MMaRsu said:So if I just hit the second disc, does that mean I'm about 50% done? I just bought it yesterday lol..
MMaRsu said:So if I just hit the second disc, does that mean I'm about 50% done? I just bought it yesterday lol..
MMaRsu said:
Volcynika said:Easier to answer if you give the chapter number you're at.
slasher_thrasher21 said:I thought you switched discs at chapter 7? aka half way. lol
Yeah. I wasn't expecting much from this because i don't like character action games, but the visuals and atmosphere are great, and there are some really memorable boss fights. It's a lot of fun.Hellion said:Wow... I had low expectations for Red Dead after GTA4 and it blew me away.
Did you get the same playing this.
TemplaerDude said:Just bought this.
Talk to me Patrick! Mmmmm yea. Great start to any game when I hear his voice.
Very excited to play this!
**Though I did shudder when he ended that first monologue with "oblivion". Ughhh.
slasher_thrasher21 said:I thought you switched discs at chapter 7? aka half way. lol
nacire said:I'm not sure if this has been posted, but I hope it has some merit.
Castlevania Sequel in the works.
brandonh83 said:God damn the library trial.
If I go to hell, I am certain that my eternal punishment will be to do that over and over.
MyEpitomeCliché said:So the music in the beginning of Chapter 4-2 is a take on this, right?
nacire said:Oh don't say that, this is the one I'm about to start! :/
I feel all happy nownacire said:I'm not sure if this has been posted, but I hope it has some merit.
Castlevania Sequel in the works.
We already had another thread talking about that. Pretty much every major game (or movie or what have you) is planned to have a sequel, pending sales.nacire said:I'm not sure if this has been posted, but I hope it has some merit.
Castlevania Sequel in the works.
brandonh83 said:if you beat it, share your secrets.
nacire said:*as a side note I had 0:00 on the counter when I got it!
OH YEAH!!!nacire said:I'm not sure if this has been posted, but I hope it has some merit.
Castlevania Sequel in the works.
Tokubetsu said:I *NEED* the track that plays during the climb on "The Crow Witch"
brandonh83 said:
Tokubetsu said:Why isn't it on the fucking soundtrack!!?!? ='(
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:Is this review new? It's 5/10
"Lords of Shadow is as derivative as games get, and there isn't a single unique idea in the whole game. Whether it's ripping off Prince of Persia, Devil May Cry, The Legend of Zelda or a multitude of other third person action games, there isn't anything in this game that you haven't seen before. While this would ordinarily be acceptable, developer MercurySteam has failed to understand why each of the tropes it copies were successful in their original games, and has thus created a game that looks like a poor forgery of other, better titles."
"this game is about fifteen to twenty hours, and has all the gameplay of a six hour game"
"Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is fifteen hours of cobbled together gameplay that could be considered functional at best and worthless at worst. It's a Frankenstein's Monster of other peoples' ideas, stitched together in a haphazard and clueless way, totally bereft of soul or meaning. The easily impressed may be fooled by the game's undeniable production values and allow themselves to be tricked into thinking they're playing a masterpiece, but if anything, this title is a poor man's Dante's Inferno. Depending on your outlook that may make it a hobo's God of War.
Not only is the game completely unoriginal, it doesn't even manage to be seamless and competent with its copying like an unoriginal game needs to be. There's no justification for Lords of Shadow. It's simply a second-rate title that might have been good a decade ago, but doesn't need to exist in this day and age."
Hoooo boy. This review is something else. Sounds like he really sucked at it too, judging from his comments on the combat and how the enemies wouldn't let Gabriel complete a single move......
Wtf. :|Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
This is 100% untrue. Probably ought to fix that one... You can leave the moment you get the item you came for (I know, I've done it over a dozen times now).Destructoid Review said:However, Lords of Shadow's linear levels mean that when you return to a previous stage, you have to beat the entire thing from beginning to end again, just to get the item you came for. You can't even return to the World Map once you obtain the item either, as your progress only saves at the very end.
DEFINITELY agree with this part, though. They could've (and should've) cut out like 70% of the text in the game (and hired a professional writer) and it would've been a far more enjoyable, cohesive story. Hopefully they'll keep that in mind for the sequel.Destructoid Review said:Add to all this a narrative that could be considered banal at best, and you have a recipe for a game that utterly fails to compel. It takes some doing to make me tired of Patrick Stewart's voice, but after twelve loading screens full of overwrought, over-acted exposition that desperately tries to tell us how we should be feeling because the game itself doesn't communicate any of its narrative concepts properly, I wanted one of my favorite actors to just shut up. If only the script made a lick of sense, or Gabriel acted as hateful and corrupted as the loading screens tell us he is, then the piss-poor story might have been enjoyable in some way. However, this isn't the case.
Defunkled said:Yeah, I'll never understand Jim Sterling. It's hard to take him seriously when he says that Lords of Shadow has "derivative and mediocre" combat. This is coming from that same guy that lavishes praise upon almost every new Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors game. Now, don't get me wrong, I like those games (can't wait to pick up Sengoku Basara), but it's impossible to deny their derivative/repetitive nature.
He also gave Final Fantasy XIII a 4. Don't worry about it too much.NeoUltima said:Wtf. :|
I'm convinced some of the reviews for this are just trolling. Seems crazy any 'professional' site could give this game a 5.
Segata Sanshiro said:why oh why did i not take my own advice about backing up my saves as i go?
Segata Sanshiro said:He also gave Final Fantasy XIII a 4. Don't worry about it too much.
JohngPR said:I've never had an instance where the rappelling automatically made me fall while I was rappelling down. Is Sterling playing the same game I am? LOL
JohngPR said:I've never had an instance where the rappelling automatically made me fall while I was rappelling down. Is Sterling playing the same game I am? LOL
Ouch :\ Hope you weren't too far.Segata Sanshiro said:why oh why did i not take my own advice about backing up my saves as i go?
I know what he's talking about though. It's often not clear just how far down you can drop before you fall to your death. I've had several occasions where it seemed like I might be able to drop one more, but I wound up dying instead.luka said:That happens once in one of the first levels because there are spikes/brambles at the bottom or something. It got me too. I guess he assumed that unique occurrence was something that happens through the entire game.
brandonh83 483
CaptYamato 153
CcrooK 130
burgerdog 130
Y2Kev 99
john tv said:This is 100% untrue. Probably ought to fix that one... You can leave the moment you get the item you came for (I know, I've done it over a dozen times now).
Noisepurge said:9 more days to go till the PAL Collector's Edition hits... i'm in pain here!![]()