PepsimanVsJoe said:Holy water? Breaking a Castlevania game? That's new. :lol
PepsimanVsJoe said:Holy water? Breaking a Castlevania game? That's new. :lol
PepsimanVsJoe said:Holy water? Breaking a Castlevania game? That's new. :lol
gunstarhero said:Just finished it - really awesome take on the CV franchise, with some flaws like the camera. But all is forgiven after seeing that ending!![]()
did I miss something? How is Zobek still alive? OMG I hope the sequel stays in modern times!
Kaijima said:Zobek was never truly executed ala the first two Lords of Shadow - his power wasn't extracted from his body and Gabriel didn't take his ability. Being that he's Death, we can only assume he regenerated eventually.
Fimbulvetr said:He isn't actually Death. You know that, right?
ShockingAlberto said:That part is unnecessarily confusing. Gabriel realizes his identity with the same phrasing and inflection you'd expect from someone who thought he just killed the third Lord of Shadow and also uses the word Lord. Plus the cutscene at the end makes it seem like he is Death pairing together with Dracula.
I don't see why there's any confusion,ShockingAlberto said:The fact that there is apparently no consensus about it DOES NOT MEAN IT IS GOOD WRITING, MERCURY STEAM.
I could teach a class about how this game is bad storytelling.
ShockingAlberto said:I disagree with the feeling of impact, actually.
A lot of time it felt like you were just blowing air on to enemies, especially swordmasters, who took your hits like they were nothing.
wouwie said:At some point in chapter 2, the game tells me that i need to upgrade my combat cross to activate a certain switch. Not sure what to do here. Need i go back to earlier levels to do that?finding the crystal shards
jett said:It leads to a room with a bonus upgrade, you'll get the combat cross upgrade to access it later in the game, you don't need to go there now.
~Devil Trigger~ said:God the fucking ledge platforming in this game
is there a glitch in the game in this spot? I cant drop down
edit: nvm
Yeah.Noisepurge said:Platforming is sometimes so broken and inconsistent![]()
Rolf NB said:This game gives me a whole new level of appreciation for the God Of War series.
stolin said:Great game with issues for people looking for them, it's not perfect but don't linger just play.
Rolf NB said:By golly, now they've introduced another rope mechanic: I can swing left and right. Except a minute later I can't. But to make up for that, I now jump off ropes automatically, no more pressing X! But wait, that only lasts for a couple times. At least good old reliable "hold down and X to drop from the rope" is back. My favourite mechanic in the entire game, for real.
The writing is taking a real shit dive as well. I mean if you have to spell out "labyrinthine maze" something just ain't right with your prose.
I think I'm done here.
Rolf NB said:By golly, now they've introduced another rope mechanic: I can swing left and right. Except a minute later I can't. But to make up for that, I now jump off ropes automatically, no more pressing X! But wait, that only lasts for a couple times. At least good old reliable "hold down and X to drop from the rope" is back. My favourite mechanic in the entire game, for real.
The writing is taking a real shit dive as well. I mean if you have to spell out "labyrinthine maze" something just ain't right with your prose.
I think I'm done here.
Yes I have played gaem before, turns out most of them were better.MoonsaultSlayer said:Have you ever played a game before? The jump off rope automatically mechanic is there to block the player from back tracking for loading purposes just like most games have large walls to jump down, or doors that lock behind you. WHOOPIDY DOO!
Also this game has invisible walls to keep you on a set path. Of course you're not always going to be allowed to swing left and right. If you were and jumped to an area that isn't playable you'd jump to your death and complain to GAF about that instead.
Danneee said:Damn this game is making it hard for me to like it.. I guess it gets better by chapter 3 then? At least that seems to be the general consensus. And no more of this silly nonsense?Hated the first colossus boss, the timing and animations are way off which made it hard as hell as I kept falling off. And got totally lost in the spider level
thetrin said:The game gets a LOT fucking better. A LOT.
I also find it super strange that the first Lord of Shadow is the hardest. I'll never understand that.
JohngPR said:Who's genius idea was it to put three of those Coffin guys in the Titan Graveyard level? I must've died 9-10 times now. No fucking way can I beat them with no light magic and only half of my health. Fucking ridiculous.
Any tips? I'm about to give up for a while and try it again later.
EDIT: Had forgotten about the spot that fills up your holy water....maybe that will help. LOL
That part was one of the most frustrating parts of the game for me.JohngPR said:Who's genius idea was it to put three of those Coffin guys in the Titan Graveyard level? I must've died 9-10 times now. No fucking way can I beat them with no light magic and only half of my health. Fucking ridiculous.
Any tips? I'm about to give up for a while and try it again later.
EDIT: Had forgotten about the spot that fills up your holy water....maybe that will help. LOL
ShockingAlberto said:Except the last fucking checkpoint WAS AT THE CAVE. So I have to get the scrolls again, get the holy waters again, jump all the way back to the keyhole, put in the key, go across the arm, and fight them again.
Why the hell didn't it just checkpoint after I put the key in? Why did I have to skip a cutscene every single time?
Princess Skittles said:I've heard this game was a buggy mess (PS3 version).
Any confirmation? I would be getting it for the 360 though.
Yeah. That boss didn't even really attack you. It was just annoying, not fun or difficult.JohngPR said:Holy crap thefight is as epic as it is annoying. What gets me is that a few times it did the grip thing in succession which caught me by surprise, causing me to fall. Sooooo annoying. LOLDracolih Titan
This boss is taking forever for me to beat.
Princess Skittles said:So has the 360 version been patched (or did it even need it)?
ShockingAlberto said:Yeah. That boss didn't even really attack you. It was just annoying, not fun or difficult.
.la1n said:I never had a problem with the pressing analog sticks to get orbs but I do agree it would have been a better game design to just have them absorb into you the same as god of war, devil may cry, and every other orb involved game in existence.
As for the titans, I never had a problem with them and thought they were kind of fun actually, I think if they had not made you spam R2 (PS3) so much then it would have been more enjoyable. The later bosses make up for it however.
Kaijima said:You have to decide which form of magic you want to refill. Can't automatically absorb the orbs due to that; gotta differentiate.
Fimbulvetr said:Speaking of which, does doing both reduce your magic recovery rate? If not that's a pretty huge oversight
Hmm, the friend I spoke too was mentioning things like falling through floors and other bugs, nothing about a save glitch.
Maybe I should get more details from her, she was pretty adamant about trashing the game on these issues.