Me too. Expecting to get it tomorrow.MidnightRider said:Amazon finally shipped mine.... about-fuckin-time.
Me too. Expecting to get it tomorrow.MidnightRider said:Amazon finally shipped mine.... about-fuckin-time.
JohngPR said:Does anyone know if you'd still get the artbook and OST if you order now that the pre-order time is up? Amazon still shows the artbook and CD on the main picture of the product when you look it up. Just wondering.
Matt2thefuture said:Doh Amazon shipped to my old address. Kind of my fault but still sucks now I have to play "try to catch the package." Man really dug the demo though can't wait to play the full game.
They label it as a preorder bonus although it's packaged with the game. I have no idea if copies of the game sans art book exist. Regardless, you would be able to know if it was included when they hand you the game since there's a silver sticker on the front and the art book visible on the back (it's not inside the box but wrapped with it), and if neither are there you could just refuse the purchase and wait for the Amazon copy.FallingEdge said:Question about those who bought Catherine in store. I have ordered it from Amazon but it hasn't shipped. I would like to get the game. Plan to buy it at Gamestop and then return my Amazon copy to GS. Is the GS copy the exact same as the Amazon one? It should include the art and CD inside the box, correct?
Ken said:They label it as a preorder bonus although it's packaged with the game. I have no idea if copies of the game sans art book exist. Regardless, you would be able to know if it was included when they hand you the game since there's a silver sticker on the front and the art book visible on the back, and if neither are there you could just refuse the purchase and wait for the Amazon copy.
Try calling Gamestop and asking to see if their non-preorder copies have the art book?
BigJiantRobut said:Oooooookay, I think I've hit the first difficulty wall with. Jesus.Immoral Beast
Normal. Stage 5 boss is a bitch, I cant even hit the checkpoint. Back to trying to beat it again.JetBlackPanda said:for you guys that are hitting difficulty walls what difficulty are you playing on?
Probably normal.JetBlackPanda said:for you guys that are hitting difficulty walls what difficulty are you playing on?
TheExodu5 said:With Atlus games, from what I've seen, the entire first batch should have the bonus. Only subsequent batches (maybe in a month or so?) will ship without it.
Cheska said:Is there a trophy for beating it on easy, normal, hard? Or is there just one for beating the game in general?
Xamdou said:Does difficulty affect what type of ending you get?
Akselziys said:Copy of Katherine GET!
Actually got two sent to me on accident it seems :3
JumpingTheGun said:Im thinking I may just play on Easy just to enjoy the storyline and unlock all the possible endings. The copious amount of bronzes you score for all endings and from a playthrough supercede the two golds imo.
LiK said:Amazon delivered. Hello gals.
brianmcdoogle said:Does anyone know how the endings work with this game? I know it's based on alignment, but are the 9 endings all one the spectrum of the alignment meter, or does other stuff factor in to getting specific endings?
anyone know if there is a point of no return?
SameJumpingTheGun said:Im thinking I may just play on Easy just to enjoy the storyline and unlock all the possible endings. The copious amount of bronzes you score for all endings and from a playthrough supercede the two golds imo.
giancarlo123x said:I beat stage 5! Holy crap that was hard. Moving on now.
Drewfonse said:So if I start on Normal and hit the wall at a certain point, can I change the difficulty to
Easy, pass the hurdle, and then switch back to Normal?