Not gonna change, thats the heart of the show.Solo said:Outside of the segments with Rye, which were fucking excellent and hilarious, this one didn't do much for me. I've had about enough of the Chuck-is-helpless-and-needs-Sarah's-help/Sarah-doesn't-think-Chuck-is-a-real-spy/Chuck-is-butthurt-because-Sarah-doesn't-think-he-is-a-real-spy plots in this series. Its the fourth season now, yet every single one has had a variation of this, and its tiresome. Im also starting to finally realize that Zachary Levi has about all of 2 or 3 facial expressions.
- Intersect testing at the start with the scientists? Uber cheesy
- I approve of Sarahs red bra
- Summer Glau still cant act
- Intersect testing with Rye? Much better :lol :lol :lol
- more special effects :lol OMG so fucking terrible the greenscreen is in this show
Apoc29 said:It had to be done.
The stripper highheels also helped.Shouta said:Man, Summer Glau looked good in this episode. I usually think she looks kinda freaky but she was really hot this time around. Goddamn amazing what wardrobe, make-up, and not having to do android warmachines faces does for you!
TheOddOne said:Not gonna change, thats the heart of the show.
Chuck was having some progress though, but I agree the writers clinge too much on the tried and true formula.Solo said:It was back in S1 and about halfway through S2, yes, but the show should have evolved past that like Chuck evolved beyond being completely useless. But no, the writers won't let it go. As much as I love Fedak and Schwartz for creating the show, I hate them just as much for their insistence on continually infusing the show with these same elements (relationship drama and/or angst and Chuck is a real spy - or not). The show really should have moved beyond this stuff a while ago. Its a big reason that, despite this season being better than S3, Im not enjoying it any more than I did S3.
I agree to some extent, though it hasn't really pushed me to the point of enjoying the show a lot less. Sepinwall also brought up a good point about Chuck being a good spy (sort of) in the past even before he had the Intersect 2.0:Solo said:It was back in S1 and about halfway through S2, yes, but the show should have evolved past that like Chuck evolved beyond being completely useless.
Granted, they couldn't lean on the Chuck-is-an-unconventional-spy and have him use geek skills to get them out of trouble indefinitely (again, there would be a lack of progression in the character), but having him end up being completely useless w/o Intersect 2.0 isn't the right way to go, either. Hopefully he gets the Intersect (however it may have been modified by his mom's device) back and running soon.But Chuck had his uses in the first few years beyond the Intersect data, and some of the show's more memorable plot resolutions involved Chuck saving the day in spite of his utter lack of training, whether stopping a bomb with a porn spam virus or bluffing Michael Clarke Duncan with his battle plan from Call of Duty. The one thing the show and/or Chuck himself lost with the addition of the Chuck Fu was that - not just the comedy of it, but the idea that Chuck had things to contribute beyond the computer in his head. And once the series finally went down the "superhero loses his powers" well, I hoped we might get reminded of that. said:Zachary Levi appears on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon tonight (November 18) on NBC. Hes there to promote Tangled, but maybe hell let some Chuck intel slip.
Woffls said:I'm really not enjoying watching this show any more. It has gotten so formulaic and reliant on the same tricks, I expect this will be the last season, so hopefully they'll think up something interesting to end it with. Unless things change drastically, like getting rid of the god damn Buy More and all the characters associated with it.
gdt5016 said:New to BRDs (only have LOST, which look unbelievable), how are the Chuck BRDs?
Solo said:Awful
Downright embarassing transfers. At least for S1 and S2. I dont own S3.
Cornballer said:- Zap2it: 'Chuck' Co-creator Chris Fedak on the back 11, Ellie, Mom and more *minor spoilers*
Cornballer said:- Chuck versus Phase Three, Promo #2 *spoilers*
Wads said:Is it me, or wasCasey locked up when she is saying that? Is this another I'm locking you in a room so I can go do this by myself ep?
Chuck vs the Fear of Death was a fun, intense ride and Mel caught up with Chuck executive producer and Fear of Death director Robert Duncan McNeill to talk all about it!
Hear also details about the very real possibility of a crossover between Chuck and another of your favorite shows, enlightening and insightful listener emails, details about a very nerdy convention, and much more!
Screaming_Gremlin said:"Hiding Place" by Aushua
Yvonne Night!Cornballer said:Chuck Day!
Hey, I started the Yvonne Night trend last week. It is my mission to recruit more to the cause.Medalion said:Every episode is an Yvonne showcase...this show needs to be renamed Sarah, not Chuck :lol
No, I think its call that cause Sarah throws weapons really well.Medalion said:What...there is actually a guy named Chuck on the show? This is news to me!
Solo said:Slow week.... looks like Dexter and Chuck are the only two shows I watch which are on this week. Goddamned US Thanksgiving!
Solo said:Zombies, lol
Waiting for the BD release for Boardwalk (only watched the pilot)
Bikers, lol
Terriers, cancelled
Be sure to check out Terriers when the DVD/BRDs are out - it's the best new show this Fall. Boardwalk Empire has been great, too.Solo said:Waiting for the BD release for Boardwalk (only watched the pilot)
Terriers, cancelled
gdt5016 said:Better than Justified, which I enjoyed alot.
Oh nice! It should be a hilarious interviewCornballer said:Zachary Levi is on Conan tonight.
Be sure to check out Terriers when the DVD/BRDs are out - it's the best new show this Fall. Boardwalk Empire has been great, too.
Josh Schwartz said:Do you like Sarah Walker? Do you like Sarah Walker kicking ass? Then I have good news.... said:Bring protective gear.
Justified is awesome, but Terriers is a better show in my opinion.Solo said:Now you're just getting blasphemous!
Cornballer said:Word on the street is that tonight's episode is TV-14 rather than the usual TV-PG that Chuck gets, so I guess they're upping the violence this evening?
I wouldn't mind that, though they've pushed the limits with Strahovski before, and I'm not sure how much more leeway they have to work with when it comes to her attire.ConfusingJazz said:I am hoping they are upping the Yvonne. I am pretty sure you can lop a man's head off and still get a TV-PG at this point.
Cornballer said:I wouldn't mind that, though they've pushed the limits with Strahovski before, and I'm not sure how much more leeway they have to work with when it comes to her attire.