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CBO score on Senate GOP health bill released, 22M more uninsured relative to ACA


Some of them will probably be already be dead by that point because they won't be able to afford expensive treatments as their health declines. I can't imagine anyone but the dumbest, most brainwashed pieces of shit would still support something when their lifelong friends or even themselves are suffering heavily as a result of it.

They just need to make it to 65 for that sweet Medicare.


A lot of people are all talk. I doubt very much there will be mass riots over this passing.


heck most of the people this will effect first likely won't realize what is happening until it's way to late.

heck most of my coworkers don't even know what "the russia thing" is, if they know anything they just know there is a russia thing.
What I cannot comprehend is the GOP actually shitting on their main voting class: older people.

Has it just gone to not caring about reelection now?

They know their base won't give a fuck and vote for them regardless.

They're counting on everyone to become disenfranchised with the system and not vote again. It's why they allow Trump to attack the media and straight up lie to the American people about the Russian investigation.
They know their base won't give a fuck and vote for them regardless.

They're counting on everyone to become disenfranchised with the system and not vote again. It's why they allow Trump to attack the media and straight up lie to the American people about the Russian investigation.

If old people see their premiums increase 10x in a single year, they're not going to vote for a Republican

Last time the GOP touched Medicare, they suffered historic losses. And that wasn't even close to the same scale as this.
Anecdotally, the one Trump supporter on my Facebook feed that I haven't unfollowed (it's nice to at least read the rationale ever so often) claims this as a victory since they're not going to be forced into overly expensive Obamacare plans.
He's really gonna appreciate those lower premiums when he gets sick and finds out his insurance has higher copays, deductibles, and doesn't cover half the care he needs.
What I cannot comprehend is the GOP actually shitting on their main voting class: older people.

Has it just gone to not caring about reelection now?

It's important to remember that a lot of GOP voters just have accepted health insurance is terrible and there is no fixing it. So may as well destroy it and save some taxes and pay less for far less.

Most don't really believe coverage will get better, more that it will continue to cost more just like anything else and they can sleep easier that they aren't losing $2 a month so that "undeserving system abusers" get insurance. They treat health insurance as a commodity not a right. So to them no one deserves it unless they can afford it, in the same way that no one deserves a car.

It's totally frustrating. Especially when all other developed countries have proven single payer works.
They'll find something else to blame and old people will vote for them anyway because the GOP represents the good old days and less taxes.

It's ok, considering the lack of savings of the majority of americans, baby boomers are going to get fucked hard in the ass once they can't afford medicare and medicaid no longer exists. As more people retire it's finally going to get realized.


The one where they had the beer party had no score.

Trump will obviously know about the bill this time, since the news is talking all about it.

Man I swear it did. I guess my memory betrays me.

edit: No that was the first time it failed to pass The House. I remember Paul Ryan being all sad. They didn't even vote on it.
It's interesting to think about the far reaching consequences that no estimate would ever anticipate

Like someone who is in their early 60s and financially ready to retire early and leave the job market won't be able to anymore because of the insane premiums. They'll have to keep working only because their work insurance is the only kind they can afford. So that's a whole bunch of jobs that someone else could have filled via retirement that can no longer be filled.


Didn't they already have a CBO score on the House bill the first time around?

Trump probably already ordered the Bud light.

Right, my point is Trump only cares about that victory party and getting some credit. He doesn't know or care what is in the bill. The CBO could come back and say 5 million people will outright die and I don't think it would make a difference to him
If old people see their premiums increase 10x in a single year, they're not going to vote for a Republican

Last time
the GOP touched Medicare, they suffered historic losses. And that wasn't even close to the same scale as this.

Last time doesn't really mean much anymore. We've become so divided that people don't give a shit about the facts or what is actually hurting them. Only that their side wins.

This isn't me trying to be defeatist. I just don't think we can look to the past as blueprint of what's to come. It's not reliable anymore.


It's interesting to think about the far reaching consequences that no estimate would ever anticipate

Like someone who is in their early 60s and financially ready to retire early and leave the job market won't be able to anymore because of the insane premiums. They'll have to keep working only because their work insurance is the only kind they can afford. So that's a whole bunch of jobs that someone else could have filled via retirement that can no longer be filled.

Just imagine how much they'll save on Social Security and Medicare as life expectancy plunges downward!
Last time doesn't really mean much anymore. We've become so divided that people don't give a shit about the facts or what is actually hurting them. Only that their side wins.

This isn't me trying to be defeatist. I just don't think we can look to the past as blueprint of what's to come. It's not reliable anymore.

People care when they're literally dying.


See that same argument so much on here. Democrats should lose because being better than republicans isn't enough. If they don't give the world on a silver platter... they can wallow in right wing bullshit until they do.

The dissonance of not taking into account the massive hole they're giving the dems to climb out of directly affects their ability to do what's right is amazing.

I also see this mentality when people blame Hillary for losing the election.

Things are so often lopsided to favor the right in this country. It's fucking bizarre. The Democrats are in a horrible position right now. People expect them to be two parties: far left and centrist. As the GOP slides further to right-wing extremism, it somehow increasingly becomes the Democrats' fault that the other side is winning.

Fact of the matter is, the Democrats are the only party that cares about governing right now. One of many ways in which the two party system fucks over this country. Since one side decided to toss the rules out of the window, they're now at an advantage because people simultaneously expect Democrats to play by the rules and then also not play by them to somehow get back at Republicans.

When you're co-piloting a ship and the other pilot decides he wants to crash the whole thing into an iceberg, the sane pilot has to both prevent that from happening and somehow make sure that the ship can still sail at all.
Seriously. It's time to run full page scare ads with skulls and crossbones.

I've never understood why they don't do this. Repeal of the ACA will literally kill people. Why aren't the Dems trying to expose Ryan and McConnell as the villains they are? Even a decade ago, political ads in red states were using Pelosi's name as an insult. Seriously, ads would say "my opponent is a Nancy Pelosi liberal". Meanwhile these heartless fucks want to strip away the health and dignity of millions of Americans so the rich can get richer and the Democrats are doing what, exactly?


I thought the Senate democrats were going to put forth a competing bill, is that not the case?

I guess they shouldn't need to, because Obamacare as is looks lightyears ahead of this bullshit. How could anyone spin 22 million people losing coverage as a good thing?


I've never understood why they don't do this. Repeal of the ACA will literally kill people. Why aren't the Dems trying to expose Ryan and McConnell as the villains they are? Even a decade ago, political ads in red states were using Pelosi's name as an insult. Seriously, ads would say "my opponent is a Nancy Pelosi liberal". Meanwhile these heartless fucks want to strip away the health and dignity of millions of Americans so the rich can get richer and the Democrats are doing what, exactly?

The dems suck at messaging. They always have.


Probably pretty easily. This is what gives them life by sucking it away from you.

Paul Krugman did recently compare Republicans to the undead due to their zombie and vampire policies. Zombie policies, like supply-side economics, should have been abandoned ages ago. Meanwhile, vampire policies like the AHCA wouldn't survive the light of day and have to be passed in secret and obscured through lies.


I thought the Senate democrats were going to put forth a competing bill, is that not the case?

I guess they shouldn't need to, because Obamacare as is looks lightyears ahead of this bullshit. How could anyone spin 22 million people losing coverage as a good thing?

"With this healthy people are no longer forced to pay money to heal the sick. You can spend your money where it is important, like on your own family instead of being forced into poverty to cover others."

something like that?


bish gets all the credit :)
My Republican voting parents that just retired at 62 are going to get fucked by this. Oh well, they'll probably still vote the same way next time.
Republicans often dismiss the CBO by saying the CBO got the insured numbers wrong with Obamcare..

But what angers me is how come a single news reporter hasn't asked those same Republicans this simple question: "If the CBO was too optimistic with the Obamacare numbers, does that mean CBO is also being overly optimistic with the Trumpcare insured numbers?" Instead of 23 million uninsured, should we expected 30+ million uninsured?

Simple question. Even if the CBO estimates aren't fully accurate, it provides us a relative comparison with Obamacare.
Republicans often dismiss the CBO by saying the CBO got the insured numbers wrong with Obamcare..

But what angers me is how come a single news reporter hasn't asked those same Republicans this simple question: "If the CBO was too optimistic with the Obamacare numbers, does that mean CBO is also being overly optimistic with the Trumpcare insured numbers?" Instead of 23 million uninsured, should we expected 30+ million uninsured?

Simple question. Even if the CBO estimates aren't fully accurate, it provides us a relative comparison with Obamacare.

It's a silly line of defense anyway. When you're dealing with the 20's of millions of people losing health insurance, +/- a couple million ain't shit.


He's really gonna appreciate those lower premiums when he gets sick and finds out his insurance has higher copays, deductibles, and doesn't cover half the care he needs.

I didn't say I agreed with him, I was just throwing that out there as the possible rationale of a typical Trump voter. This is also someone who praised the Lonon mosque attack as "good to see Christians finally fighting back", so it's safe to say we don't agree on a whole heck of a lot.
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