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Christopher Walken as Captain Hook looks amazing and terrible.

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That was a sequel though. Hook not Mrs. Doubtfire that is.
Peter Pan is so fucking hot

edit: "I will say this about last year: Today's audiences like to watch things cynically. And I'm on a show that's cynical in tone so I'm no stranger to that," Williams, 26, told The Daily Beast ahead of the big event. "Hate-watching is a thing. It's a whole way of watching something, and it's not an audience that's natural to a non-cynical performance."

This musical -- which debuted on Broadway in 1954 and has been performed three times for television -- is nothing but non-cynical performances. "Peter Pan, you cannot watch cynically. If you do, you're going to hate it, no question," she said of the production, an adaptation of J.M. Barrie's classic 1904 play and 1911 novel. "It falls apart instantly."

Uh oh Neogaf what do we do? I know no other way


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
This is THREE HOURS? Seems absurd. You should get an achievement for watching the whole thing.
I don't like his make-up/costume design at all, and you'd have to pay me to watch this. Sound of Music was laughably bad, from what I saw.


It just started, seems more of a sitcom than anything serious. The acting is ridiculously over-the-top , but it's impressive it's all live.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Pretty bold to have a real animal in a live show. Guess they'd have to be pretty well trained.


This reminds me of how John Williams wrote an entire musical for Hook; I wish I could hear it. The music in the movie was only a fraction of it.

Are these things normally lip synched?

A lot of live productions are, but if something goes wrong then the entire thing is ruined. Doing it live allows actors to salvage the show.


A lot of the other people beyond the top-line stars will be people from Broadway, etc.

Kelli O'Hara is a legit big Broadway star who is the mom.


Over the top is sometimes the thing for performances like this.

Of course, it's perfect for stage performances because you want the audience to understand you from far away; but in here the camera is very close to the action (impressively so, even despite his shadow sometimes showing up in the scene).


"I want to give you a kiss!"

...so many dirty thoughts just popped up in my head...I'm terrible I can't help it. :(
Allison is at least 15,000X more natural than Carrie Underwood. Watching Carrie in Sound of Music was just plain cringeworthy. Even the crazy production values couldn't save that shit

Also FEMALE LINK realized
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