One segment in 8 is scarier than any game ever made including 7.
as a little, easily scared pussy... I really don't get that... I had no issue with the "baby"
I explained in an earlier reply why.
well what is scary is very subjective. the moment I had my weapons taken from me I stopped being scared. because the game basically tells you that there's nothing coming that can hurt you really, and everything that could come that can potentially hurt you can be outrun and in order to work as a gameplay element it can't really be that complex or hard to beat.
that thought alone of, "there's no real danger here" made it way less scary for me than even walking down a corridor in say RE1.
of course there's a potential for jump scares or something but those don't really scare me.
it was a small gamedesign flaw to take away your inventory in that section imo and would have been more effective if it was just handled like any other part of the game, with potential danger lurking on every corner. every creepy doll a potential enemy that you have to shoot if needed
so that's super subjective. I am super stressed out and scared when I play REmake, almost all the way through the game, but that part in RE8 didn't scare me really.
like, it's literally more scary to me to simply walk down a hallway in RE1 or 2
to me, lurking danger is scary. and I explained why I didn't feel that in that section, maybe right at the end for 5 seconds because it was a really close call
edit: on a sidenote... I sound the design of it kinda funny tbh... which will also be not relatable to many, but yeah
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