Creamium said:Important question on the subject of items/upgrades: if you go back to a level and collect a chest early on, does it save the item when you go the world map? Or do you have to advance to the next checkpoint for it to save?
MoxManiac said:The game is both polished and yet amateuristic in design, it's really weird.
boutrosinit said:My take - they had some bad level designers who were fired too late, or great ones who left and had to be replaced at the last minute.
Also, I feel the game was rushed.
boutrosinit said:My take - they had some bad level designers who were fired too late, or great ones who left and had to be replaced at the last minute.
Also, I feel the game was rushed.
zoukka said:Well this all accumulates when the team isn't as experienced as other AAA teams and the game world is really fucking big.
boutrosinit said:My take - they had some bad level designers who were fired too late, or great ones who left and had to be replaced at the last minute.
Also, I feel the game was rushed.
Creamium said:People say the game ramps up quickly after chapter 2, but I dunno. I just completed ch5 and it really dragged on. The environments are stunning and I'm always full of anticipation before starting certain areas, but the levels just never live up to their looks gameplay-wise. This game has a tendency to have enjoyable sections at one point, only to counter those with annoying or frustrating parts, like where youand Zodek have to push statues into ghoul holes. Simple solution actually, but it took me way longer than necessary because ghouls swarm you from all sides.
Gabriel continues to be a total badass though. The finishers for some bosses are really satisfying. Oh, and crashing through windows never gets old.
Creamium said:Oh, and crashing through windows never gets old.
boutrosinit said:that fucking poison spider one, anyone got a tip for that?).
thetrin said:You know you can just incessantly grab and instantly kill ghouls by just mashing the throw button right? It takes like, 5 seconds to kill a group of them, and then you have TONS of time to do what you're supposed to do there.
-Winnie- said:Here's what I did.
-They'll poison you with their unblockable attack which happens when you attack them while they're blocking.
-Make sure you kill as many of the actual spiders as possible when poisoned.
-The second spider you fight where there are werewolves as well, get yourself poisoned without killing any of the wolves. Then fire up shadow magic and shoot out a wave of daggers which should kill a whole bunch of the wolves.
It's not easy since you can't always get the spider to block and missed shots occasionally end up in dead wolves, but I got it after a few tries.
boutrosinit said:Thanks dude. The attacks seem very inconsistent unfortunately.
Does this strategy work on hard difficulty? I find the werewolves hit me almost always before the spider follows up the web attack with poison.
zoukka said:Even though there's not much originality in this game, it's safe to say I'm already enjoying it more than GoWIII right now. Just started Chapter III and even the story is kinda fascinating and we already had one twist! Oh it's so rare when something like this happens in a game.
akilshohen said:Should I press on with this game? I got it unopened from the BOGO sale at Target. I played the demo and those wargs are effing annoying, but I enjoyed it otherwise.
You have a Morrigan avatar. This game should be right up your alley.akilshohen said:Should I press on with this game? I got it unopened from the BOGO sale at Target. I played the demo and those wargs are effing annoying, but I enjoyed it otherwise.
Im on the second one and i hate it for being such an trial&error run where the error leads in death + restart from the beginningGouty said:Really not a fan of the colossi, they're more frustrating than fun. And of course theres the framerate. Yikes.
Creamium said:Eeh, I need a hint for themusic box. So I got 3 keys. The only way forward following the color code on the floor is red -> purple. When I get to the purple bit I can see the gears moving, but there's just no way across without dying. I don't get it, since every other way either can't be accessed or is a dead end. I even equipped the holy water shield to check if the invincibility'd work on the gears. Then I figured this can't be it since they'd give you a bag of infinite items if the solution was item-based. I'm stumped.
wouwie said:Started playing this game last night. Too early for impressions. I'm in the last part of chapter 1. I can already understand both the positive and negative points which have been voiced in this thread though.
But damn, i love the art direction. The game looks gorgeous at times. First chapter and i've seen more diversity in scenery than a lot of games have in their entirety. Is this quality and diversity maintained throughout the whole game or is it just in the first level?
wouwie said:But damn, i love the art direction. The game looks gorgeous at times. First chapter and i've seen more diversity in scenery than a lot of games have in their entirety. Is this quality and diversity maintained throughout the whole game or is it just in the first level?
John Harker said:Damn, I feel like you could say this more and more often these days, but is this one of the best looking games ever or what? The graphics are mesmerizing, and on top of actually having great art... it's almost a rare combo :lol
I cannot say it enough. best art/environment/atmosphere this generation yet on consoles. I feel giddy thinking what MercurySteam's follow-up will look like given the ending.John Harker said:Damn, I feel like you could say this more and more often these days, but is this one of the best looking games ever or what? The graphics are mesmerizing, and on top of actually having great art... it's almost a rare combo :lol
I found the mechanics to not only be shitty, but inconsistent.Zerokku said:I was all worried about clockwork tower because of everyone bitching about it, and then played it and finished it in a few minutes without much fuss. Don't get what the big deal is. Outside of the lightning-climbing portion, I didn't have any issue with it at all.
ShockingAlberto said:This game, I don't know. I'm not even particularly bi-polar about it. I go between hating it and liking it but it never crosses the threshold in to greatness.
ShockingAlberto said:Beat the second Lord of Shadow.
This game, I don't know. I'm not even particularly bi-polar about it. I go between hating it and liking it but it never crosses the threshold in to greatness.
It is, if nothing else, a premier example of what happens when you give a huge budget to a team without much polishing or creative talent.
I have! They are impressive.Ledsen said:wtf.
have you even seen the environments in this game?
ShockingAlberto said:I have! They are impressive.
The game can be a nice slideshow.
When I say "creative" I mean in terms of things like level design, battle system, writing, etc.
Not, you know, screensavers.
Zerokku said:I was all worried about clockwork tower because of everyone bitching about it, and then played it and finished it in a few minutes without much fuss. Don't get what the big deal is. Outside of the lightning-climbing portion, I didn't have any issue with it at all.