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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow |OT| The MercurySteam has Vanquished the Horrible Night


Aeana said:
So wait, he's stupid because he doesn't want to have to do something he shouldn't have to do to play a game comfortably? An action that forgetting to do just once will set one back several hours of play at minimum?

I just can't believe a conversation plays out this way "awww man, I lost my save." "LOL IDIOT didnt u back up ur save rofl. moran." Some people here will apologize for anything.

You act like it will happen though. I didn't save for USB until after I finished it and I haven't gotten any problems. I think the majority haven't had the infamous glitch.

But he's not stupid. I didn't imply that.


Aeana said:
So wait, he's stupid because he doesn't want to have to do something he shouldn't have to do to play a game comfortably? An action that forgetting to do just once will set one back several hours of play at minimum?

I just can't believe a conversation plays out this way "awww man, I lost my save." "LOL IDIOT didnt u back up ur save rofl. moran." Some people here will apologize for anything.
Calm down bra. Its like some of you wait to pounce on folks. Of course he isn't stupid.
You really think I can sum up a person from a freaking tag? Serious much? If he has a thumb drive why deny yourself enjoyment of the game when it has been said a few times in this thread you can use one? He should not have to use it, but guess what? The problem exist right now and its a better alternative than not playing a game you bought.
Foffy said:
He's referring to the remake I was talking about. :D
Can you link me to the love?
Valkyr Junkie said:
The problem I have with that is that won't you not know the save file is corrupt until you go back to load it? If you quit out and then save to a USB key or another profile, you may have just overwrote your previous good save with a corrupt one, right?

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle up in this bitch.
Uhmm make a backup of a good save file? I have a backup from a good save by the way but never experienced the glitch.


RavenFox said:
Can you link me to the love?

This is a current example of the current prototype of the game, and I posted song samples already on this page.

Not much else has been discussed on the project of note, other than the sprite artist is the fantastic Thaddeus. Well, maybe the fact the project intended to greatly expand on the concept of the original game, with relics, bosses, and an improved day/night cycle.


Foffy said:
This is a current example of the current prototype of the game, and I posted song samples already on this page.

Not much else has been discussed on the project of note, other than the sprite artist is the fantastic Thaddeus. Well, maybe the fact the project intended to greatly expand on the concept of the original game, with relics, bosses, and an improved day/night cycle.

You seem to be kind of nebulous when discussing this remake, is it just because there isn't much detail on it yet, or are you part of the group working on it? You seem to know most of the guys working on it.

There's no homepage or blog or anything about it at all where we can find updates on it? Cuz it's f'cking awesome-looking so far.


Retro said:
You seem to be kind of nebulous when discussing this remake, is it just because there isn't much detail on it yet, or are you part of the group working on it? You seem to know most of the guys working on it.

There's no homepage or blog or anything about it at all where we can find updates on it? Cuz it's f'cking awesome-looking so far.

Well, the forum that the discussion of the project on is a ROM hacking board, and I donno if linking to such boards are welcome. And they're mild updates, like samples of older songs or discussions on how/what they intend to do with the game. The people involved with the project are a very busy bunch outside of doing this, so it's not like there's a blog for it. Sorry if I made it seem like I'm some PR guy, or that I'm hiding stuff; I blurted out all I really know about the project, myself. :p

I'm also not involved with the group making the hack, though I think it's an incredible task that I'd love to see finished. The details are really what Optomon (The composer) or Spectredev (The one posting gameplay samples) put on Youtube. I don't know any of the people involved. :lol


benevolent sexism
This save backup bullshit would a lot less painful if you could do it without quitting the game. I haven't made a backup in a really long time now so I'm just asking for trouble. I might start using 2 different USB sticks alternatingly to cut down the risk of backing up a bad save and being fucked.
Maffis said:
Why can't you just put in a USB and save to it? It takes 10 seconds to do. Sure, you can wait for a patch, but that patch might never come.
Well, I was only planning on picking the game up again after getting platinum on Vanquish.

I'll get back to it, one way or another. :lol


Hesemonni said:
I'm kinda waiting myself to get over the frame rate, but I have trouble doing that. PC port anybody?

Chances are slim we'll see one, it's Konami.. they hardly ever support the PC. It's a shame since a PC port likely already exists internally.
hey_it's_that_dog said:
This save backup bullshit would a lot less painful if you could do it without quitting the game. I haven't made a backup in a really long time now so I'm just asking for trouble. I might start using 2 different USB sticks alternatingly to cut down the risk of backing up a bad save and being fucked.

Wow, I was just coming into this thread to post about how my save just went corrupt and the game started a whole new one.

Guess this is a wide spread problem?

Guess I'm starting all over again =/
backtracked the last few pages of the thread to see if anyone else has had their saves corrupted and WTF is with all of the framerate talk!? Are you fucking serious!?
Guys, how hard is this game? And do you really get lost a lot? That is the impression I got from GT review.
Other than that music and graphics look gorgeous !
RavenFox said:
Uhmm make a backup of a good save file? I have a backup from a good save by the way but never experienced the glitch.

That's what I'm saying. How do you know what a good save file is until you load it? You can't tell. And whenever you initially load it seems the game autosaves right then and there on top of that save. So there's no way to now if a save is good unless you go and load it, but the process of loading it changes the file, and on and on. The only perfect solution seems to be to copy your save to a new location after each session, never overwriting what could be a good save.


noire said:
I didn't think it effected people until the end boss. Luckily, I had backed up a week or so ago so that I could put the save on my other PS3. Still lost progress, but only back to the Crow Witch rather than back to the beginning.

Can't believe they haven't patched this shit yet.

Not sure that you can tell if the save is good or not. Once you start up the game and find out that your save is gone, it's a new save with 0% progress 0% playtime.
If the save file loads on any chapter you loaded up from then back it up. It's a pain but a good backup is better than nothing.
Foffy said:
This is a current example of the current prototype of the game, and I posted song samples already on this page.

Not much else has been discussed on the project of note, other than the sprite artist is the fantastic Thaddeus. Well, maybe the fact the project intended to greatly expand on the concept of the original game, with relics, bosses, and an improved day/night cycle.
woah. dude I need a webpage or something. Have to keep up with this
Valkyr Junkie said:
That's what I'm saying. How do you know what a good save file is until you load it? You can't tell. And whenever you initially load it seems the game autosaves right then and there on top of that save. So there's no way to now if a save is good unless you go and load it, but the process of loading it changes the file, and on and on. The only perfect solution seems to be to copy your save to a new location after each session, never overwriting what could be a good save.
I understand but if the game loads where you left off quit out and back it up. Now here is the bad part which sucks for us all. Play the game for hours and the save is corrupted and you have to start from that chapter of that last good save :-(


Melhisedek said:
Guys, how hard is this game? And do you really get lost a lot? That is the impression I got from GT review.
Other than that music and graphics look gorgeous !
If you are familiar with action games you shouldn't have a problem with the difficulty.
I only got 'lost' once on a puzzle. It's not that the game's puzzles are hard, it just doesn't hold your hand like most other games, which some people like, others don't.


Melhisedek said:
Guys, how hard is this game? And do you really get lost a lot? That is the impression I got from GT review.
Other than that music and graphics look gorgeous !

I didn't have problems with getting lost other than in a certain level at the very beginning of the game. It's pretty straight forward otherwise.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Just beat the Chapter 3 boss trial on Paladin difficulty. Whoo....what a rush. Took about twenty tries, but I eventually managed to kill that bastard without EVER getting touched. Since you die on a couple light hits on Paladin difficulty and the trial requires you to never use Light magic on the boss(so no healing), well it was a real test of my skills. I used all my daggers and had about half health beating the first form, so I really had to perfect that sonofabitch on his second.

I could have just played him twice and done the trial on easy(using my heals on this paladin run), but it felt so exhilarating dodging, parrying, and countering all those swipes and attacks, recharging dark energy on the fly and pouring on damage. Just awesome. Wanted to really just do it all on a single attempt as it was difficult, but doable. I felt so in the zone by the time the final cutscene started!

Still have so many levels left to do trials on before hitting 1000 ach., but yea this is definitely up there as a goty contender for me.


Finished the game last night and I was very impressed. I must say in the end I liked this game better than God of War 3 because it gave me some things that GOW 3 didn't, mostly the spectacular settings. The game is just gorgeous, the difference between artworks and actual game is minimal. I'm resistant to framerate troubles I guess, I didn't notice any problems to be honest.

I also loved Mercury Steam's solution for the QTE's - very unintrusive and more dynamic than they were before.

The ending was awesome and surprising, I hope they get to make a sequel.

What I didn't like was the trophy distribution. It's a rather long game, I finished it on "Normal", collected lots of gems (not all of them though), and after I'm done and otherwise very satisfied with the game, my Trophy count is a lousy 25%. I'll probably mop up a few more in a few weeks, but that's just not a good "end result" for a single player game.

The titan battle "homages" to SoTC were a bit too shameless in my book as well. They played nicely, but if you copy a great game so closely and without there being a need really, it leaves a bit of a sour taste for me personally.

Overall it's a great game though that ranks quite highly on my GOTY list and it definitely put Mercury Steam on the list of developers with lots of potential. It reminds me a bit of what Batman did for Rocksteady last year as far as image is concerned.


just got past the
butcher who serves the cute little baby vamps
- :lol pretty awesome stuff.

Do I have much more to go till the end in terms of play time?


gunstarhero said:
just got past the
butcher who serves the cute little baby vamps
- :lol pretty awesome stuff.

Do I have much more to go till the end in terms of play time?

About a third left (or a bit less) in the game


Steroid Distributor
AgentOtaku said:
backtracked the last few pages of the thread to see if anyone else has had their saves corrupted and WTF is with all of the framerate talk!? Are you fucking serious!?

Serious as in you are surprised that people are complaining about the framerate or surprised that people are defending it?


Neo Member
Definitely want to give this game a go. Seems like the reviewers were way too hard on it. However, I don't have the money to throw down for a new copy. Maybe it will crop up at the redbox within the next week.
Truelize said:
Serious as in you are surprised that people are complaining about the framerate or surprised that people are defending it?

Surprised it was discussed at such length

It is what it is, so move on...
Turned my system on and the patch had auto updated.

I already completed the game, but I still need to get back to it to try to finish Paladin and Trials one day so it's nice to know I'm "safe" now, though I'll keep backing up out of paranoia.


Just beat it last night, fucking fantastic game all around. A little too derivative in certain parts, but man so epic.

A/V is top notch
Story is pretty good
What an ending though!

Can't wait for the inevitable sequel.


Good to see that they released the save fix on the PS3 but any word on a fix/patch about the really annoying pauses when you hit/kill enemies on the 360? the weird thing is that it happened to me on the second disc - never encountered anything like that on disc 1 (I have the game installed).

IIRC before the game came out David Cox said on twitter that the issue was fixed on the retail version...yeah sure.


I'm at the point in the game with the
Chess game
and I keep losing. I think I'll just skip it.

I'm kinda surprised this game got so many negative or average reviews. I know some people really want Symphony the Night in 3D, but really I'm kinda tired of the Metroidvania games. This game really feels like Castlevania 4 in 3D instead, which is a welcome change.

I do wish the combat was a little more complex though. It seemed like it was at first, but most of the combos are really simple. I like the Light/Dark magic element though.


Maffis said:
Why can't you just put in a USB and save to it? It takes 10 seconds to do. Sure, you can wait for a patch, but that patch might never come.
WTF? I don't know if you're serious. It's their duty and responsibility to patch that issue. Having to use different ways (even implying external devices) to not risk a data wipe is unacceptable.
You guys weren't kidding that the game gets better at Chapter 3 + :D

I just finished chapter 4 and it's heaps better then the start. Hopefully not to many chapters will be as long as chapter 2.

Enjoying it so far, one complaint is why the hell does blocking increase your focus but not dodge rolling at the right time? If i time my roll properly that should count as well :(
So I guess the PS3 patch is out now. Really inexcusable that the bug was there in the first place. As always, these bugs that "only happen to a very small minority" seem to crop up at least once every page of threads like this.


Feindflug said:
Good to see that they released the save fix on the PS3 but any word on a fix/patch about the really annoying pauses when you hit/kill enemies on the 360? the weird thing is that it happened to me on the second disc - never encountered anything like that on disc 1 (I have the game installed).

Just wait until you get later in the game on the 360. Slideshow confirmed. Don't be surprised at 1 FPS for a little bit there.

IIRC before the game came out David Cox said on twitter that the issue was fixed on the retail version...yeah sure.

Has anything Cox said been true? Seems to me he's nothing more than a salesperson. I'm thinking, commissioned.


Steroid Distributor
AgentOtaku said:
Surprised it was discussed at such length

It is what it is, so move on...

Oh I'm surprised it hasn't been discussed more. I have never played a game with framerate issues as bad as this game has. I installed it to my hard drive and everything (360). But on disc two when the zombies start showing up the game would come to a stand still. I started timing the lockups with my stopwatch app. I had the game sit on a single frame for 17 seconds one time. Anytime I would jump and throw the holy water at the ground the game would pretty much crawl on disc two. It was sadness.

Super frustrating.

If I hadn't been enjoying the game I would have had more issues with it. Game was still great. But some of the issues on the technical side of things are ridiculous.

The ending was freakin epic.


Spike said:
Just wait until you get later in the game on the 360. Slideshow confirmed. Don't be surprised at 1 FPS for a little bit there.

Has anything Cox said been true? Seems to me he's nothing more than a salesperson. I'm thinking, commissioned.

I finished the game yesterday and yes it becomes worse and worse as you progress - I did the
dark crystal "summon the demon" in about 20 zombies in the area where that little bastard takes your magic/abilities and sits inside a cage and Gabriel froze in the summon animation for like 3-4 seconds and then the enemies died
, it's really annoying & distracting and a shame that AFAIK there is no fix planned - I'm not exactly sure that these pauses/freezes are related to frame-rate though, maybe it's a loading issue? who knows..the thing is that anyone who has both consoles should definitely get the PS3 version without question especially now that the save corruption glitch is fixed.

Overall a good game with amazing art-direction and a decent battle system but with some pace issues, stupid "puzzles" and even though it looks very good the low frame-rate and the lack of AA hurt the visuals IMO, it's clear that the game needed more polish...maybe we'll see a AAA Castlevania game from Mercury Steam in the future but IMO it's pretty clear that right now they lack the experience and maybe the talent for such a big project and most importantly a franchise like this.


AgentOtaku said:
Wow, I was just coming into this thread to post about how my save just went corrupt and the game started a whole new one.

Guess this is a wide spread problem?

Guess I'm starting all over again =/

Yeah I had this problem and posted about it wayyy back but of course no one fucking noticed and I was pretty much ignored in the thread. What do you think about it now, guys?

Good to see it's fixed.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Never shopping at thehut again as the delivery of this thing is taking ages. Glad to see the patch is out though.

I have never been more ready for this game. Watched the GT CV retrospective and I've been listening to my favorite tracks. Hail From The Past rules.


Just started chapter 4 and the game is incredible...
It has a slow start, but the story starts to become more compelling and the combat system really opens up after about 4 hours into the game. (Chapter 3)
Honestly despite some minor game level design, frame rate & camera issues I believe this game should be a contender for GOTY.

It seems like every year there's one sleeper game that blows me away and it's definately Castlevania for 2010.

Also, I don't think this game is getting enough credit for producing one of the most impressive multi-platform engines, because the game is absolutely beautiful. Yes I know some are complaining about frame rate, but the frame rate is acceptable on PS3 imo and not to the point of being unplayable like some have stated. Castlevania is visually one of the most impressive multi-platform titles released this console generation. Actually it's one of the most visually impressive titles technically and art direction period...

Anyone looking for a great action adventure game should really not pass this title up. It's great to hear Konami has already given a green light for a sequel. Go buy this game it's 20 hours of gameplay so don't rent this one...


Played it for an hour. Terrible controls (triggers instead of shoulder buttons) and awful horse riding minigames where if you fail them you have to mindlessly kill enemies and re-do it all over again.

Yeah, not my cup of tea. :/
Kyoufu said:
Played it for an hour. Terrible controls (triggers instead of shoulder buttons) and awful horse riding minigames where if you fail them you have to mindlessly kill enemies and re-do it all over again.

Yeah, not my cup of tea. :/

There is only one horse part and it is incredibly short and incredibly easy.
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