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Capcom: Resident Evil 7 biohazard has shipped 2.5M copies


Nice foundation to build on. Definitely shows there's an appetite for horror-focused RE.

Just please actually follow through on going back to the roots next time Capcom. I liked the game just fine, but it's Revelations 3, c'mon.
Awesome! Looking forward to playing this. Will probably pick it up closer to summer when hopefully its down to at least $40 and I'll have time to play.


I feel so bad for Street Fighter

They didn't launch with Blanka. What do you expect? Hey remember all those characters you loved from the old game? There's none of them in the new one!

On topic, resident evil is great and deserves it. What a scary game.


Junior Member
They didn't launch with Blanka. What do you expect? Hey remember all those characters you loved from the old game? There's none of them in the new one!

On topic, resident evil is great and deserves it. What a scary game.
As mentioned before, Blanka is more iconic than popular. Akuma & Sakura are both iconic & popular, with the former now in the game via Season 2. Also, to say that none of the classics are in SFV is a bit of an overstatement, especially considering that they had to factor in characters we haven't seen in a while as well as newcomers (otherwise people would complain about Capcom relying too much on nostalgia). Go look at SFIII's roster & tell me that SFV has no classics. Hell, half of SFV's base roster are SFI/II characters (more than half if you count Birdie).
Wonder if this will end up outselling 5 or 6

8 and 7 mill each? no it will not
4 years from now? Absolutely it could. If the shit show that is Resident Evil 6 can sell 7 million copies, RE7 can absolutely sell 7 million in 4 years. You have to remember that's 7 million with sales, on top of sales, on top of ports.

The good news about this is that we'll get a RE8, which we would anyway, but the best news is I would betcha is going to be First Person again. ::huge thumbs up::

I know what RE you like may be intensely influenced by the first one you played, mine was RE1 when I was 14, but RE7 has made me feel the shivers/anxiety that RE1 made me feel playing at night. Game is fan-fucking-tastic.


But how much was RE6

EDIT: RE6 was 4.5 million

But you have to factor in that RE7 has digital and PC. RE6 didn't have that.
Shipped includes digital basically 100% of the time, but it's also clear they were trading budget for lowered expectations.

I suspect they're satisfied, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered with the press release. They're just a less (financially) ambitious company these days.


I haven't got it yet, but I plan on buying it. The first Resident Evil i've been interested in (on release) since 1999!


I haven't got it yet, but I plan on buying it. The first Resident Evil i've been interested in (on release) since 1999!

The Giant Bomb review really sold me. I don't know that I'm a fan of every Resident Evil being in first person from now on but this is a cool change. I'd like to see what they could do with a 3rd person game with the horror elements from 7.
Holy fuck. Can you get this shit out of here?

And it's still there
Seriously!? Damn


Good to hear. Haven't played it yet, but I desperately want to pick it up soon. The reception for the game appears to be overwhelmingly positive from what I've seen. Very excited to get my hands on it!


GOTY for me. I don't see any game coming even close.

I still don't understand why Capcom went back to survival horror. But they did, and they earned my trust back.

I know this will not sell like Resident Evil 6. But, as long as they make them like 7, I'll be buying them.


Yeah, good, I hope they sell enough then go for them awesome RE sequels once again, in a hurry! I mean I don't wanna wait 5 years again for the next one...


How did the clusterfuck that was RE6 ship so more more units at release?

5 and 6 will probably outsell 7 by a mile for the simple fact they had familiar faces. I absolutely despised 6 but it's still in my collection because it had some classic characters. On the other hand, 7 looks better than 6 but I'm not interested in buying it at full price because the lack of interesting characters, if that helps explain anything.


Yeah, good, I hope they sell enough then go for them awesome RE sequels once again, in a hurry! I mean I don't wanna wait 5 years again for the next one...

Capcom wants to keep development of console games on a 2.5 year schedule. Whether or not that translates to sequels every 2 years or every 3 years, and if they're able to keep it up (since so far they haven't been), is hard to say.


Absolutely deserved, and bonus points for being the first must-have AAA PSVR game to boot. I hope over the next year we start getting some equally as amazing VR titles.

Mostly I'm just happy for the return to form for the series.


Very pleased this looks like it'll sell well. I need RE8 to be like this, but build on the base established by 7. Please!


Well deserved. Just finished it last night and it's my second favorite RE, just behind RE4. Also, the scariest Resident Evil has ever been by far.

And StrongBlackVine, calm down, LOL. Those are just hilarious quotes Jack says when pursing Ethan. Nothing spoilery.


I'm genuinely happy for Capcom. Resident Evil 7 is a fantastic game that they took quite a chance on and it's paid off both critically and commercially. Hopefully this is the start of a turnaround for Capcom now that they know they can reign in budgets/expectations and find success.
5 and 6 will probably outsell 7 by a mile for the simple fact they had familiar faces. I absolutely despised 6 but it's still in my collection because it had some classic characters. On the other hand, 7 looks better than 6 but I'm not interested in buying it at full price because the lack of interesting characters, if that helps explain anything.
Well, yeah, lack of interesting and known characters is kinda baffeling. I'm stunned at how companies (being for movies or games) still don't understand the importance of great characters. I mean, just look at RE4. Leon made that game.
I don't know how much money they spent on this game but it couldn't have been more than 6 which had like 500 people on it at some point. So even if they don't ever sell as much as 6 it'll definitely be more profitable.
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