Finally grinded my way up to 27. Felt naked without assassin.
The maps.... the maps are pretty bad.
Coming into the the game I thought, "Oh jesus, killstreaks look super fucked-up again," but that's not really the case. There's a lot of UAV, yeah, but no Harrier nonsense this time around and my choppers have only gone on crazy killing sprees a couple of times. Air seems pretty easy to take out with the launchers, or the anti-air-turret. My fears were pretty unfounded (so far) in that department.
But the maps.
Every map seems about 20 percent smaller than it needs to be and you have to be amazingly on-guard at all times... not really for any good reason, but because the enemy team can and will frequently spawn directly behind you, sometimes with your body in plain view. I'd say 7 out of 10 times I die has been from a freshly-respawned enemy soldier (yes, revenge-spawning is back, baby!). If I didn't hate quickscoping snipers so much I'd feel bad for them. These layouts are possibly even worse for them then Black Ops.
The weapon damage modelling is dumb and makes the game even more spray 'n pray than ever before. ADS seems pointless a lot of the time.
On the plus side I haven't seen any weapons or combos of perks/attachments/etc that seemed crazy OP, which was nice. Hit detection was good, though on the other end of the barrel you get still bendy-bulleted around walls just as much as any other COD game.