I think you think the Clarity Act is more important to the NDP than it actually is.
edit: Or the Liberals for that matter
watch the NPD be that stupid in a minority government
I think you think the Clarity Act is more important to the NDP than it actually is.
edit: Or the Liberals for that matter
laugh it up, fake smiling Tom isn't becoming Prime Minister in October
watch the NPD be that stupid in a minority government
What evidence do you have of that? Similar to the Liberals trying to form a coalition backed by separatists? All parties have dumb people in them, but there is no evidence that the clarity act is even in the top 10 of things the NDP want to address on taking power. It's like Trudeau taking power and then calling a constitutional convention to get Meech Lake passed or something. It's not going to happen. Parties are primarily concerned with self-preservation.
And you still refuse to outline a path to victory for Trudeau.
that was a cluster fuck of a thread
can't find any of it on French language news sites about Liu
although the Political Correctness bar is set lower in Quebec
Yeah, I found it by myself... and spent way too much time reading way too much garbage.Morrigan Stark: Don't be afraid.
Here's the link:
S-WindIn other words: Quebec is more racist and/or less tolerant.
To hell with sugar coating it.
watch the NPD be that stupid in a minority government
this is what will happen in an NDP minority government:
LPC ''we will support the government on an issue by issue basiss''
then the NDP starts of its session ''we vote to repeal the Clarity Act''
LPC goes ''you can't be serious? We pass a motion of No Confidence''
Cons ''we got lots of money, bring it''
The NDP is the most 'center' it's ever been.
They are encroaching on the big tent status that the Liberals had.
Plus I like his policies. University is too damn expensive.
That said, I agree in general that not enough attention is being paid to poverty. Only the Greens are actually talking about the poor: one of their major planks is the Guaranteed Livable Income...but let's be realistic: it's probably never happening here, no matter how many people may tell pollsters that they think we need to address income disparity.
Holy shit! The Green Party is incredible. I hope the NDP wins and fixes the electoral system. Once they do that, I'm going green. 8)The Green Party of Canada believes it is time to re-visit a major policy initiative − the use of a negative income tax, or Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI) for all. The use of a GLI could eliminate poverty and allow social services to concentrate on problems of mental health and addiction. The essential plan is to provide a regular payment to every Canadian without regard to a needs test. The level of the payment will be regionally set at a level above poverty, but at a bare subsistence level to encourage additional income generation. No surveillance or follow-up is required.
this is what will happen in an NDP minority government:
LPC ''we will support the government on an issue by issue basiss''
then the NDP starts of its session ''we vote to repeal the Clarity Act''
LPC goes ''you can't be serious? We pass a motion of No Confidence''
Cons ''we got lots of money, bring it''
It put a spotlight on the racism in Quebec. Plus there was Stumpokapow being the voice of reason, politely pointing out the faults of BOTH sides - the best part IMO was when he pointed out that gaboumafou's stubborn persistence in deflecting the attention away whenever someone brought up their experiences with racism in Quebec only helps feed into the perception of Quebec being more racist and intolerant than most other parts of Canada.
Looks like some of Harper's PMO staff (including current chief of staff and some party lawyers) have been caught lying with the Duffy case. They released statements back in 2013 saying they were out of the loop and knew nothing, but the email archive that Mclean's has shows that they were indeed involved. Nothing shows the PM absolutely knew anything, but some emails indicate he knew the broad strokes of Duffy's repayments. Harper still has plausible deniability.
If Atlantic Canada is gone, where else can the Conservatives rely on for support? Three Western provinces and GTA battlegrounds?
I think it was a great thread.
It put a spotlight on the racism in Quebec. Plus there was Stumpokapow being the voice of reason, politely pointing out the faults of BOTH sides - the best part IMO was when he pointed out that gaboumafou's stubborn persistence in deflecting the attention away whenever someone brought up their experiences with racism in Quebec only helps feed into the perception of Quebec being more racist and intolerant than most other parts of Canada.
In other words: Quebec is more racist and/or less tolerant.
To hell with sugar coating it.
lol, I can't believe I'm now CanadaGAF's separatist boogeyman. Watch out, creepy francophobe, I'm gonna destroy your beautiful country and force you to speak french. I'm racist like that.
Conservatives are not winning Mount-Royal, even if media attention has been high for that riding, there is a huge population of minority voters in the Western portion of that riding that don't share the positions of their Jewish-Conservative neighbors....
- they seem to think that their pandering to the Jewish vote will pick them up Mount Royal (Quebec) now that Irwin Cotler is gone,...
According to the Canada 2006 Census
Ethnic groups: 65.4% White, 9.2% Filipino, 6.2% South Asian, 5.5% Black, 3.3% Chinese, 3.1% Southeast Asian, 2.9% Arab, 1.9% Latin American, 1.0% West Asian
Languages: 32.2% English, 21.1% French, 45.7% Others
Religions (2001): 36.3% Jewish, 29.3% Catholic, 6.8% Protestant, 5.6% Muslim, 4.9% Christian Orthodox, 4.5% Hindu, 3.0% Buddhist, 1.6% Other Christian
Average income: $21,933
But he then started making irrational decisions. Martok knew Gowron had to go but was too weak to act on his own, the coward.Gowron had the endorsement of Picard, 'nuff said
Conservatives are not winning Mount-Royal, even if media attention has been high for that riding, there is a huge population of minority voters in the Western portion of that riding that don't share the positions of their Jewish-Conservative neighbors.
36% is the Conservative ceiling in that riding. While the Liberal ceiling exceeds 50%
if there is one riding where NDP supporters are willing to vote strategic Liberal to block a Conservative... this is one of them
Thomas "Another Career Politician We Can't Afford" Mulcair is a pretty weak attack ad.
As far as I can tell:
- they're probably hoping to retain a couple of seats in Atlantic Canada. With Mackay gone, though, I don't know how plausible that is. There are one or two other ridings where they were had big wins, but for the most part, the ridings they have were won by pretty narrow margins. I can't see that repeating itself this time, when Harper is so disliked out there.
- they seem to think that their pandering to the Jewish vote will pick them up Mount Royal (Quebec) now that Irwin Cotler is gone, though even if they get that (which is far from a sure thing), their few other Quebec MPs may all be gone.
- rural Ontario + parts of the GTA
- rural Manitoba
- Saskatchewan & Alberta
- rural BC
Admittedly, I haven't counted up all the ridings, but I have a really hard time seeing all those add up to another majority. Even in the very best case scenario, I have to think it only yields the thinnest majority possible. Then again, their entire strategy is about only appealing to a very specific, defined voter base, so maybe they don't mind razor-thin wins?
Technically the Liberal ceiling exceeds 90%, since that's what Cotler got the first time he won the riding back in 1998.
You're also forgetting one other key thing: the Conservatives -- or, at least, someone who may or may not be loosely affiliated with them -- is trying goose the conservative-leaning Jewish population in the riding by flying Canadian-Israel dual citizens back in time for the election.
That'd be blatantly illegal, of course, but when has legality ever stopped the CPC?
The Conservatives lead among "Certain" voters, the Liberals are ahead in both the "Likely" and "Might Vote" categories, and the NDP have a pretty commanding lead in the "Unlikely" voter category.
The implications of the Duffy trial are pretty bad for Harper and his staff, but I'm wondering if this will have any impact on the election results? Will most Canadians not give a shit?
If you think this will affect Harper at all you haven't been paying attention the last 8 years.
This is all happening during the election campaign. People, such as myself, are paying attention right now. Is it not possible for the other parties to effectively use this material to bring down Harper in the eyes of the public?
65-70% of the country will be voting for other parties no matter what. This scandal doesn't really push any more voters away from him, and it doesn't really move any toward either the NDP or Liberals. Really the only guaranteed way for Harper to lose is for either the NDP or Liberals to stumble in a giant way and have the momentum massively shift on the left to the other party.
People voting for him are likely to forgive a bit of "misbehaviour" because he's "tough on terrorism" and similar bullshit.
Remember the Toronto election and how Ford was still polling high after an unending stream of scandals and policy disasters? Realistically, the only thing that prevented him from being reelected was him sitting it out due to his health issues.
as a Liberal voter, I didn't care about Ad-Scam... to me, it was for the good of the country to splatter pro-Canada signs everywhere. so the ends justified the means
my point is that the Duffy trial will not affect partisan Conservative supporters at all.
it may dissuade bellwether voters but not the base
Well, there's plenty of soft-blue center-right voters in the GTA area so it may have a non-insignificant effect.
as a Liberal voter, I didn't care about Ad-Scam... to me, it was for the good of the country to splatter pro-Canada signs everywhere. so the ends justified the means
I mean, his obstinateness might work. Basically there is now proof that much of his inner circle knew about the payment scheme and efforts to change the Senate audit, but he is still insisting they didn't. It's entirely possible he will refuse to fire any of them and just keep saying they knew nothing through the entire election. His base won't really care.
If you think this will affect Harper at all you haven't been paying attention the last 8 years.
Barring a major scandal destroying both the PLC and NDP at the same time, is there anyway Harper can be Prime minister again in october? The chances of the Cons getting a majority is almost nil at this point. If they get a minority, the NDP and PLC have no choice but to work together, if only to be in control of when the next election will be. Both parties will be broke so they can't let the Cons have any say in that. Not only that, but if either Mulcair or Trudeau refuse to form a coalition and let Harper govern, he'll probably be destroyed in the polls because of the gigantic Anybody-but-Harper crowd shifting its support to the other party.
send my regards to GillesWhy am I not surprised by this post at all...