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Can Ubisoft survive? and if not, would you miss Ubisoft?


Yeah, they are one of the OG's. They've given us a lot of classic games and entertainment like the origional AC's and Farcry series + Rayman so it would be a shame if they went under.

I do want them to turn things around rather than crashing and burning out. But at the same time if they keep producing stuff like they have currently, I'd still feel a bit apethetic towards their newer content.


Gold Member
Question: what happens to the IPs if Ubi goes under? I imagine they don’t just disappear. They are auctioned off, someone buys them?
Ubi can go if that’s the case.

I would love for them to just start making good games again.
I do not think it’s that complicated a task to start. (Painful yes)
Letting go of the toxic workforce, paying out anyone who needs to be paid out. Scrapping all that nonsense. All they would have to accept is that they are a much smaller company that has to work its way back up.
The market would reward them far more quickly and generously than they think. The Ubi who made Splinter Cells and Rainbow Six’s were definitely not the giant Ubi today. So what’s wrong with going back and working your way back up.

I bet you if they put their foot down and said these are the games we are going to make, a good chunk of the blue hairs would shut up and go to work.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
If He Dies Ivan Drago GIF

Even living close by and knowing devs who worked at the golden age of Ubisoft Montreal, so be it if they bite the dust. It'll create new satellite studios where they'll make the games they want to make, without a marketing committee and checklists to get DEI funds.

Plenty of space for indies and AA.

Haven't bought an Ubisoft game in ages.


They were fantastic in the 90's and 2000s, but turned to absolute crap generic games from 2010 onwards.
I wouldn't miss Ubisoft if it went under, I was rooting for the to stay independent when Viviendi were moving in around 10 years ago but I couldn't care less now, I find the toxic, their games boring snd generic without any passion from the devs, just soulless.


I do miss the old UBIsoft. Before the bad times came. They used to make and distribute some of the best games around.

Now it's just filth. I probably wouldn't miss current day UBI too much. They've been having some truly abhorrent takes as of late.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member

I don't know, should Ubisoft survive when the state of the studio is as described by devs at that studio in this video?

This is the kind of climate that produced Concord

Just finished watching the video and yea, its really bad.

Might as well just die. They filled the senior positions with incompetence. You can rarely recover from that. There's a name for that, the Peter principle.


I dont understand how one year of bad releases and bad stock can have a big company like this be on sale.anyone explain


I really love the Division 1 and 2. But based on everything, I don't have much faith in 3.

I also really love Anno 1800.
One thing I've noticed about Ubisoft is that they've always chased really hard whatever the current mainstream cultural zeitgeist is, 20 years ago this translated to Prince of Persia transitioning to blood, nu metal and naked butt, because that's where 2004 was at, today it translates to lame and stupid wokeness.

Red Steel came out at the height of 2000s weeaboo culture, ZombiU when zombies were at a fever pitch, everything thing they do is trying to have it's "finger on the pulse"

So I don't seem them surviving unless the mainstream zeitgeist changes and makes it ok for them to release stuff gamers actually want, the vast majority of gamers are out of lockstep with what "mainstream" is now, what you're "supposed" to like, since this has been Ubisoft's modus operandi for so long, the wider culture has to change for them to change.


Gold Member
I dont play UBI games, except classic HoMM games back in the day. They are coming out with a refreshed game next year.

So for me, just one series from them I care about.


Gold Member
The last Ubisoft game I actually finished was Rayman Legends on Ps4 in, like, 2014 (?).

That game was amazing. I’d love more 2D and 3D Rayman, but they don’t seem interested in that. So no, I would not miss them. Frankly it might be better if they go bankrupt so that the Rayman IP can be sold to someone who might actually use it.
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They deserve to die.

edit: I did enjoy some of their games in the 2000's. Far Cry 3 was great.
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I wouldn't miss the present Ubisoft, I stopped buying their games after Valhalla anyway, after they went very anti consumer, stopping me playing my games on win 7 and telling me I don't own my games and charging more for them, so it wouldn't bother me, they deserve what's happening to them.
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I dont understand how one year of bad releases and bad stock can have a big company like this be on sale.anyone explain
It’s not one year. They have been steadily losing value for 5 years. The problem is other competing companies are doing much better, growing faster and exploring new opportunities. As an investor you go where your highest return on investment is.

Ubisoft never got out of massive, multi-studio bloated development. They had the idea of turning AC into GAAS but they are late on that and without a change to the formula it will just suffer the same fate as all other AC games - bloat and no compelling gameplay loop (since what works for 100hrs in Valhalla will not work on GAAS).

Rainbow Six did very well, but I think now has stagnated + it’s not a very compelling IP to gain massive popularity like Fortnite.

Division - I don’t know where that game is, probably dead with dedicated but limited fan base.

Xdefiant is a flop

No Splinter Cell since forever. BG&E2 is in development hell.

5-7 years ago they were on a roll, from there it’s been mostly just Far Cry, AC (which got worse over time) and that’s it.

As I said before - they created some incredible indie titles: Child of Light, Valiant Hearts, PoP. It’s just they cannot channel that energy and massively reinvent their major franchises.
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Interesting to see considering AC Valhalla was the beet selling AC of all time. Seemed like they were on the right path for profitability at least.


They will survive.
But if they would go under I would definitely miss games like Rayman Legends and Splinter Cell.


Not a fan of their more recent work and I don't think they contribute anything meaningful in terms of game mechanics or innovation anymore.

So no, I don't think they would be missed to be honest.
I mostly just care about the big Ubi games. AC, Far Cry, The Division. Those are not at risk of dying.

I forgot about the new HOMM game. That does look good.
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You're all sleeping on The Rogue Prince of Persia I see. Shame on you!

This title song alone is worth the price of admission.

I don't care for all the "AAA" slop they put out but all of their smaller projects kick ass.
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Gold Member
I think they’re screwed. Lost Crown didn’t do well. Outlaws probably cost them $200 million and a huge chunk of what little they made is going to Disney. AC Shadow vibes are not great and they missed the Christmas season. After that they will likely be significantly changed if not shut down and sold off for parts like THQ.
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