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Capcom starts work on next-gen consoles


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Maybe they will actually make Street Fighter IV next generation...doubt it though.


human5892 said:
Does Capcom's site specifically say Revolution, or did Nintendojo just add that in?

Capcom's site, that I can tell, doesn't say shit.

This is like refined anti-news. Every major publisher is prototyping next-generation shit right now. Saying this one or that one in particular is doing so without having any confirmation of a particular title, project, or creator to go with it is about as newsworthy as reporting that another junkie OD'd in the projects last night.



WarPig said:
Saying this one or that one in particular is doing so without having any confirmation of a particular title, project, or creator to go with it is about as newsworthy as reporting that another junkie OD'd in the projects last night.




human5892 said:

Nintendojo -1?

I dunno. But the only updates on Capcom's Japanese site today are some press releases about their plan to issue new yen-based convertible bonds. Payable in 2009, it says.



Bluemercury said:
It was gamefront.de who said this....nintendojo just posted on their site.

Aha, so it was originally scrawled on a bathroom stall in Germany somewhere. Or posted on 2ch, same difference.



REmake to RE4 all ported to PS3.

How are developers "knee deep" in next gen developlment when theres no development kits coming out anytime soon? Design I guess(?)
WarPig said:
Aha, so it was originally scrawled on a bathroom stall in Germany somewhere. Or posted on 2ch, same difference.


Well that Germany bathroom is still better than most websites you go for searching news....

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
WTF? Capcom are in debt? Aren't they one of those companies whose games, you know, sell?

Run your company better Capcom!


Link316 said:
only if they wanna go bankrupt, Capcom's issued new debt so they must be in some sort of cash crunch right now
Can you “issue debt?” Either way, that’s not necessarily true.


Gas Guzzler
Companies issue bonds all the time. It's typical business practice and in and of itself, is not an indication of any financial trouble at all.


would it be too much to ask for a next generation Forgotten Worlds, Ghouls 'N Ghosts, Strider and Final Fight? I dare not ask for Street Fighter 4.....


Capcom has been in debt for quite some time now. They had to shut down the tokyo studio. However, they were only doing PC games do it didn't matter. :D

I bet that capcom really want to port RE4 for PS2 in order to squeeze maximum sales out of it. Luckily for Nintendo they cannot do it, atleast not in quite awhile.


And even i am moderately surprised
Monster Hunter 2 please - on Xb2 if possible (i don't want to go through that KDDI shit AGAIN)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
DCharlie said:
Monster Hunter 2 please - on Xb2 if possible (i don't want to go through that KDDI shit AGAIN)

You ought to get the American version of MH1 as it is TEH FREE to play online.


And even i am moderately surprised
"You ought to get the American version of MH1 as it is TEH FREE to play online."

it's a bargain though for us!
it's only 980 yen a month ....

... :(


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Can't wait to see their next 2D fighter... seeing the 12 year old Morrigan sprite, now on Revolution or Xbox2 :p


"We will be supplying games for the next generation video game consoles that should be released around the end of 2005 by Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo." säger Kazuhiro Abe, Capcom.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
doncale said:
I dare not ask for Street Fighter 4.....

Good. Because Capcom went on record some years ago stating that SFA3 and SFIII3S would be the last installments in each of those series. They may start another series though (heck its pretty much guaranteed). If they do...I personally would like to see a Street Fighter Beta series; something that would take place between SFII & SFIII which would explain what happened after Shadoloo colapsed in more detail.

They may even continue with the EX series (*shudder*) but as of today, Capcom's stance on the matter is officially "No Alpha 4 or SF4".

Until they decide to change their minds you can expect more stuff along the lines of Capcom Fighting Jam or perhaps even Vampire Ace, which was the rumored title for the fourth installment in the Vampire/Darkstalkers series.

My guesses as far as next-gen launch games go:

Onimusha 4 (PS3)
A new Megaman series (PSP, PS3, or Revolution)
Resident Evil Outbreak 3 (PS3)
Resident Evil 5 (PS3 and/or Revolution)
Capcom Fighting Jam 2 (PS3, XBX2, Revolution if they all have *normal* controllers)
A couple of new series


"We will be supplying games for the next generation video game consoles that should be released around the end of 2005 by Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo." säger Kazuhiro Abe, Capcom.

It's probably in the new Famitsu Capcom special. Nowadays, anything like this you see on Quiter or whatnot without an attribution is usually from Famitsu -- all the Japanese geeks are shit-scared of mentioned that they cribbed something from Famitsu ever since the assholes at Enterbrain bitched to Quiter's ISP.

Japanese game companies are such hosebags.

It is still a practically meaningless statement, however. Hell, Sony's timetable for its next-gen console release has the thing hitting shelves way after the end of 2005.



Resident Evil 5 on next gen console(s) is gonna freakin blow people's minds. :D but sadly it could be 4-5 years away :/


If Namco played it smart, they'd adopt Ridge Racer Type 4 as their new racer to recreate for new consoles. Or at least remake it for the next-gen because it's an awesome game. Hell, they could use the same soundtrack and everything. It's that damn good.


being watched
Megaman must go to work wearing a butt-plug they whore him out so much now.

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