Harper has been slashing and burning EVERYTHING with no one spared in his quest for a balanced budget to campaign on.
Look, is there an element of political control over the RCMP? Of course there is. The Commissioner is considered a Deputy Minister, after all!
So, after the wild card that was Zaccardelli, no one is going to even get the job unless you are willing to play ball with how the government views the Force. (In relation to things such as playing along with the above-mentioned cutbacks, not pushing the recommendations from the Brown Report too hard, such as financial independence from Treasury Board, or setting up an independent, civilian board of directors that would oversee the RCMP, or fighting against RCMP members' efforts at forming an Association.)
THOSE are the areas in which RCMP upper management are, at some level, beholden to the political masters.
A) This has not really been dependent on which party is in power, historically, imo.
B) It does
not, again imo, extend to interference in specific investigations, collusion, corruption, etc. If the PMO and RCMP were "scratching each other's backs" in relation to Duffy, we never would have seen charges at all.
What has happened here, I would say, is a factor of the RCMP's culture of risk aversion. The investigators and management involved in this investigation probably wanted to do a thorough and fair investigation, but they were likely inherently cautious. They were never going to lay a shotgun blast of charges, splattering everyone. And it's not just the RCMP's call. If you think the investigative team didn't consult with Crown prosecutors beforehand on the strength of their potential charges before they were laid, you're crazy.
Similarly, I don't see any way in hell they take action along the lines of Charlie Angus' letter in the middle of a campaign. I can't see the brass wanting
any sort of repeat of 2006.