Thing about physical is the media format is bound to the hardware of that generation. Switch 2 ain’t going to play some NES cartridges and PS5 ain’t going to accept PS1 discs.
That’s one problem physical folks pretend to not exist
Maaaan…. I’m still waiting to hear if switch 2 has BC for switch one games.
You know?…. Nintendo is one company I would love to go all in with Digital with. But I don’t trust them to carry any previous games over to their next platform
I was tempted to buy a wii back in the day for virtual console but it turns out you would have to buy them all again for a switch.
I’ll never get the obsession with physical. But maybe I just live the convenience of digital downloads too much. Only console I would really care about to get retro games for is the Saturn. And I haven’t owned one of those since the year 2000. As long as I have the game that’s all I care about. People put too much stock into having a disc and a manual. And as you rightly pointed out…. None of it works on the next hardware unless you intend to keep a room full of old consoles. I love games but not THAT much. I won’t be dedicating a room to consoles and walls full of games. Don’t have the space for it anyway. Just give me everything on a hard drive and I’m good to go and make it work on my current console and I’m good to go.