Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 7: More Shipping Talk than Anime & TV GAF

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After doing the math even with the 20% off preorders and the free release day shipping Prime still isn't worth it for me because I've been buying less and less games each year and usually only buy them during deals.

If Best Buy introduced something like the US one i'd be more inclined to sub to that.

I do wish I would've read I needed prime when item ships before I cancelled my E3 Pokemon order but life lesson of reading all the terms slow.

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Can Bestbuy Canada even afford to implement and maintain this? I's love it if they could.

I'd love it too, but then I remembered how they now refuse to ship pretty much every niche game to Québec, and that's at least 50% of what I play. :/
So has anyone else confirmed the lower Amazon prime price is applied to the E3 orders? It hasn't updated on mine but when I emailed they said:
Amazon Customer Service said:
Hello from

I completely understand your concern in this regard.

Whenever you pre-order an item, the price we charge when we ship it to you will be the lowest price offered by between the time you placed your order and the price the item sells for when it's released.

There is no need to worry once your order ships you will be charged only the lowest price of the item and also I confirm that still receive the E3 20% off promo for the order.

So I'd assume it'll fix itself but after they've already charged me extra for E3 orders I don't really know if I trust them.

Edit:I guess people determined a couple pages ago it doesn't stack.


So has anyone else confirmed the lower Amazon prime price is applied to the E3 orders? It hasn't updated on mine but when I emailed they said:

So I'd assume it'll fix itself but after they've already charged me extra for E3 orders I don't really know if I trust them.

No. Even the pages for the games carefully state "Your price at checkout is _____" which I believe is done to simply mean it's won't be applied until you're checking out, and won't be applied to pre-existing orders to prevent stacking.


I feel the same about games 1-3 but haven't played the 4th yet. What turned you off?

I felt like the gunplay parts were a downgrade after 2 and 3. It's like the game wanted you to sneak but kill everyone at the same time. The exploration was fine I guess and the story interesting and the ending was a neat pay-off, but other than that.. It was just average.

Great game but I doubt that the VR stuff will be the reason to get it... still worth getting it and just try the VR stuff anyway since you'll already have a PSVR.

RotTR is far superior to UC4.

NaughtyDog should just get in The movie business if they have no interest in making video games.

I finished it just this week. Loved every minute of it. The extra exploration (vs the first game) was much welcome and the length of the game felt just right, didn't outstay its welcome

Graphically it was gorgeous too

Thanks for all the feedback. I know the VR is probably something that's just fluff that you do once for a short bit and not the main event. Still looking forward to explore the mansion.


Curd only bruh

No. Just... no.

If you're not gonna use curds, at least use cheddar. And don't shred it. Cube it.

Curd is definitely best and traditional.

But my local pizza restaurant makes a pretty bad ass poutine with a thick layer of pizza blend cheese baked on top.

I have been eating too much mozzarella lately.

lol, I'm actually in Montreal right now and have been for about two weeks and have yet to try Poutine. There's a burger place near the metro station I get off at that's pretty good and offers Poutine, maybe I'll try it tonight =P

I only half-joke about the shredded Mozzarella because I think every place I've been to in Ontario has just thrown some shredded Mozzarella on top. The only time I've gotten anything close to authentic is when I went to Smoke's Poutenerie but unless you get the basic one you're not going to get cheese curds.


lol, I'm actually in Montreal right now and have been for about two weeks and have yet to try Poutine. There's a burger place near the metro station I get off at that's pretty good and offers Poutine, maybe I'll try it tonight =P

I only half-joke about the shredded Mozzarella because I think every place I've been to in Ontario has just thrown some shredded Mozzarella on top. The only time I've gotten anything close to authentic is when I went to Smoke's Poutenerie but unless you get the basic one you're not going to get cheese curds.

Go to La Banquise. Thank me later.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
All this poutine talk got me craving one too now but my only option is Harveys or a momnpop joint that uses cheddar cheese (but a lot more fries compared to other places)

I can honestly say poutine is one of the best things in the world Canada.


All this poutine talk got me craving one too now but my only option is Harveys or a momnpop joint that uses cheddar cheese (but a lot more fries compared to other places)

I can honestly say poutine is one of the best things in the world Canada.

I use to eat too much of it. I try to keep it down to 4 to 6 times a year now.

Oh, speaking of which, this summer I tried in Montreal at a place where everything is 5 dollars.. it's called Cinco I think?.. a poutine where they replace the fries with tempura green beans. It's actually really good.
I use to eat too much of it. I try to keep it down to 4 to 6 times a year now.

Oh, speaking of which, this summer I tried in Montreal at a place where everything is 5 dollars.. it's called Cinco I think?.. a poutine where they replace the fries with tempura green beans. It's actually really good.

You meant week rather than year right?


Really happy about this 20% discount on pre-orders. Just cancelled my Pokemon Sun pre-order and pre-ordered it again to save $10.
Okay why the hell is the Playstation VR priced at $549.99 here? It should be $499.99 just like the PS4 Pro shouldn't it, since they're both $399 in the US? what gives?


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
What the fuck. I was under the impression that Smoke's was better than this.

Wait what. Smokes doesnt put cheese curds if you get one of the fancier options? What the hell is the point then?

I wonder how long it will take for surplus World Cup of Hockey Team Canada jerseys to go on discount as stores try to get rid of them. I'd like to pick one up for the same price as that Leaf jersey. Or less than $100.
Went in on the Xbox One S upgrade deal when I found out the 500gig also got a $50 price cut.


Not bad for $11.50 and 5 games; two of which I got back (though your mileage may vary on Fallout 4, guess it's not really supposed to qualify but the stores in my region were giving it out anyways).
RotTR is far superior to UC4.

NaughtyDog should just get in The movie business if they have no interest in making video games.
As far as terrible opinions go, this is near the top of the pile. Not only is rotr extremely boring, it's story is also a joke. Apparently it's a graphical showcase yet I'm still waiting for those "impressive" visuals to show up. Rotr is significantly worse than the reboot and that was average.

Stage On

Well, it might be worth it if BestBuy doesn't respond and E3 deals are dead. You basically have to order 5 games to break even, and then you start "profiting" after.


It's the 5 games to break even thing that gets me since you essentially have to be paying near full price for them. 20% off an $80 game doesn't save you that much, especially once tax is thrown in.

Kind of hard to justify paying that much with how fast prices are collapsing for most games.
Went in on the Xbox One S upgrade deal when I found out the 500gig also got a $50 price cut.


Not bad for $11.50 and 5 games; two of which I got back (though your mileage may vary on Fallout 4, guess it's not really supposed to qualify but the stores in my region were giving it out anyways).

Did the pricing work out like you laid out in your previous post? Debating doing this myself with my 500 gb console, no kinect.
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