I played this game back when it first came out (my last post is on Page 3 of this thread), but my interest fell off so I stopped playing.
I decided to pick it back up over the weekend, as I was looking for a fun game to play.
Quite a few new things it looks like, most of which I don't understand at the moment

PvP, Raids, some crafting stuff... all things I'm not familar with. I guess I will try and muddle through.
As I've been messing around, I see all these quests for 1* characters. Are those worth doing? Or should I focus on 3*s? I read somewhere that quests can lead to other quests, and sometime characters.
Quick run down:
Gauntlet: Pits you against other players' AI controlled teams. Teams you face seem to be based on the average level of the members you select. Gives decent rewards (sometimes prysma!), but typically requires a decent team to beat. Characters with AoE are a must. You navigate around a map selecting opponents and can take up to 10 characters that you can swap between for each battle. Damage to your characters persists between and you can keep up to 5 mana between battles.
Coliseum: Fight against other players' AI controlled teams to gain rank. Each day you have a set number of fights (base 5). It matches you with other players of similar rank. Each time a player wins, they swap ranks. Rewards (again including prysma for top 500) are given out at the end of the day when your fights reset. Heavily favors players that can play around reset time (which is the middle of the night for most of the US).
Crafting: Requires you to have specific characters (pretty much all from the Tavern) who will take a certain number of hours to build materials which are used to make A rank weapons or doing quests in that forest. It typically takes a long time, but most of the weapons are good and at least it's a guaranteed way to get an A rank weapon.
Raids: You just missed the last one. They happen about once a month. You get a second stamina type called souls. You can have up to 3 at once and 1 regens every 30 minutes. After completing any normal quest there's a very high chance you'll get a demon invade, which lets you fight that month's demon to get static rewards, card drops, and demon coins (used to pull for more cards). Each time you defeat the demon, it's rank increases. The difficulty goes up each time and the main draw is getting the demon itself which is usually pretty good, especially if limit broken. You're guaranteed 2 copies if you can make it to 80 and everything beyond is a crap shoot for now.
Re: quests-
You should do any quests that give you prysma. For 1* and 2* characters you can ignore the rest (with the exception of Kain, Michidia, and Marina who give unique weapons for doing their whole quest chain). Do quests to unlock abilities for any characters you actually plan to use.
Onto the hot topic of the day, Re: VIP stuff-
I'm in agreement that the whole thing is kind of terrible. I think the core issue is communication, because GUMI just dropped this on us without explaining and presumably expected us to be ok with it. Some of the bonuses are fairly benign while others could be problematic. Especially the coliseum ones (even though its already pretty much a farce).
Right now spending prysma on recruiting is a pretty awful idea because it has such a terrible return on value, so I wouldn't be surprised if people aren't spending much. So I agree that paying players need a better value, but I feel that could be done more fairly by increasing drop rates or guaranteeing a 5* after a certain number of pulls or something like that.
Most of the content in the game is already pretty easy and can be done without Tavern characters. The issue then is stuff that pits players against each other such as Coliseum and events like Selene's (though if they follow JP and add guaranteed copies just based on points that takes some of the sting away). Anything that pits players against one another is going to favor paying players, more so than it already does.
In the end I think I can live with it, though that assumes GUMI doesn't fiddle with the difficulty like they did with several of the post Selene raids.