V2 rates are f2p friendly, unless you pull in the Continent of Beasts' Tavern... *shivers*
So, I ended up setting Yuni, since you both suggested her, but I do have a LB3 Rowendia, so just let me know if you need her (thinking back, I got amazingly lucky this time around, this is making it up for all the shit I got from the CoB's Tavern).
at this point I rather have a Rowendia lol
while Symphonia is good her skill is utter crap and doesn't knockback
been finding knockback skills so Rowendia or Yuni have been great to stop the giant mobs from destroying me
after going through multiple golden hoods back to back and using two golden chickens I got enough to LB2 Tsuru so I'm content
still haven't gotten to stage 40 yet but I'll be content with a LB2 Fuuko right now
I guess depends on how many extra points I get at the end to decide if I want tickets, two more Fuukos or get the other two guys for character quests lol
not going to bother with yukata Phoena though lol
I'm hoping to get Fuuko through chests, if not... I'll have to give up on LB2 tsuru, so that means no Tsuru altogether

Let's hope I can get some spare time to go through my golden chickens and rack some points, GHens turn into SFruits after the event, which could be a waste lol
Now that I've cleared all 40 stages, I'd prefer yuni for simpler farming. The sword has advantage over kappas, the freeze can stall lanes and the piercing clears out rows of tengus. But Symphonia is fine too. Even though her skill isn't that great, both my knight teams already have knockback characters, so she complements them well. Arietta's attack speed is so slow that I don't find it much of an advantage against cats.
And I also got a second red chest today. We all seem to be getting lucky with it. Either that or it's a better drop rate than raids.
Maybe the use they same algorithm as with raids, where a higher stage/floor means better chance (did they ever confirm this?), and since there are only 40 stages here it's easier to notice. At any rate, it really does seem higher.