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Capcom: Resident Evil 7 biohazard has shipped 2.5M copies


I remember when every one laughed at Capcom's projections. No one is laughing now.

it was always going to do well regardless of how the game turned out. RE sales are crazy strong.

I'm really curious what the budget for this one was. I'm thinking it could be a good deal smaller than 6's with multiple campaigns.

Definitely a smaller budget than 6, but it's still a premium production for them.


Deserves it. First game that I've bothered to beat more than once since The Last of Us (and that was because of the remaster). I buy almost all AAA titles as well. In fact I find it hard to finish most games even once.
Briefly, what every paragraph means:

It has SHIPPED 7 (出荷) 2.5 million copies of RE7.

As January 27th (today, in Japan) it has sold 75 Million copies since 1996.

It says bla bla revolutionary using RE Engine, switching to first person.
The demo was downloaded worldwide 7.150.000 times.

Then it says how Bio Hazard Final was successful in December and the new CG movie (Bio Hazard Vendetta) is coming out in May worldwide. The point being, the series is not about games anymore.

Then it says they will continue to make excellent games, that overflow with originality and something like that.

Well guys, RE is back, let's hope Capcom does the same for the other big names. It seems like the dark years of the Japanese industry not being up to the west are ending! :)

Yakuza O
Gravity Rush 2
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy XV
Resident Evil 7

All received very favorably.

With more notable titles like Zeld BOTW, Nioh, NieR Automata and Persona 5 releasing in early 2017 this might be the best run of games for Japanese devs since the PS2 era.
Goddamn, that's great. I'm too much of a wuss to play it myself, but I'm really glad it's doing well - especially when they tried something different with RE7 and it seems to have payed off.
I find that hard to believe. I see people saying 4 million by the end of March. Did they revise their goals?

One of their marketing managers stated that they'd love to sell 4m on day one. But their actual internal expectation is for it to due that by the end of the fiscal year

Q. What are your expectations for lifetime revenue of Resident Evil 7 biohazard?
A. We are expecting 4 million unit sales worldwide in this fiscal year. Also, we expect to recognize sales of the game as a catalog title in the next fiscal year; however, revenue for catalog titles tends to grow in relation with the timing of movie releases and new titles in a series. What is more, the sales lifecycles for titles has grown due to digital distribution, so we expect this game to become a foundation title, producing revenue not limited to the next two fiscal years but into the long term as well.



Seems about right, taking into account 4.5 years since RE6, negative word of mouth from RE6, the backlash amongst certain fans about the direction, and the change in genre from AAA blockbuster action to survival horror.

I feel they may have shot themselves in the foot with the way the original demo launched. They have solid reviews and good word of mouth now, but people who were on the fence and tried the initial demo probably weren't Day 1ers.

Demos in general tend to be risky. A lot of developers and publishers don't like doing demos because they feel that demos negatively impact sales.

One of their expectations were 4 million day one....

This is another one of those "Capcom expected 5m for DmC" type things. It's not true. Their EMEA marketing director said, quote: ”Ideally, we'd love to sell 4m on Day One globally. That would be great. Looking at what we see in the pre-orders and trends these days, we're pretty confident we are going to get there."

The official target is 4m shipped by March 31st. Not sold, nor day 1.

Their only crazy predictions was 4 million day one.
4 million for the whole quarter is easily doable, even back then.

Not a prediction. See above.


Yakuza O
Gravity Rush 2
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy XV
Resident Evil 7

All received very favorably.

With more notable titles like Zeld BOTW, Nioh, NieR Automata and Persona 5 releasing in early 2017 this might be the best run of games for Japanese devs since the PS2 era.
plus Tekken 7, Ace Combat 7 and Ni No Kuni II later this year.

so, yes.


Seems about right, taking into account 4.5 years since RE6, negative word of mouth from RE6, the backlash amongst certain fans about the direction, and the change in genre from AAA blockbuster action to survival horror.

This is another one of those "Capcom expected 5m for DmC" type things. It's not true. Their EMEA marketing director said, quote: “Ideally, we’d love to sell 4m on Day One globally. That would be great. Looking at what we see in the pre-orders and trends these days, we’re pretty confident we are going to get there."

The official target is 4m shipped by March 31st. Not sold, nor day 1.

Not a prediction. See above.

4 million day ONE was a prediction/hope. This is just arguing semantics.
Solid start especially considering how well it's reviewed and word of mouth is fantastic. They'll be shipping quite a bit more than that over the next few months


Not too shabby. It's well reviewed so I don't expect copies to sit on shelves long. WOM will kick in and brand awareness will boost with the movie. 4m's a lock IMO.


No one should, they did a terrible launch.

Capcom played themselves again.

They will eventually have to evaluate if Yoshinori Ono is still the man for the job. I know that a producer's job is more or less to assemble a team which will deliver a solid product, so can we say that he made the right decisions with the last few project he managed? What even happened to Deep Down which is another game on which he's a producer?

Outside of him, SF V suffered from a lack of budget since the company as a whole lacked in money (aka profit) because of several bad decisions in the last few years. I'm guessing that they will invest more money in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite because of who's involved. :p
This sounds great and the game sounds like it really is something else. I really want to get RE7 but it seems it will take me a while, since I want to experience it in PSVR. I heard that PS4 Pro makes a significant difference, so I need to save up and get that too which sounds like such a commitment at the moment. Is the pc release eventually going to have VR support? How long till that because maybe I can do that and get a VR setup that works for that instead.

Drain You

I was very apprehensive after playing the first demo on Ps4, but after watching a couple of reviews and reading some impressions I'm sold. I'll absolutely pick it when I can. Glad to see its doing so well.
While I loathe Capcom for (...well, just take a look at SixMachine's avatar a couple of posts above me, lol) lot's of things, I'm happy their risk with RE paid off. I only wish they treated their other franchises with as much respect and care.


A claim? A hope or wish seems like a more accurate description. God forbid someone has high hopes for a project. They must be derided.

Ugh. That's not what I was saying either. Sorry for using the wrong term that in most cases would still fit. Everyone of course wants their game to sell well. But when you put for a whole quarter that you would like 4 million on day one. People are gonna raise some eye brows. Even if it's not an official capacity.
The only reason why I haven't plunged in is because i'm waiting for the Vive support on steam. Good to know the shooty bang bang open world isn't necessary for good sales.
Post RE6 era I had almost no hope for REmake 2. Post RE7 era I'm hyped. Like, I don't expect it to be anything like it but this has restored my faith that Capcom can still take risks and surprise you. Even if it ends up sucking I'll applaud them if they try half as hard to create an actual atmosphere for the game.


Ono might get some funding out of this. RE7 does well enough it can fund some Switch test RE side game, RE2 Remake, MVCi, Maybe SFV Season 3

Amen man SFV servers are actually managing to get worse than the launch week now, it's like they don't care about SFV anymore.
Congrats to Capcom. So happy this game is being received well and I hope it continues to do great numbers throughout the year.

With that said, while I love RE7, I'm quite wary to get myself excited for RE8. I already made that mistake after RE4.
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