FirstInHell said:The framerate was bit distracting, but after about an hour of gameplay I didn't notice it anymore.
Don't let the framerate discussion prevent you from playing this awesome game,
No, instead choose one of many other problems with the game to prevent you from playing it.FirstInHell said:The framerate was bit distracting, but after about an hour of gameplay I didn't notice it anymore.
Don't let the framerate discussion prevent you from playing this awesome game,
Amir0x said:.
Let me highlight for you
Let me not just highlight for you, but define the meaning:
Outside of a short section in chapter four, the game RARELY EVER stays in the 30s. In other words, almost the entire game is in the 20s or lower.
Digital Foundry. Case closed. Excuses denied. Time to go to sleep.
:lolTarin02543 said:I am sure the NES original had a higher framerate than that.
Ledsen said:That doesn't prove anything unless they actually provide the numbers. Assuming it's true though, it doesn't say anything about it being consistently 24 fps or below, only that it rarely goes above 30.
schennmu said:
jett said:That's just the demo, the truth of the matter is that the framerate varies greatly throughout the entire game. I'd say the game probably runs worst in its first two chapters.
I think both DF's and LOS's articles on Castlevania's framerate are pretty rubbish. They only analyze the first few levels and that's it.
Amir0x said:That just means you have ZERO standards as regards for framerates. It is OK to have zero standards for this subject or another - it is not ok to claim the framerate isn't a major problem when a game like this has a framerate consistently at 24fps or less.
In other words, if Castlevania's framerate is not a major problem then you never consider framerates a major problem. That effectively means your opinion on framerates is worthless.
I was thinking this myself. Things were just really smooth in some lvls.jett said:Actually the entirety of chapter 4 runs at nearly 60fps. There are several levels that run at 60fps or near.
Amir0x said:And why did the developer decide to make any puzzle centered around the requirement of doing the lame finnicky ground slam move in order to hit buttons on the floor? Gabriel couldn't decide which direction to go in half the time. Would have been way easy to just R2 to press the floor buttons christ
Amir0x said:Anyway, we've been over this subject before, the facts are the facts so no use going in any more circles at this point. It's all been established. I played the entire game and the framerate is consistently awful throughout the experience with the exception of Chapter 4.
And why did the developer decide to make any puzzle centered around the requirement of doing the lame finnicky ground slam move in order to hit buttons on the floor? Gabriel couldn't decide which direction to go in half the time. Would have been way easy to just R2 to press the floor buttons christ
Amir0x said:are you trying to imply the developer integrated the jittery, all-over-the-map framerate that is more often then not in the 20s or lower as some sort of intentional visual feature? :lol
Amir0x said:are you trying to imply the developer integrated the jittery, all-over-the-map framerate that is more often then not in the 20s or lower as some sort of intentional visual feature? :lol
Anyway, we've been over this subject before, the facts are the facts so no use going in any more circles at this point. It's all been established. I played the entire game and the framerate is consistently awful throughout the experience with the exception of Chapter 4.
The more pressing question: why did the developers think it prudent to have not one, not two, but THREE lame terrible SotC type bosses? And why did the developer decide to make any puzzle centered around the requirement of doing the lame finnicky ground slam move in order to hit buttons on the floor? Gabriel couldn't decide which direction to go in half the time. Would have been way easy to just R2 to press the floor buttons christ
jett said:Well this is bull! I've complained almost as much about the framerate as you, but that's just untrue. Large portions of the 3 last chapters run really smooth. The Cornell and Vampire Lord boss battles also run surprisingly well.
Amir0x fail.
MoonsaultSlayer said:HAHA seems like you were doing what I was doing until I realized my mistake. It annoyed the piss out of me thinking I had to jump into the air and ground slam the buttons and each time he never went in the direction I wanted him to. But then I realized that L2+triangle= stand still and pound the ground. No trouble after that.
MoonsaultSlayer said:HAHA seems like you were doing what I was doing until I realized my mistake. It annoyed the piss out of me thinking I had to jump into the air and ground slam the buttons and each time he never went in the direction I wanted him to. But then I realized that L2+triangle= stand still and pound the ground. No trouble after that.
MoonsaultSlayer said:HAHA seems like you were doing what I was doing until I realized my mistake. It annoyed the piss out of me thinking I had to jump into the air and ground slam the buttons and each time he never went in the direction I wanted him to. But then I realized that L2+triangle= stand still and pound the ground. No trouble after that.
Amir0x said:and another thing, boy that musical level was fucking terrible. what a waste of a good idea! It was the level I was most excited to play before I got there. A true shame
and another thing, why did the bosses seem so fucking easy!? On the hardest difficulty evenfelt like the easiest boss of all! Kinda let down by them all. Super easy telegraph blocks most of the timeSatan
Platforming is a fucking hot mess. Why the hell did the developer's allow Gabriel's hook to unlatch if you get too low? Sometimes you lower yourself in hopes of finding a secret, but the game never tells you how much is too low, and it just automatically unhooks. Fucking lame.
The story is :lol. Half the game is retarded bog standard mythological crap, and the thewas so obvious I had to roll my eyes. Also, did anyone else LOL so fucking hard when Patrick Stewart did that fucking laugh of his near the end? It was almost FFX laughing scene bad. One doesn't even need to mention how cheesy and awful the diary readings were at the start of every level.Zobek thing
Puzzles were all pretty easy and lame (did enjoy the Zodiac one though), but there was nothing original here either. More mirror reflecting puzzles *yawn*
Combat system got a little better by the end, but still remained inferior to other likewise offerings in the genre. Needs a better dodge rolling system. Focus system worked well though as the game went on and was definitely the game's one real strong original idea.
MoonsaultSlayer said:Cool, you didn't like it. I loved it. I sense a certain elitist opinion here where you're telling everyone why it sucked and should be viewed this way by everyone who calls themselves a self respecting gamer and that no one should tolerate sub 60 fps and any other standard you've set based on your review.
MoonsaultSlayer said:I personally loved the music box. I wish it had gone on longer but for the sake of balance and game length, i see why they wouldn't want to do that.
MoonsaultSlayer said:that no one should tolerate sub 60 fps and any other standard you've set based on your review.
Amir0x said:Each path should have presented a series of new challenges. Instead, it was all redundant and boring.
jeez Amirox what's your beef man?Amir0x said:and another thing, boy that musical level was fucking terrible. what a waste of a good idea! It was the level I was most excited to play before I got there. A true shame
and another thing, why did the bosses seem so fucking easy!? On the hardest difficulty evenfelt like the easiest boss of all! Kinda let down by them all. Super easy telegraph blocks most of the timeSatan
Platforming is a fucking hot mess. Why the hell did the developer's allow Gabriel's hook to unlatch if you get too low? Sometimes you lower yourself in hopes of finding a secret, but the game never tells you how much is too low, and it just automatically unhooks. Fucking lame.
The story is :lol. Half the game is retarded bog standard mythological crap, and the thewas so obvious I had to roll my eyes. Also, did anyone else LOL so fucking hard when Patrick Stewart did that fucking laugh of his near the end? It was almost FFX laughing scene bad. One doesn't even need to mention how cheesy and awful the diary readings were at the start of every level.Zobek thing
Puzzles were all pretty easy and lame (did enjoy the Zodiac one though), but there was nothing original here either. More mirror reflecting puzzles *yawn*
Combat system got a little better by the end, but still remained inferior to other likewise offerings in the genre. Needs a better dodge rolling system. Focus system worked well though as the game went on and was definitely the game's one real strong original idea.
Ponn01 said:I'm sorry Amir0x, but really? Now you aren't even making sense. So you are suggesting take the major function of this puzzle, each cylinder corresponding with a different trap and having to place them in order to get through a hallway, and making that random essentially trashing the whole puzzle concept all together?
I get you don't like this game, but really stop while you're ahead now. You are starting to just rage unintelligently now.
RavenFox said:jeez Amirox what's your beef man?
Kaijima said:Though in my personal opinion some people are allowing their bitterness over the controversy to make them overly sour towards many elements, such as the puzzles and the story. Which is what usually happens with a big game like this and especially on Teh GAF, so, "whatehva".
Amir0x said:Ponn01, absurd and retarded :lol
No, no one is saying make it "random."
For example, purple could be a different type of blade dodging challenge each time, instead of literally copy-pasting the exact same one in a different location. Red could be a unique set of platforming challenges in each path, instead of copy pasting the exact same one. Green could be a different type of speed running challenge versus spikes, instead of copy pasting the exact same one.
The fact that your lack of imagination forces you to think of such boring, routine copy-pasting game design suggests....well it suggests you make games like MercurySteam.
Amir0x said:ah... well, that's my bad then. It was fucking pissing me off kept goddamn hitting the wrong button in that last puzzle in chapter 11. i thought i was done with it in the electrical puzzle level
Amir0x said:It seems MercurySteam had a checklist of mythological creatures they wanted to include, found arbitrary reasons to add them, and tied them together with a simple revenge plot which turned into a quest for self redemption. And the only real twist was easily seen from a mile away.
Kaijima said:You know, all I will say for now is that this sounds like an indictment of Symphony of the Night :lol
Perhaps the plot doesn't seem as awful to some because it's actually fleshed out and well-acted by the standards of the Castlevania series itself![]()
I guess that must be it then, like I saidBaloonatic said:Well what Amir0x is saying is that if you don't notice the framerate dips in this game then you don't notice framerate dips full stop. I understand that some people could become conditioned to the 24fps after playing for a while (I guess) but if you don't notice the dips that are easily sub-20fps then you just aren't the sort of person who notices them at all.
schennmu said:
schennmu said:
Noisepurge said:la la la la not hearing any bad things!6 days until the collectors edition supposedly arrives..
Amir0x said:Platforming is a fucking hot mess. Why the hell did the developer's allow Gabriel's hook to unlatch if you get too low? Sometimes you lower yourself in hopes of finding a secret, but the game never tells you how much is too low, and it just automatically unhooks. Fucking lame.
corrosivefrost said:While originally annoyed by this, in retrospect, I kind of like it.
It's much better than the hand-holding sections of other games where you don't really have anything to risk. You want to check for a secret and you repel too low? There goes a chunk of your health bar. Hope you're good enough at combat to get it back with light magic, buddy. :lol
Lion Heart said:That level with the Lenses and gems pissed the shit out of me. I had two doors left, Purple and White, I KNEW whichever door I went through, I would miss out on the other room. I chose to go into purple because white seems to stand out from the rest, all of a sudden a cutscene.>FUCK OFF!!!. I'm not replaying that shit just to see what was behind the white door.
Maffis said:I got into the same situation, but I got lucky![]()
Fimbulvetr said:I just looked at the shape of the room.
Purple has a much grander entrance than all the other doors.