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Can Ubisoft survive? and if not, would you miss Ubisoft?


Gold Member
At the moment there is only bad news for Ubisoft, games are not selling or have been postponed. And it feels like everything they touch is a failure. The stock goes down a lot also. I wondered whether I would miss them at all if they weren't available tomorrow. And I couldn't think of a game from the last few years that I absolutely had to play.

Sure, I had some fun with some Assasin's Creed and the new Prince of Persia isn't bad either, but then I also played Avatar and the new Star Wars and I had absolutely no interest in those games.

Would you miss Ubisoft?

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I would miss more FarCry and AC games moddeled after Origins and Odyssey. Not much else they're still doing that I would be interested in.


They're kind of the punching bag of the industry for the average gamer.

If they disappear no one will fill that role. EA will make shit tons of money regardless of any shit game they release so they'll always have the last laugh. Microsoft used to be funny when they failed but now not so much.

I mean it's not like because they're dying something better will take their place, i think. So i'd prefer they don't die.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I'd really like to see Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, SC: Chaos Theory, GRAW, Rainbow Six 3, Rainbow Six Vegas 1 + 2, and Rayman Legends come to GOG.

Beyond that, I don't think Ubi needs to exist anymore and I think we might actually be better off with them gone with the way they're polluting the gaming landscape with their slop. It gives better developers an opportunity to fill whatever void they leave in the market.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I'd rather have a games publisher producing a couple of excellent games along with a bunch of stinkers than that same company going bust.

I never cared for stuff like The Crew, Far Cry, Avatar and Watch Dogs, but I'm a fan of the Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed series. I've played a LOT of those games. The Mario meets the Rabbids games were excellent, too. And that game about WW1 was pretty good.

So no, I don't want to see Ubisoft go bust. F**k the haters who want to see everything they don't like go up in flames until there's nothing left.

a'la mode

Neo Member
They still got things going for them even though not everything is a slam dunk. I think it'd be somewhat fair to say that their biggest missteps came from hopping into these big IPs like Avatar and Star Wars. Consumers just weren't interested in those games, despite the big investments.

I didn't care for the Avatar or Star Wars game either, but I've enjoyed FC and AC the latest entries notwithstanding. Ubi Montpellier has also made some quite excellent 2D games (Raymans, Prince of Persia), I think it'd be a shame to lose them.


The last Far Cry was so bad. And after FC5, I was surprised by the huge drop in quality. NPCs bragging about top surgery. Just awful. They used to make some really awesome games, but I think those days are over. They are basically already dead to me.


I'm intrigued by what happens when they start giving a damn which might have happened the other day but who knows. If they're scrambling to change already released games and canceling shows then I'm sure their future projects have been impacted by this oh shit moment.


They haven't made a good game, or a game that really mattered in years.

This is the studio that made The Sands of Time and Splinter Cell. They are just a sludge pipe now.

Still can't fathom why their headcount is so enormous either. Their shareholders should be marching on their HQ with torches and pitchforks
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I already do. I miss those silver bannered PS2-PS3 gen games man. They were the coolest of the really big pubs. Sony probably took that title in PS4 gen, but they're trying their hardest to get rid of it. Problem is, there's no one solvent or sober enough to take it! lol
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El Muerto

Gold Member
They'll survive. But hopefully they'll get some new leadership and start putting out new games instead of the same 'ol slop as they do now. But if they were to disappear then i wouldnt bat an eye.
If any of their games deserve a remaster it's Driver San Francisco. Definitely worthy of a sequel.


Gold Member
I just want Splinter Cell Remake goddammit!

They could at least sell some of their better IPs off.

Mister Wolf

Gold Member
No I won't miss them. They knew what their customers wanted and still refused to provide it. Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Let them be a another lesson that the buyers are always more important than the sellers. This is a billion dollar entertainment industry. Someone will quickly take Ubisofts place seeking our money. They may even buy Ubisoft's IPs.
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Probably a bit. I used to like Ubisoft. But somehow it's gone down the drain in recent years. Since Origins, nothing I've played from Ubisoft has really clicked for me. I had always hoped they would keep small projects like Child of Light. But Ubisoft didn't find them lucrative enough.

AC has become far too bloated for me. I don't want to spend that much time on it. Especially not as often as Ubisoft puts out AC games. It's absolute overkill for me. Maybe I could tolerate the games if they had less scope and were released less often.


I would. I’m particularly fond of Far Cry and AC despite all their shortcoming. I enjoy them a lot despite all the criticism. Yes, they’re flawed but they’re also enjoyable.
I just wish Far Cry games would keep the momentum going. I tried to like 6 so bad but after the first 2 hours it just seemed to fizzle


Ubisoft popularised the lazy watchtower open world slop that so, so many over developers have picked up. Everything from Halo to Horizon is packed with this pointless garbage. If Ubisoft shutdown, there’s so much open world slop masquerading as game design out there that I doubt anyone would actually notice.
And that’s kind of their problem. Ubisofts games are best characterised as “aggressively generic”. So generic that if there weren’t around, there’s nothing of substance to actually miss.


Fuck yes. I loved the last 2 Ghost Recon games, all the Watch Dogs games, all the AC games, Avatar, Far Cry, XDefiant. Not to mention The Division games and the upcoming sequel. Into the veins with their shit.


Gold Member
I think they can, and yeah their games fill an otherwise vacant market gap. I'd prefer they learn lessons and take a step back but I think this would be a case of not knowing what you have until its gone.

Not every game has to be poignant or profound, some game just need a comfy formula that you can load into, in a different setting and feel at home while you waste a few hours.


Couldn't care less if they go away.
The last time I was excited for one of their games was probably Rayman Legends which was indeed pretty cool, but they don't even make that type of game anymore.

There is no IP that they own that I'd really miss, either because they've made nothing relevant with it in a long time or because it's generic enough that another studio could easily make a sort of spiritual successor if they wanted to. For example I liked Rayman Legends because I thought it was a great platformer with fun levels and nice visuals but there is nothing about the IP itself I feel attached to. Another studio could easily make a similar game with a slightly different cartoony style and It'd be just as good to me.
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It wouldn't make any difference to me. I might play something from them once every 3 or 5 years and that's mostly due to one of their games coming with my new video card or I get their $100+ game for $5.

That said I wouldn't want them to vanish. Just reevaluate their game formula.


No I won't miss them. They knew what their customers wanted and still refused to provide it. Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Let them be a another lesson that the buyers are always more important than the sellers. This is a billion dollar entertainment industry. Someone will quickly take Ubisofts place seeking our money. They may even buy Ubisoft's IPs.
The fact that BG&E 2 has been in development hell this long is a testament to how fucked they are. The game is cancelled and rebooted every few years.

The Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell reboot might as well be canceled.

I just don't understand them as a company, they're nearly as bad as Konami


Gold Member
I think Ubisoft will be fine in the long run if they just listen to their fans. The games they make have their place in the market and I would be sad to see them disappear if Ubi collapses.
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One of the green rats
Maybe but they do have a real chanve of a hostile take over.
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They should have found their own version of King and Blizzard to merge with, like Activision did. Either Kotick just got lucky or he knew that running constant sequels of the same few I.P. would have a corrosive effect, so when it did they had Blizzard and King there to help during this downtime.

Ubisoft is in this rare moment where they have a ton of open world developers who only know how to make games one way, and now that the market is starting to get tired of that way, they're having to try and figure out how to slowly steer that humungous ship around with zero help. And they're so scared of being bought out that they've cornered themselves into not being able to take big risks. These games had good foundations to build upon and should have had sequels:




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Mister Wolf

Gold Member
The fact that BG&E 2 has been in development hell this long is a testament to how fucked they are. The game is cancelled and rebooted every few years.

The Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell reboot might as well be canceled.

I just don't understand them as a company, they're nearly as bad as Konami

The creators/sellers think what they want is more important than what their loyal customers want. The customers who made them rich in the first place. It's fine if they want to think like that. They will be broke doing so.


I miss the old Ubisoft, the one that, for a couple of decades made genre defining games, with high quality.
I don't give a toss about modern Ubisoft. It's nothing more than a corpse of what used to be a great company.
Yeah this is where I'm at. I've played their games for decades. They used to be at the top of the food chain, quite boldly setting industry trends and producing milestones after milestones. The early AC era was pure magic.

That Ubisoft died a long time ago and I miss them. The one we have today, outside of a few outliers, has been the polar opposite and has turned into a satanic version of what it used to be. Been that way for a long time, and they have finally reached death's door by commiting the biggest cardinal sun possible: Utterly fucking up the most requested game of their flagship franchise after letting people wait 17 years for it, all the while Sony releases that exact game in a way that you could call a love letter to those same waiting fans in the form of Ghost of Tsushima and Jin Sakai. They are poised to do it again with Ghost of Yotai.

As far as I'm concerned, I think after playing their games for this long has just naturally made me feel fed up with them. I've had my fill. They can go or stay, I don't really care anymore. RIP old Ubi. You are missed.
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