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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow |OT| The MercurySteam has Vanquished the Horrible Night

Naeblish said:
Artbook sucks, how so? I was thinking of getting the CE for the artbook.

Get the CE for the purty packaging and soundtrack. Artbook isn't really an artbook. More like a book filled with CG promo art. The actual artwork (conceptuals, etc.) is unlocked in the game itself.


Just finished the game. I'm by no means a console veteran, and my tastes on similar games include loving the God of War series and loathing the Devil May Cry games. So...

+Art direction. Beautiful, sometimes even breathtaking.
+Variety of enemies, levels, design.
+Lots of puzzles. Most were too easy to seriously call them so, but still, the variety was nice.
+Combat. Apart from the cannon fodder hordes you could not button mash your way through this game, even in normal mode. Then again, as I said, not a console vet. So many moves, powers etc.
+Colossus fights.

- Framerate. FRAME RATE. Oh my god, my eyes.. !!! I liked the game so much, but the stuttering was embarrassing.
- Graphics in some instances. While the art direction is great, some characters (especially the female ones) looked like polished, hi-res PS2 screens. It was certainly no GoW3 in that respect, but that's not consistent, some characters and areas are actually great looking.
- What seemed like a completely arbitrary system of defining when you would grab on to a ledge, time your jump just right etc. It could be just the frustration of the moment, but I never experienced this with God of War.

They story was nice, nothing special, but still presented and revealed in a way that kept me at least partially interested. I wouldn't call it a plus nor a drawback.

Overall a great game for me, I'd love to see a sequel of the particular iteration of the series with its technical issues ironed out.


zoukka said:
Played the first chapter. Wellll... I'm with Jett here. The enemies are from LotR, camera is wobbly as fuck, visuals are a mixed bag, battle system is God of War and the Titan fight was the most blatant ripoff of SotC, Ive yet to see and I'm already sick of the soundtrack. Like no matter what happens in the game, there's this epic orchestra booming like there's no tomorrow.

There's a nice game underneath all this, but it needs a fuckload of polish to ever reach AAA hights (which they are aiming for sadly).

I'll give it a chance because I've heard it gets much better in chapter 3.

I wasn't a big fan of the soundtrack either, but you're right around the corner from the best track (IMHO)...
Waterfalls of Agharta
-LINK- And it doesn't "boom" out, it's beautiful. Especially the first 1 minute and 10 seconds.

Keep going...


I felt the game really picked up once you got into the vampire realm. Also the hardest boss in the game (for me) was the first Lord of Shadow. Maybe because I was still getting used to the combat/controls. After that none of the bosses gave me too much trouble, but I wouldn't say they were easy.

The second lord of shadow boss was probably my favorite...mainly because of the awesome finale. I was expecting something similar for the last boss, but I was kinda disappointed.

Also despite being on the PS3...I can't help but think that the last Collosus battle in the game looked much more impressive in SOTC. It didn't feel like you were actually moving in an open space. Unlike that simialr boss in SOTC that actually gave me Vertigo when I played.


Hyphen said:
I wasn't a big fan of the soundtrack either, but you're right around the corner from the best track (IMHO)...
Waterfalls of Agharta
-LINK- And it doesn't "boom" out, it's beautiful. Especially the first 1 minute and 10 seconds.

Keep going...

I would've liked more orchestral old school theme remixes sprinkled in, but I feel Hunting Path, The titan battle, Warg theme, and Belmont's theme are worthy additions to Castlevania's history of great soundtracks.


No additional functions
Relix said:
I started this once more after life stopped me :lol Clockwork Tower is fucking retarded :lol
The jumping was really bad in that section. I kept getting killed over and over again because I couldn't tell how far I was from the gears. This is one of the areas where the game really could have benefited from an adjustable camera. The right analog stick isn't even used in the game except for collecting dark magic.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
The fact that Beginning and Bloody Tears are nowhere in the game made me sad. :(


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Began playing this, halfway through chapter 2 now. If you start hunting for items, some levels can become very confusing because of the somewhat weird camera angles, branching paths and lack of a map. I've just done this level (where you use the warg jump for the first time), that turns into a pure labyrinth just because of the camera.

Battle system is pretty good, although I do find that the longer, heavier combos are oftentimes useless because enemies tend to surround you and you're better served with 1-2 jabs, daggers and dodging.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Creamium said:
Began playing this, halfway through chapter 2 now. If you start hunting for items, some levels can become very confusing because of the somewhat weird camera angles, branching paths and lack of a map. I've just done this level (where you use the warg jump for the first time), that turns into a pure labyrinth just because of the camera.

Battle system is pretty good, although I do find that the longer, heavier combos are oftentimes useless because enemies tend to surround you and you're better served with 1-2 jabs, daggers and dodging.

I found that some of the heavy combos are useful against bosses and mid-boss enemies when you use shadow magic. Shadow magic hits can actually stagger and knock down some enemies and bosses that normal hits can't, letting you get a huge combo in.
Scuba Steve said:
It's one button, how can you fault the game for that? It's not like the block is hopping to different buttons at random

Yeah but i meant when i need to block i accidentally press L1 for light magic or L3. Have to balance so much beetween the three buttons all the time in combat that i get confused.


I am about 70% through I think.

Great environments and creature design, but the hit detection is ABYSMAL!!

I have died so many times just being in the general vicinity of an attack. Really frustrating. It doesn't help that the camera goes slow motion, displaying just how far away the enemy was from you.

Some of these puzzles are generic as all hell. Nothing on the level of "arrange a picture," but close....

Still, breathtakingly beautiful.
Finished this yesterday. The way..

Really enjoyed the HUGE ENDGAME SPOILERS
after credits stuff though. My first thought was 'why is Zobek in a suit?' and then Gabriel goes through the window and it's like whuuut. :lol Dracolich was a nice nod to SOTC, but Satan was really irritating with the rings. The way you had to stop and walk against a time limit was just annoying. It would've been much nicer to have to run and press RB, LB, RB really quickly. Still don't understand how Zobek came back and how he's back to being best mates with Gabriel though. Is it a 'unite to defeat a bigger evil'-type thing?
I will definitely be interested in a sequel if they can iron out the issues. I'd probably be invested in it even they didn't, to be honest - just to see what happens.
Okay, so

I beat the second Titan today and am on the cusp of Chapter 3, a venture I will save for tomorrow because it's late and that's where everyone says the game gets really good.

Since this is supposedly the turning point of the game, I will share these thoughts so far:

I really, really dislike this game.

And that makes me sad, because I wanted to like it! I was skeptical, but heard good things, and figured I would try it. But it's like the game wants me to dislike it so hard that every time I push, it pushes back ten times harder.

I'm not bad at action games. I've aced the DMC games, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaidens, etc. I'd go so far as to say I'm actually good at them! But the things this game does, from camera angles to color choices, absolutely infuriate me.


The game feels like it's just wall to wall filler. If I had to ride just one more stupid monster in Chapter 2, I would have smashed the controller in half. And the checkpointing is generous, but almost always puts you before a cutscene, so if you're struggling in a battle, pressing start and hitting A to confirm you want to skip the scene actually does become kind of annoying.

Speaking of confirmations, WHY WOULD I NOT WANT TO RESTART AT THE LATEST CHECKPOINT?! Why does the game throw up confirmation screens as if I'm restarting the game? It's such an unfriendly UI decision!

The game and I also seem to have fundamental disagreements about button placement. I don't want block and dodge as the same button. Lose some other function if you want, but I end up dodge rolling when I want to block too often. And since dodge rolling doesn't grant you invincibility frames, I too often get nailed.

And speaking of things that happen too often and shouldn't, holy shit the platforming in this game is arbitrary as fuck. Whether Gabriel grabs on a ledge seems to come down to a diceroll and it rarely sides with me. The fact that you "die" by simply falling off somewhere the game doesn't want you to (even if there are things to land or grab on below you) is sloppy design, there's no excuses for that. Sometimes Uncharted 2 might mess up a bit and screw up a jump. I dealt with it because the rest of the game is so good. Castlevania gets no such allowances.

Ugh, this game. I haven't even touched on the voice acting, poor writing, inconsistent framerate, or utter hijacking of the Castlevania name for marketing purposes. Those things I can live with eventually. It's all the other shit that bothers me.

Like I said, hopefully the rest is better! I want it to be better! But I am not encouraged by what I have played so far.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Important question on the subject of items/upgrades: if you go back to a level and collect a chest early on, does it save the item when you go the world map? Or do you have to advance to the next checkpoint for it to save?


Chapter 2 is already an improvement to the first. The areas are laid out so that there's a feel of adventure and many secrets to be found. Even tho the game is filled with little annoyances, I still think this game is a nice achievement from the team. Nothing groundbreaking or original. And there's no Castlevania to be seen anywhere. The music could be from ANY action game.

Combat system works nicely with the light/dark powers. Hit detection feedback is really funky so blocking can be quite hard. But the overall combat is much more challenging that in God of War games. Dodge roll doesn't make you invincible, block still makes you take little damage and there's no instawin magic to pour out at every turn.


-Winnie- said:

Aside from the slightly dodgy framerate during some levels and cutscenes I found the overall quality to be really high. It feels like a lot of love went into making the game.

I feel the same about the love put into making this game, that was exactly how I discribed it to my girlfriend when I was raving about it after playing it for the first time.

Needless to say I like this game a lot, I'm in chapter six now, taking it slow.

There's one thing I have yet to notice: frame-rate issues. I LOATHED Psychonauts on PS2, to the point of being called a troll about it, because of the frame-rate. I'm allergic to bad frame-rates, but I just don't notice any awkward frame-rate issues in this game. Sometimes it drops a wee little bit, but only two or three times up to now. Is it because I have the European version maybe?


Creamium said:
Important question on the subject of items/upgrades: if you go back to a level and collect a chest early on, does it save the item when you go the world map? Or do you have to advance to the next checkpoint for it to save?
Once you collect an upgrade/chest, you keep it. You don't have to advance anywhere, you can just pause and select another chapter :)

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
ShockingAlberto said:
Ugh, this game. I haven't even touched on the voice acting, poor writing, inconsistent framerate, or utter hijacking of the Castlevania name for marketing purposes.

The one thing that needs to be pointed out, because this story is all over the Internet, is that evidently Castlevania wasn't slapped on the game post-conception. According to scuttlebutt there were three competing proposals for a new console game. Mercurysteam won and started developing it. But the Castlevania name was kept off the game for a few months; perhaps in case something went totally off the rails with development or Konami pulled the plug.

For better or worse, the developer's proposal is the one Konami selected to reimagine Castlevania.


he's Virgin Tight™
Music box. What... the fuck....

kazuma_pt said:
quick question, has the game been patched on the ps3 yet? don't wanna keep playing to lose my save again.

I got an update to 1.01 two days ago. Guess so.


Hey, Brandon, you should put up a review of this game in the review thread now, since Amirox's very negative view on the game surely isn't followed by everyone here. :D


MarshMellow96 said:
Finished this yesterday. The way..

but Satan was really irritating with the rings. The way you had to stop and walk against a time limit was just annoying. It would've been much nicer to have to run and press RB, LB, RB really quickly.

Watched Man actually pull it off on his first try on Man vs Game when was casting LoS. Was surprised as hell - he struggled with the rest of the game, particularly the combat.


Played the demos on both PS3 and 360. I want more! If I read that trainwreck of a comparison thread correctly, I'll go for the PS3 version. The demos seemed about the same to me.


Alright, I just finished it on the PS3. Got my review copy a bit late, but I'll have a video review up tonight or tomorrow for anyone who cares.

Final thoughts:

Dante's Inferno needed a sequel this soon? :p

First third or so was a real chore for me, chapter 2 was WAY too long, for example. It dragged and dragged, but finally around chapter 4, it picked up. Right around the Lycan king.

The next 6 chapters or so were great fun. I thought the combat was really satisfying, and the story moved along at a decent pace. I loved the items, the locations, the enemies for the most part. Seriously, once you get to chapter 5, it all clicks and becomes really enjoyable.

Unfortunately, the end of the game sort of fell off a cliff, and I don't know what to make of it. Satan? God? All seemed to just escalate into something WAY bigger than it was meant to be all along. And throughout the game, Picard kept saying how evil Gabriel had become. How ruthless he now was, etc. I wish they had changed his appearance somewhat to reflect that change or something. Even in cutscenes, he seemed the exact same as when the game first started to me.

Anyway, yeah, I had nachos for lunch with all the cheese. Overall, I thought the story was rather poorly delivered, and I thought it was pretty clear the game was padded toward the end with puzzles and cutscenes so the game would last longer. It almost outstayed its welcome for me, and I'm sure for others it definitely would.

Pros: Great variation in locales, nice art direction, beautiful cutscenes, great lighting, decent texture work, mostly good voice acting (fuck the chupacabras), tight controls (fun, if a little familiar), good combat system, QTEs are handled surprisingly well and I fucking hate QTEs.

Cons: Unstable framerate--never really hurts gameplay, but it's ugly, especially when they didn't bother locking it to 30 and so it soars to 60 at times just to tease you, cheesy story, a real grind to get into and nosedives at the end, crappy platforming sections are crap, sometimes really vague with what you're supposed to do, too many puzzles back-to-back at times (just let me go already!), and it could've used more weapons.

Overall, I had fun with it, but there are things to work on if it gets a sequel. If you're a fan of God of War or Dante's Inferno, I do recommend a play-through.
scitek said:
And throughout the game, Picard kept saying how evil Gabriel had become. How ruthless he now was, etc. I wish they had changed his appearance somewhat to reflect that change or something. Even in cutscenes, he seemed the exact same as when the game first started to me.

Visual degradation would have meant jack. How about having his personality reflect the "raging against the world" persona Zobek claimed him to have? The only time he ever seemed as ruthless as Zobek told us was when he crushed the Franken Fetus at the end of the clock tower without even hesitating.

Everywhere else he was either :| or :(.


benevolent sexism
ShockingAlberto said:
Okay, so

I beat the second Titan today and am on the cusp of Chapter 3, a venture I will save for tomorrow because it's late and that's where everyone says the game gets really good.

Since this is supposedly the turning point of the game, I will share these thoughts so far:

I really, really dislike this game.

And that makes me sad, because I wanted to like it! I was skeptical, but heard good things, and figured I would try it. But it's like the game wants me to dislike it so hard that every time I push, it pushes back ten times harder.

I'm not bad at action games. I've aced the DMC games, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaidens, etc. I'd go so far as to say I'm actually good at them! But the things this game does, from camera angles to color choices, absolutely infuriate me.


The game feels like it's just wall to wall filler. If I had to ride just one more stupid monster in Chapter 2, I would have smashed the controller in half. And the checkpointing is generous, but almost always puts you before a cutscene, so if you're struggling in a battle, pressing start and hitting A to confirm you want to skip the scene actually does become kind of annoying.

Speaking of confirmations, WHY WOULD I NOT WANT TO RESTART AT THE LATEST CHECKPOINT?! Why does the game throw up confirmation screens as if I'm restarting the game? It's such an unfriendly UI decision!

The game and I also seem to have fundamental disagreements about button placement. I don't want block and dodge as the same button. Lose some other function if you want, but I end up dodge rolling when I want to block too often. And since dodge rolling doesn't grant you invincibility frames, I too often get nailed.

And speaking of things that happen too often and shouldn't, holy shit the platforming in this game is arbitrary as fuck. Whether Gabriel grabs on a ledge seems to come down to a diceroll and it rarely sides with me. The fact that you "die" by simply falling off somewhere the game doesn't want you to (even if there are things to land or grab on below you) is sloppy design, there's no excuses for that. Sometimes Uncharted 2 might mess up a bit and screw up a jump. I dealt with it because the rest of the game is so good. Castlevania gets no such allowances.

Ugh, this game. I haven't even touched on the voice acting, poor writing, inconsistent framerate, or utter hijacking of the Castlevania name for marketing purposes. Those things I can live with eventually. It's all the other shit that bothers me.

Like I said, hopefully the rest is better! I want it to be better! But I am not encouraged by what I have played so far.

You've captured my feelings about the game pretty thoroughly with this post, but nonetheless I will advise you to keep going. I was definitely more annoyed than impressed for the first 3 or so chapters (could the Titan fights be any more rigid and boring?) but eventually it kinda hooked me. Many of the problems (like janky, inconsistent platforming) never go away, but the game gets better as you go, eventually outweighing the little annoyances.

My biggest gripe is that the combo system is pretty flexible, and manages to avoid being an exact copy of DMC or GOW, yet the enemy side of the combat design is routinely amateurish and frustrating. Their attacks are poorly telegraphed, enemies and their actions are barely legible most of the time, and the wind-ups for the blockables and unblockables take nearly the same amount of time. I want to master the timed block mechanic, not fucking guess when it's appropriate to even try it. The combat feels more like a test of your eyesight than your reflexes, and I'm pretty sure the latter is objectively better game design.

Pre-emptive rebuttals: 1) I have perfectly good eyesight, and 2) I don't have these problems with other character action games so don't tell me to "stop sucking" or whatever. I'm not a youtube superstar or anything, but I'm very competent in the genre.

Mmm, feels good to vent. But anyway, keep playing even if you hate the first 3 chapters because you might stop hating it soon.

Fimbulvetr said:
Visual degradation would have meant jack. How about having his personality reflect the "raging against the world" persona Zobek claimed him to have? The only time he ever seemed as ruthless as Zobek told us was when he crushed the Franken Fetus at the end of the clock tower without even hesitating.

Everywhere else he was either :| or :(.

Completely agree with you and scitek on this. I'd say overall the game does a very bad job of communicating to the player in a non-verbal way. The character doesn't exhibit any of the development they tell you about in the narration. The level geometry, while beautifully rendered most of the time, does a poor job of telling you where you can and can't go (thereby requiring glowing highlights which might as well be a message spray-painted on the wall "We couldn't do any better!") and, to repeat myself, the enemy attacks are badly telegraphed.

I think it's this poor non-verbal communication that separates this game from the big boys.


Fimbulvetr said:
Visual degradation would have meant jack. How about having his personality reflect the "raging against the world" persona Zobek claimed him to have? The only time he ever seemed as ruthless as Zobek told us was when he crushed the Franken Fetus at the end of the clock tower without even hesitating.

Everywhere else he was either :| or :(.

Well, I was thinking something along the lines of how Samus appeared more and more corrupted by phazon in Metroid Prime 3 (her eyes glowed blue and you could blue running through her veins under her skin). Supposedly the gauntlet was evil, and being red in color, they could have made his eyes glow red or something. But yes, I agree that a change in personality would have had a much deeper effect. (When I said, "or something," I meant a personality change would have worked, as well.)

hey_it's_that_dog said:
I think it's this poor non-verbal communication that separates this game from the big boys.

This is an issue I'll touch on in my review, but I basically never got the hang of the timed-block and just went with stick-and-move for the entirety of the game. It was fun once I got it down, but the fact that I basically had to resort to that or die because of poorly telegraphed moves is poor execution on Mercurysteam's part. I basically thrive on timed-blocks in God of War.


for those complaining about the hit detection, try turning on the "experience points gained" in the extra options menu. i had it on the whole time i played the game, so i never noticed these complaints. having it on reminding me of castlevanias of the past.


benevolent sexism
scitek said:
This is an issue I'll touch on in my review, but I basically never got the hang of the timed-block and just went with stick-and-move for the entirety of the game. It was fun once I got it down, but the fact that I basically had to resort to that or die because of poorly telegraphed moves is poor execution on Mercurysteam's part. I basically thrive on timed-blocks in God of War.

Timed blocks in GOW are fairly easy, even when surrounded by enemies who are all doing different things. This is because the enemies and their attacks are quite legible. I hope Mercury Steam pays better attention to basic principles like this when they do the sequel.

In Lords of Shadow, I refused to play stick-and-move style for the same reason I refuse to resort to repeatedly using the square-square-triangle combo in GOW. It's just not fun for me.

jaekwon15 said:
for those complaining about the hit detection, try turning on the "experience points gained" in the extra options menu. i had it on the whole time i played the game, so i never noticed these complaints. having it on reminding me of castlevanias of the past.

I have no idea how seeing the numbers pop up would help...

Are you saying they literally distracted you from the game's design failings? Or are you saying they help you see something that is otherwise difficult to see?


hey_it's_that_dog said:
I have no idea how seeing the numbers pop up would help...

Are you saying they literally distracted you from the game's design failings? Or are you saying they help you see something that is otherwise difficult to see?

Q: are you taking this a little too seriously? A:yes.

the number popping up will show that you hit them and how much you took out.


benevolent sexism
jaekwon15 said:
Q: are you taking this a little too seriously? A:yes.

the number popping up will show that you hit them and how much you took out.

Taking what too seriously? You said something I didn't understand and I wanted clarification because if there's something that helps the game play better I want to try it.

Maybe I missed something, but I thought the complaints about hit detection were all about enemies hitting Gabriel, not Gabriel hitting enemies. Speaking just for myself, I never had trouble knowing I was hitting enemies.
The reason hit detection with regard to hitting Gabriel is so off is because the hit box for enemy attacks hits earlier than you would think.

You'll notice sometimes that you die at the very set-up of an enemy's attack (such as Cornell's) rather than when his claw physically makes contact with Gabriel. It makes blocking and dodging up close a real pain.
The game is fun, but by god, the person responsible for some of the control decisions (PS3, dodge/block/relic power on one button, yeah great...) deserves a few lashings with the combat cross.

I'm also not a big fan of the trial and error gameplay it throws at you every now and then, some of the things that you have to do to progress a scene really could have been a bit more clear.

The rest of it is quite great though, nice graphics, and even the framerate, though poor, doesn't bother me that much.


benevolent sexism
ShockingAlberto said:
The reason hit detection with regard to hitting Gabriel is so off is because the hit box for enemy attacks hits earlier than you would think.

You'll notice sometimes that you die at the very set-up of an enemy's attack (such as Cornell's) rather than when his claw physically makes contact with Gabriel. It makes blocking and dodging up close a real pain.

Oh yeah, I was going to mention that too. It's really weird that they'd mess up all these fundamental combat design issues that have been solved since the original DMC (or maybe before that, but that's the first comparable game I remember playing). I sincerely hope they didn't make these choices deliberately while saying to themselves "Heh, this certainly makes it more challenging just like the original Castlevania. We're really respecting the franchise!" Or maybe they were just afraid of being accused of stealing from other games, so they decided to do things differently on purpose. Unfortunately, plenty of reviews still called it a wholesale ripoff while at the same time MS failed to replicate the best aspects of those other games' combat systems.

To put something positive out there: I am optimistic about their ability to make a great sequel.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
Maybe I missed something, but I thought the complaints about hit detection were all about enemies hitting Gabriel, not Gabriel hitting enemies. Speaking just for myself, I never had trouble knowing I was hitting enemies.

depletion of energy isn't enough notice for you?

edit: maybe the confusion in this conversation is founded on the fact that i had zero problems understanding the hit detection on either side of the game play.


benevolent sexism
jaekwon15 said:
depletion of energy isn't enough notice for you?

edit: maybe the confusion in this conversation is founded on the fact that i had zero problems understanding the hit detection on either side of the game play.

People aren't saying they don't know when they're getting hit (that would be ridiculous). They're saying that the enemy attack animations can hurt you at odd times that in other games they would not. For example, say an enemy has an attack where they wind up and then throw a big punch. In pretty much every game like this, the wind-up part cannot hurt you. You can only be hurt by the actual punch part of the animation. In Lords of Shadow, the wind-up part of the animation CAN hurt you, and it's retarded. This is what people are referring to as "hit detection." Some people might also be saying that you can be hit by parts of enemies' bodies that aren't in motion, simply because they are in an attack animation, or possibly that you get hit sometimes even when visually the enemy does not make contact. All of those things fall under "hit detection."


he's Virgin Tight™
Fimbulvetr said:
You put it in that thing with the buttons at the entrance, play it, then go to the red path.

I know but I can go nowhere after that =P. I cross the red paths and see no way out anywhere.


Relix said:
I know but I can go nowhere after that =P. I cross the red paths and see no way out anywhere.

Swap the red and green cylinders over so that the red one plays first, and then the green.
Go to the red path (on the right, with the platforms appearing), once you cross the platforms, there's an entrance on the left which should open up once the green cylinder begins to play. Follow that path, and you should pick up a purple cylinder before Baba Yaga returns you to the start.
It's all about knowing which cylinders open which paths, and which order to play them in...
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