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Call of Juarez: Gunslinger |OT| It's your huckleberry


Yo, this dueling two people at one time is bullshit.

Isn't the entire purpose of a showdown to FORCE a fair fight?

Do you have to draw early to do it and make it dishonorable kills? I dont give a fuck because of Ng+ but if it's twisted hard then I cant say I didnt see the frustration coming.


Do you have to draw early to do it and make it dishonorable kills? I dont give a fuck because of Ng+ but if it's twisted hard then I cant say I didnt see the frustration coming.
I don't know, I keep giving it a shot and then Alt+Tab'ing to read NeoGAF for a few minutes to keep myself from becoming too frustrated.

EDIT: I think trying to do this with a Mouse is making it more complicated, let me try a controller.
Do you have to draw early to do it and make it dishonorable kills? I dont give a fuck because of Ng+ but if it's twisted hard then I cant say I didnt see the frustration coming.

Once I stopped trying to be honorable I found all of the duels to be pretty easy.

EDIT: I could definitely see the duels being easier with a controller.


This is where I would like to make the statement that using a controller instead of the mouse makes the dueling 100x easier. Mouse is waaayyyy too floaty and "laggy".


BAM. Nice.

And now I feel better.



Order of most fun with games I've had this year:

1. Bioshock Infinite
2. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
3. Far Cry: Blood Dragon
4. Tomb Raider
5. DmC

So... More of this $15 shit, please!

You guys...they turn off the point indicators in True West mode.



Yo, this dueling two people at one time is bullshit.

Isn't the entire purpose of a showdown to FORCE a fair fight?

I got it on the second try. For me, the one that was in the back was faster so I focused on him. Second guy didn't even get a shot off before he was dead.


You guys...they turn off the point indicators in True West mode.




I got it on the second try. For me, the one that was in the back was faster so I focused on him. Second guy didn't even get a shot off before he was dead

Ya, got it on my first try as soon as I switched to a controller, it's not difficult at all.

Mouse is Hard Mode, though. Fucking thing floats all over the place like crazy, impossible to get it to focus. It was manageable enough up to that point, but once you have two guys to deal with it becomes too much of a handicap.

Thankfully the game switches between M/K or controller on the fly.

Now if they can fix the FoV and the repeating keys micro-stutter bug, I'd be quite happy. I know the latter will never get fixed, but the former HAS TO.


Just wanted to stop in and praise the OT sub title. Really good movie.

Watched some videos and I think I'll purchase this down the road. Got too much on my plate right now but it looks good. I enjoyed the first two games (never got to devils cartel).


Just wanted to stop in and praise the OT sub title. Really good movie.

Watched some videos and I think I'll purchase this down the road. Got too much on my plate right now but it looks good. I enjoyed the first two games (never got to devils cartel).

That's the third Army of Two game, not the third Call of Juarez game. :p
Weird. I just saw this on XBLA and went to look it up and it's another one of these Ubisoft $15 FPS's built using an existing game's engine/assets? It's strange that Blood Dragon got so much press and this got nothing, yet its apparently a solid game.

Anyway, might check this out. I am a sucker for anything western.


Weird. I just saw this on XBLA and went to look it up and it's another one of these Ubisoft $15 FPS's built using an existing game's engine/assets? It's strange that Blood Dragon got so much press and this got nothing, yet its apparently a solid game.

Anyway, might check this out. I am a sucker for anything western.
The crazy thing about this is for as much as it is a perfect arcade "get the high score!" action game, it actually has a fantastic western plot and narrative. The storytelling is unique, innovative, and hilarious.


I've been playing this game for the last few hours.

It's great fun. It's essentially a drunk old man telling wild stories, and you are playing him while he is talking all this nonsense.

The dialog is fun, man. I laughed quite a few times, and I am only on level 3.

Great game. Worth $15.
This is where I would like to make the statement that using a controller instead of the mouse makes the dueling 100x easier. Mouse is waaayyyy too floaty and "laggy".

Yeah. I gave up pretty fast using the K/B/M. My accuracy is at 75+ avg since I went to pad(restarted the game)Easier head-shots as well with the pad too. I'm at Stage 3 now. Stage 2 was soo much fun, that rain!


Yeah. I gave up pretty fast using the K/B/M. My accuracy is at 75+ avg since I went to pad(restarted the game)Easier head-shots as well with the pad too. I'm at Stage 3 now. Stage 2 was soo much fun, that rain!
Nice, though do you have the auto-aim option turned on for the pad? ;)

I may be tempted to use a 360 controller for the duels and M/KB otherwise though. I don't think I have much problems aiming besides during duels.


Skills for kills, Agent, skills for kills.

I may be tempted to use a 360 controller for the duels and M/KB otherwise though. I don't think I have much problems aiming besides during duels.
This is what I'm doing, the game switches on the fly seamlessly.

I love the quickshooters! I use them in just about all situations. When they're too far, the rifle or sawed-off rifle.
Rifle/Quickshooters for me.


I love the quickshooters! I use them in just about all situations. When they're too far, the rifle or sawed-off rifle.


In an age where Activision can justify $15 Call of Duty packs of 4 maps this is practically a gift rained down from the heavens.


Okay, the Dances with Renegades loading music WAS good.

*edit* "Real men shoot chickens before killing their opponent during a showdown."
Nice, though do you have the auto-aim option turned on for the pad? ;)

Nah. Auto aim messes me up. I'm to use to CSGO. But I do get hit a lot, lol. Once I got my cross hair placed(everyone is the same height)I'm good to go. All about cross hair placement(Strange with a pad)Can't wait to hit the crib in a few minutes and play more. Anyone using SweetFX as well?


How many episodes are there? I just stopped when I got to episode 7 (3.7 hours play time according to Steam), which I feel like might be the last one or close to it. I'll at least play through one more time for the secrets, perhaps on hard since true west sounds scary. :p

Also, the first Dalton Brothers mission with the bank was one of my favorites. The narration was amazing on that one.


How many episodes are there? I just stopped when I got to episode 7 (3.7 hours play time according to Steam), which I feel like might be the last one or close to it. I'll at least play through one more time for the secrets, perhaps on hard since true west sounds scary. :p

Also, the first Dalton Brothers mission with the bank was one of my favorites. The narration was amazing on that one.

14 levels totals. You're about halfway.


It's been consistent throughout this gen. We're at the stage where devs feel it's some point of pride to simply announce that their game will have FOV support, and that's if they don't ignore the issue entirely.

It just boggles my mind. First of all that some devs actually announce FOV support, to me it reads like this: "Hey customer, we have added support so that you can actually play our game!" But then there are devs who don't even support FOV changes and that reads to me like this: "We have a product so highly specialized and exclusive that we don't even want you to buy it!"

So yeah, tested the demo on consoles for few minutes. Great stuff, RPS article is spot on. Might be a contender for best shooter of the year. But the Incgamers review is also pretty spot on with the FOV criticism. It's a great game some people can't play, including me.
I loved Bound in Blood and I'm really glad I ended up picking this up as well. Short, sweet, and just plain fun. Gunplay felt good on a controller as well. Surprisingly, this was one of the least offensive FOVs out of the poor ones recently. Didn't bother me at all.

Definitely one of my favorites games of the year so far.
I figured out how to extract the encrypted files, but changing the value for FOV isn't working the way it worked in Dead Island and whatnot. Not sure what to try next.

I did get the dev menu working though =)
So is this down on Greenman Gaming or what?

I've been trying to buy it from there since last night, but it comes up with a 404 error when I try to purchase.

Any other way to get this on the cheap for PC?


I figured out how to extract the encrypted files, but changing the value for FOV isn't working the way it worked in Dead Island and whatnot. Not sure what to try next.

I did get the dev menu working though =)
Would you like to share how to extract the encrypted files and how to get the dev menu working?

Also I don't think the FOV has bothered me much, fortunately. Running with the view bob might bother me a little bit, but I don't think it's anywhere as bad as something like STALKER. Then again, I probably prefer FOV be thinner on a computer monitor, as opposed to the FOV's so wide that everything on the side is weirdly warped in diagonal fashion. :p

So is this down on Greenman Gaming or what?

I've been trying to buy it from there since last night, but it comes up with a 404 error when I try to purchase.

Any other way to get this on the cheap for PC?
Honestly, $15 is quite a decent price in my opinion compared to $50-70 release games. I've been happy with the purchase. I would guess there will be a discount at some point during a Steam summer sale if you're okay with waiting, too.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
This game owns.


So is this down on Greenman Gaming or what?

I've been trying to buy it from there since last night, but it comes up with a 404 error when I try to purchase.

Any other way to get this on the cheap for PC?

The game is a bargain at that price. Support the devs if you can afford it.


Wow, this really came out or nowhere... Glad to see that it's actually good. I guess I'll pick it up, it's not like 11$ is a big risk anyway.

Edit: Dammit...404 when I click buy on GMG.

Edit2: Oh... just saw that on top of the page. Way to go GMG to leave the Buy button

Unfortunately this product is not yet available in your region. Please check our FAQ for more details.


I know I'm probabably singing praises too much and there may be eventual community backlash, as is the rule of initial positive impressions.

But I wanted to compliment the overall design of the game. It's pretty much a classic example of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

For example, take the mechanics. As I think the RPS review pointed out, it's the sort of thing people, like me, probably tend to avoid in games. Single-player, linear experience, a bunch of setpieces, regenerating health, blood splashes on the screen, automatic checkpoints, QTE's in places. How modern can you get, right? And yet they still let the player have fun, a LOT of fun sometimes. The shooting is pretty good, the guns are satisfying (though the normal shotgun could probably be more dramatic), the cover works acceptably.

Take the QTE's. QTE's are awful right? Except the ones here (I'm talking about the WASD ones, not the duel ones) have a few things going for them. One, if you fail you don't instantly die. If you press the wrong button for a guy who popped up behind you, or you mess up a chain of four guys surrounding you, you still keep playing, and you take them out the normal way. It's just a bonus. In one case someone popped up behind me, I hit the right button, and instantly spun and shot him for a Reflex bonus. That makes sense to me, game-wise -- you might sometimes have moments of instinct to take out someone sneaking up on you. Then three, still about QTE's, sometimes (always?) if you fail you have to pass a secondary test, which might be related to the sense of death thing you can charge. You get the slow motion bullet dodge. This is not hard, though I have occasionally screwed it up, and it's fun to do, and it at least sorta makes sense with gunslinger reflexes. And of course the enemies talk about it too, like "what the hell just happened, did you see that?". So all in all, they're not purely arbitrary, instant death, they're relatively fun, they're not overused, and you can play around them. They're sort of like QTE's done right, if you have to have them.

For another example, take say, the secrets you find. In some games, hunting secrets might be some pure filler to collect orbs, but these not only relate to the chapter you find them in, but they tend to have art from the time period, have an actual presumably true little story, and may even be interesting. They're cool things to pick up. The overall graphics design is pretty consistent (I say this not being a designer myself, just saying it's pleasant and doesn't feel disjointed).

For yet another example, take the cutscenes. I mentioned that the ingame models do not move their mouths to talk as far as I'm aware, which presumably helped the budget a little. Mirror's Edge is one of my favorite games, yet people criticized it for the cheesy animated cutscenes. That's a legitimate criticism, and it was jarring considering how the few first-person cutscenes they did were actually pretty decent. In Gunslinger, the cutscenes are entirely 2D. I think there is a technical term for the film technique they use or approximate, though I do not remember it. They move the camera over/zooming into static images, with maybe a couple of separate parts so different parts of the image shift. No animation other than that. And yet, the art is GOOD, and the voice acting is so fitting that it works pretty seamlessly with the normal gameplay. Lastly, the loading screens appear to be ingame captures, but with filters applied in such a way that they almost look like sepia tone photographs. They use a similar thing when gameplay pauses for narration changes or breaks, and it's pretty effective.

All of these things are small polish details, and might be lame if used by themselves, but the overall package is very cohesive and I'd like to think a lot of love went into it. I wouldn't want every game to be a linear shooter like this, but if you're going to do it I applaud this sort of design.
Take the QTE's. QTE's are awful right? Except the ones here (I'm talking about the WASD ones, not the duel ones) have a few things going for them. One, if you fail you don't instantly die. If you press the wrong button for a guy who popped up behind you, or you mess up a chain of four guys surrounding you, you still keep playing, and you take them out the normal way. It's just a bonus. In one case someone popped up behind me, I hit the right button, and instantly spun and shot him for a Reflex bonus. That makes sense to me, game-wise -- you might sometimes have moments of instinct to take out someone sneaking up on you. Then three, still about QTE's, sometimes (always?) if you fail you have to pass a secondary test, which might be related to the sense of death thing you can charge. You get the slow motion bullet dodge. This is not hard, though I have occasionally screwed it up, and it's fun to do, and it at least sorta makes sense with gunslinger reflexes. And of course the enemies talk about it too, like "what the hell just happened, did you see that?". So all in all, they're not purely arbitrary, instant death, they're relatively fun, they're not overused, and you can play around them. They're sort of like QTE's done right, if you have to have them.

You really hit the nail on the head here. In this case QTE's do a great job of making the player feel like a total badass gunslinger from old spaghetti westerns.


I just finished the main story, that was absolutely fantastic. A bit anticlimactic, but this is $15 with New Game+ and an Arcade mode. Can't wait to play more.

The final title card is the best one:



Outta work early today for the holiday three day weekend. Hopefully I can wrap this up tonight for Bound in Blood tomorrow.

Kydd BlaZe

Order of most fun with games I've had this year:

1. Bioshock Infinite
2. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
3. Far Cry: Blood Dragon
4. Tomb Raider
5. DmC

So... More of this $15 shit, please!
Damn...the other 4 games in your list pretty much mirror how I feel about the games that have come out this year so far. Looks like I need to give Gunslinger a shot. Haven't played it yet.
A present for you all (dev menu)


How to change FOV.
Navigate to install folder
Open "coj4" folder.
Open "Data0.pak" with winrar (or whatever you use)
Inside the archive, nagivate to: "\data\skills\"
Extract: "default_levels.xml" - password is TN2kTjNmBvn5axaS6tGY
Open that file and edit:
<prop n="CameraDefaultFOV" v="XX.X"/>
Save the file and drag it back to the same location in the archive
A friend of mine tried that and says its not working. It works for me, but I have the game running in windowed mode. Not sure if that makes a difference. I'll have to test it a bit
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