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Can Ubisoft survive? and if not, would you miss Ubisoft?


not really, never been an huge fan of theirs...but they did publish a lot of bangers here in europe in the early 2000, just did not developed them
The Ubisoft that gave us games like PoP SoT and PoP WW with free form fighting system or Splinter Cell Chaos Theory with stealth that you could increase and decrease it's speed and you could actually stop your character mid step with one foot in the air- yeah I miss that Ubisoft. That animations were smooth. Also hiring composer like Amon Tobin was a 10/10 choice.

The modern Ubisoft after Far Cry 3, AC Black Flag and Origins- I find rather invisible for me, FC6 even for free I didn't finished it, gave up right around flamethrower part I was like "nah been there done that".

When they announced AC Mirage it felt like maybe things would inprove, then I saw footage with teleportation and insta kill enemies and I was like "nah".

When they talked about AC Red and it having more in common with Origins I thought "hell yeah, japanese protagonist, how they can fuck this one up". I guess they can 🤣.
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Unisoft used to make such quality games.

Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield
Rainbow Six Vegas 1/2
Splinter Cell - all of them were great, including Blacklist
Ghost Recon
Assassin's Creed II
Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon.

I'm shocked how this company has fallen. It's quite tragic really.
I used to love playing old Ghost Recon’s and Rainbow Six

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Yep, Ubisoft died a long time ago. The current Ubisoft has too many valuable IP so will probably be taken over and restructured hopefully towards profitability.
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