Far less than it used to.
Canada's contributions to foreign aid are absolutely abysmal, yet somehow, that hasn't permeated the public consciousness. Most people still seem to think of country as a nation of peacekeepers who are a force for good in the world, even when the reality hasn't matched that since probably the mid-'90s (if it was even true then).
Ordinarily I'm all for reason and moderation, but you know what? Why not be angry now. This government has been implementing policies that are *this* far from being flat out racist (and sometimes not even that much) for several years now, so I feel like rage is an acceptable solution at this point. Even if there weren't a dead kid in Turkey, this government deserves to be called to task for their actions. Yes, fix the overall problem with the system, but in the meantime, they deserve to be called out and shamed.
Like, this post got overlooked, but it captures so much of what's wrong with this government:
Canadian rules on who even qualifies as a refugee appear to be very difficult to satisfy and really need to be modernized. Living in a warzone is not typically enough. The last I looked into this, I believe you had to be specifically targeted for death by the government of your country for reasons like your ethnicity or religion. If you're just in serious danger due to heavy fighting between groups who don't have anything against you specifically, you're not a refugee, even if your entire city is leveled. In those situations, the Canadian government thinks you can just move to another part of your own country where there is no fighting, so you're not a refugee. Even if you are a refugee, Canada thinks you should just go to a neighboring country too, which is often not realistic.
This was the case when my wife's cousin's husband was killed when the bus he was riding in was hit by Russian rocket fire in the Donetsk region of Ukraine earlier this year. According to the government official my wife talked to, Canada does not consider her cousin or infant son to be refugees despite our ability to support them and the continued heavy fighting between armies there, even though the rest of Ukraine makes life very hard on anyone from Donetsk trying to relocate within Ukraine. The Ukraine situation continues to be disastrous as well, despite its absence from the media these days.
At the very least in situations where there are already family members in Canada who are Canadian citizens who can support their family members in trouble overseas, the government should provide more flexibility to allow them to immigrate safely and legally.
And this is in a region where Harper's been blustering about Canadian strength and not being intimidated by Putin and whatnot. Ordinarily, you'd think solidarity with the Ukrainians would involve helping those most affected by the crisis start their lives over somewhere else, but we don't even do that. Instead, we have a PM who talks a big game, and then does nothing concrete.
So when we're talking about a region in which the Conservatives are
running ads at this very moment mocking Trudeau for suggesting we send aid...yeah, Harper et al may not have literally killed anyone, but they should still be ashamed for how little they've done to help alleviate the problems of the region. Simply dropping a couple of bombs doesn't cut it -- though, ironically, if it were, he'd still deserve condemnation, since we're responsible for less than 1% of the bombing runs there, according to the last numbers I saw a few weeks ago. That's Canadian foreign policy under Harper: big talk wherever white people are in danger, but next-to-nothing in the way of action.
I don't think anyone, even hardcore partisans, are thinking of this as if he literally went and held a gun to this kid's head, but they are the rightful targets of anger at our country's failure to help people in need while spending billions on things like trying to buy a broken warplane that no one wants, for example.
You know, if the Conservatives were even trying to buy warplanes, it would be one thing: you may or may not agree with spending money to fix the military, but it's at least a defensible position from a certain mindset. But they haven't even done that. They've let our military fall into an
abysmal state of disrepair, so they've basically just talked about spending billions on broken warplanes for a decade, while not doing anything. For them to do that, then turn around and brag about our military (while essentially outsourcing all our defense, peacekeeping, etc. functions to the Americans) is appalling. I'm not even a very pro-military person, and it enrages me.
EDIT: On reflection, I wonder if the two -- the lack of military spending and the abysmal treatment of refugees -- are connected? We can't even get Canadians out of dangerous spots without help from others, so it's not like we'd have the capacity to get refugees out of war zones, either.
Also enraging:
Peter Penashue is running for the Conservatives in Labrador. Penashue, of course, had to resign in disgrace in 2013 when it came out that his campaign spent and raised money illegally in the 2011 election. His official agent is going on trial next week on charges of violating the the Canada Elections Act. And somehow, that's not disqualifying for him to run as a Conservative.