I am going to disagree with most of what you just typed Solo. While Dalton being Volkov isn't a huge shock (although as mYm|17| said, he sold the crap out of the Tuttle character in inveterviews), I thought Dalton did a great job with it, as did Levi during the reveal. Plus it led to great scenes between him and Chuck, both as Tuttle and Volkov.
I also just don't see where you are coming from by saying the writers are trying to copy season two. Yes, Chuck is looking for one of his parents (and that is only the same in the most general sense), but the similarities seem to end there. The actual storyline and plot structure aren't the same at all. And saying that Volkov is this season's Chase character is only true in that they are both the bad guy. Well, I guess in that they both weren't immediately revealed to be the bad guy. But once again the similarities end there. The way Volkov was built up isn't that similar at all compared to Roark. And Volkov's relationship with Mama Bartowski hasn't been shown to be similar at all to Roark's relationship with Papa Bartowski. I really think you are just trying to draw comparisons to season two that don't exist or are even intended to exist.
Anyway, on to the episode itself. I for one thought it was fantastic, and it probably was my favorite of the season.
- The Morgan/Sarah scene was good. I wish they would have a chance to do more stuff together. "Morgan, please don't touch my chest."
- Actually everything with Morgan was good this episode. Morgan: "Do I get to parachute out of a plane on a wild horse?" I also like how they brought back his pose when removing his sunglasses from last week.
- I thought Dalton was great playing Tuttle, the anti-007. "I had my first sexual experience watching 'Lawrence of Arabia'!" and "Cool, a tiny weapons standoff!" were my favorite. Although the Alias mention was also good.
- I thought it was interesting how well Chuck handled himself in the fight, even before he flashed.
- The Sarah/Chuck fight was actually pretty entertaining. I was nervous based on the title of the episode, but seeing Sarah's growing frustration over finding out all of the people who knew about it, leading into the fight scene was great. Also something about Sarah knowing what Friendster is I find hilarious.
- Already covered at the top, but while the reveal itself wasn't a shock (but what is in TV these days), I thought it was handled well and was interesting to see.
- I do agree with Solo on one thing, the CGI is not good. They should probably change any future scenes with exploding buildings to be off screen.
- I am interested to see where they are going with the Intersect storyline. Assuming it was actually removed (and I am not convinced that it is), I would actually like to keep it that way, at least for a while. Also, curious where they are going with the Papa Bartowski mobile.