observations. Needs fixing asap.

That's similar to how the spawns operated in Blops. Essentially if you were looking into a spawn the game would detect it and prevent the enemy from spawning there, but if you turned around and looked in the opposite direction and then turned back around then they would spawn there. I would abuse this on Firing Range because it had the most predictable spawns in the game.


My efforts in making a rushing shotgun class are failing. Started using the USAS 12. It's decent, I just wish I could spam it some more. I need to unlock the Striker to try it out since I hear it's the best out of the bunch. Question though, to those that run shotguns, specialist or support? I find myself switching between the two quite a bit. Thinking about just making two classes to have booth.

That is a modded controller. A good way to tell a modded controller apart from someone with a quick trigger finger is to listen for how consistent the rate of fire is. If the bullets sound like they're coming out at the same rate then you're most likely dealing with someone using a modded controller, but if there's an inconsistency to the number of bullets coming out of gun then you're probably just dealing with someone that is trigger happy.
That is a modded controller. A good way to tell a modded controller apart from someone with a quick trigger finger is to listen for how consistent the rate of fire is. If the bullets sound like they're coming out at the same rate then you're most likely dealing with someone using a modded controller, but if there's an inconsistency to the number of bullets coming out of gun then you're probably just dealing with someone that is trigger happy.

Can I report this player or are there no rules that he is breaking?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I keep flip-flopping on which guns I like — I haven't really been consistent one way or the other with any of them, aside from knowing that I really don't like the SCAR in this game. This thread on the DenKirson message board has been pretty helpful in terms of gauging recoil, though:


The MP7 with Kick is an absolute laser. It sort of is anyway, regardless of the proficiency. The M4A1 is also clearly very good for a starter AR.


I keep flip-flopping on which guns I like — I haven't really been consistent one way or the other with any of them, aside from knowing that I really don't like the SCAR in this game. This thread on the DenKirson message board has been pretty helpful in terms of gauging recoil, though:


The MP7 with Kick is an absolute laser. It sort of is anyway, regardless of the proficiency. The M4A1 is also clearly very good for a starter AR.
I used the M4 for a pretty long time before I wanted to start trying out some different guns. I should really try out some sub machine guns. Haven't really been using them yet. I'm pretty bad at sniping so it's kind of pointless for me.


Didn't IW patch COD4 at one point because of the modded controller abuse? I don't think it helped in the long run but maybe they should give it another shot.
I keep flip-flopping on which guns I like — I haven't really been consistent one way or the other with any of them, aside from knowing that I really don't like the SCAR in this game. This thread on the DenKirson message board has been pretty helpful in terms of gauging recoil, though:


The MP7 with Kick is an absolute laser. It sort of is anyway, regardless of the proficiency. The M4A1 is also clearly very good for a starter AR.
Dat G36 straight vertical recoil!


P90 + Silencer + Range + Steady Aim = oh god so good I don't even have to use the sights. It's like those akimbo machine pistols everyone uses except with a silencer and 50-round magazine. It does require rushing, though, so I have it running Support Streaks, which I don't mind.

That's what my brother uses and it seems really effective.
Has anybody noticed some funny behavior with the wrought-iron fence by A Dom on Lockdown?

Twice now I've been unable to hit someone who was camping inside the little mini-garden with the fence. I don't even get bullet thwips, so it's as if the bullets don't pass through the fence.

Anyone else?


*joins game in progress*


...2 seconds later...


35 vs 75



This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Apparently there are lobbies that are like 10x speed, too. Awesome... :|
Has a CoD ever had so many accessible exploits? WaW, BO and MW2 had their share, but MW3 is taking the piss. I'm so over Infinity Ward and their arse-backwards post-launch support.
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