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I'm opposed to having it performed on children who have no say in the matter, regardless of the reason.

However, once you're over 16, legally you should be able to perform any kind of body modification you want, assuming you or someone else is willing and able to perform it.

As a Brit mind, I find the weird ubiquity of circumcision in the US for non religious purposes just nutty.

Unless it's a medical necessity, the only benefits to circumcision can be achieved by the non circumcised, simply by just washing regularly.

The problem with that theory is that it’s not really viable as an adult. My best friend had a medical problem at 24. He tore his for-skin during sex (ya wtf is right) and had to be circumcised as an adult.

He described it as the worst hell a man can go through. Dude is not shy and wipped it out while healing to show the scar. Was fucking horrible.

Never do this as an adult.

When my son was born I planed to have him cut as I was. He had a minor issue with clotting and the dr wanted to do more tests. Tests took 2 months to come back all clear. Our doctor Said “he is too old now, I won’t do it past 1 month”

Doctors words about having to do it right after birth or not at all had an effect on us and we have opted to follow his advice and not cut him.

I honestly feel like i failed him by not getting it done. My circumcised penis is glorious and feel bad my son won’t have the purple helmet of victory. Every single woman I have been with had expressed how much they prefer a circumcised penis.

That’s my story thanks for reading about my family’s and friend penis adventures


Golden Boy
Say that to South Koreans.


The problem with that theory is that it’s not really viable as an adult. My best friend had a medical problem at 24. He tore his for-skin during sex (ya wtf is right) and had to be circumcised as an adult.

He described it as the worst hell a man can go through. Dude is not shy and wipped it out while healing to show the scar. Was fucking horrible.

Never do this as an adult.

When my son was born I planed to have him cut as I was. He had a minor issue with clotting and the dr wanted to do more tests. Tests took 2 months to come back all clear. Our doctor Said “he is too old now, I won’t do it past 1 month”

Doctors words about having to do it right after birth or not at all had an effect on us and we have opted to follow his advice and not cut him.

I honestly feel like i failed him by not getting it done. My circumcised penis is glorious and feel bad my son won’t have the purple helmet of victory. Every single woman I have been with had expressed how much they prefer a circumcised penis.

That’s my story thanks for reading about my family’s and friend penis adventures
Your penis is glorious to you, your son will likely be grateful you didn’t do it. Read that Miami herald article I linked earlier.


How about we cut the tip of your nose off too huh? You don't really need it mate fuck those nerve endings.
However you were born that's how you're supposed to be unless it endangers your health.


I * always * get praised about how good it looks, really

(And no, i'm not uploading any pics, people)

But it sucks sometimes because I lost a lot of sensibility in the glans part

BJs are not the same, and that's really sad

I would say that it's not worth it. Not that it's bad, but it's whatever.

The problem with that theory is that it’s not really viable as an adult. My best friend had a medical problem at 24. He tore his for-skin during sex (ya wtf is right) and had to be circumcised as an adult.

He described it as the worst hell a man can go through. Dude is not shy and wipped it out while healing to show the scar. Was fucking horrible.

Never do this as an adult.

When my son was born I planed to have him cut as I was. He had a minor issue with clotting and the dr wanted to do more tests. Tests took 2 months to come back all clear. Our doctor Said “he is too old now, I won’t do it past 1 month”

Doctors words about having to do it right after birth or not at all had an effect on us and we have opted to follow his advice and not cut him.

I honestly feel like i failed him by not getting it done. My circumcised penis is glorious and feel bad my son won’t have the purple helmet of victory. Every single woman I have been with had expressed how much they prefer a circumcised penis.

That’s my story thanks for reading about my family’s and friend penis adventures
Wow is this modern America. Parents feeling they failed their sons if they didn’t cut part of their dick off in time.

mots a never ending cycle it seems . Americans have their dicks cut as feel like they need to do it to their kids just because it happened to them.



Eric Clopper is a Jewish kid who was circumcised and very angry about it.

Please to all you future fathers, get educated on the subject.

Gotta bump this because it's a really good talk. Definitely recommend it.

I remember watching some of that years ago. Came off as a dumb, navel-gazy performance piece. Fucking takes off his shirt and yells about daddy. Man, shut your bitchy ass up.




Wow is this modern America. Parents feeling they failed their sons if they didn’t cut part of their dick off in time.

mots a never ending cycle it seems . Americans have their dicks cut as feel like they need to do it to their kids just because it happened to them.

I am not American nor do I live in the USA.

Wash off your bias and assumptions young friend they provide you no service.


Have yours snipped if you need it. But I think good hygiene practices would be enough to not need it.
In my country, being snipped during prepubescence is not uncommon.



Sure he's a little OTT, but if actually pay attention to the data points he makes a compelling case as to why it's a wholly unnecessary procedure for the vast majority of men. He also highlights that the rest of the worlds medical institutions essentially regard the AAP as a bunch of Quacks when it comes to circumcision and that all their talk of 'benefits' is pretty much non-existent, and the probable motivator to prop up the practice is to avoid a mass of lawsuits. So I'm not entirely sure why you'd quote them, least of all over 'erectile function' (the ability to get it up) which has never been part of the debate, versus whether Circumcision is required in the first place, especially when you're talking about an organisation that financially benefit from carrying out the procedure. You might as well be posting a report from a cigarette company about how 20 a day is good exercise for the lungs. Don't let Stockholm syndrome lead you to think that just because it was done to you, it must be ok. You'll find scant other medical organisations that recommend it.
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I think cut guys are bitter because they will NEVER know the electrifying sensation that runs through your whole body from having a tongue playing with your foreskin, and they want to deprive others of that, starting with their own kids.
It is possible to reach orgasm JUST with foreskin stimulation.


I think cut guys are bitter because they will NEVER know the electrifying sensation that runs through your whole body from having a tongue playing with your foreskin, and they want to deprive others of that, starting with their own kids.
It is possible to reach orgasm JUST with foreskin stimulation.

You're thinking about people playing with your kids' foreskin?


It is possible to reach orgasm JUST with foreskin stimulation.

It's possible to reach orgasm just with your mind if you're horny powerful enough. If you can cum, you're fine.

This is a weird obsession and feels like it comes from dick insecurity.


I think cut guys are bitter because they will NEVER know the electrifying sensation that runs through your whole body from having a tongue playing with your foreskin, and they want to deprive others of that, starting with their own kids.
It is possible to reach orgasm JUST with foreskin stimulation.

Every girl prefers it in America pretty much. I had a similar experience living in Germany and being uncut is more common there. Your post sounds really insecure and ridiculous frankly. Most men have nothing to do with decisions about circumcised or not, that’s generally something that’s important to mothers here, my son’s mom spearheaded Circumcision.


This is a weird obsession and feels like it comes from dick insecurity.

Coming from the guy who quoted the AAP earlier (because they've got your best interests at heart). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Every girl prefers it in America pretty much. I had a similar experience living in Germany and being uncut is more common there. Your post sounds really insecure and ridiculous frankly. Most men have nothing to do with decisions about circumcised or not, that’s generally something that’s important to mothers here, my son’s mom spearheaded Circumcision.

I'm pretty sure they're only big on circumcision in the USA versus the entire continent of America. Also, the leading motivator for why people persist with non-religious circumcision is primarily down to whether the father was according to reports. It's a mindset of 'Well it was done to me/my partner so it makes sense our children are treated the same' mentality.
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Coming from the guy who quoted the AAP earlier (because they've got your best interests at heart). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't have any complex when it comes to this. I don't ponder on foreskin and lament about my lack of it. I'm all for circumcision, because of my religious beliefs. If you're not Jewish, I don't care. Get one, don't get one. Whatever.

Certainly, all the reputable research on the "sexual" issues with it either show no difference or are inconclusive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"But muh skin flaps."


I don't have any complex when it comes to this. I don't ponder on foreskin and lament about my lack of it. I'm all for circumcision, because of my religious beliefs. If you're not Jewish, I don't care. Get one, don't get one. Whatever.

Ah, and there's the rub (no pun intended). No wonder you so blithely dismissed the video of the Jewish guy talking about how unnecessary it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The section where he showed how after the priest had scratched off the remaining flesh of the newborn's foreskin with a sharpened fingernail and then proceeded to suck the blood off of it directly, coupled with the joyful expression on the babies face during the whole procedure absolutely sold me on the virtue of such a beautiful and sacred tradition.

Certainly, all the reputable research on the "sexual" issues with it either show no difference or are inconclusive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And yet the historic reasons for circumcision (both male and female) are all apparently grounded in a reduction in sexual pleasure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Not for Judaism.


It's all about that covenant right?

Dude even quotes sources in the video

Keep believing in your sky god though


I mean here we are roughly 14 billion years after the big bang circling a not particularly notable Star in a not particularly notable part of a not particularly notable Galaxy. So much creation yet so little worth? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited for pedants (because big numbers are important yo) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I mean here we are roughly 5 billion years after the big bang circling a not particularly notable Star in a not particularly notable part of a not particularly notable Galaxy. So much creation yet so little worth? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bruh, you're a card-carrying "circumcision is barbaric" atheist and you don't know the big bang was 14 billion years ago?


circling a not particularly notable Star in a not particularly notable part of a not particularly notable Galaxy.


Do you even science?


Why would God want you to be circumcised? 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔


Weak. Immensely weak.

I'm not about to have a religious debate here, but just to address this dumb meme...

In Judaism, it is praiseworthy to be humble. We are taught that God created all creatures before us so that we can't be arrogant about our position. No, even the insect came before us.

The fact that the universe is magnitudes upon magnitudes bigger than some thought in previous ages only further strengthens the above teaching.
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Another "5 billion" for archival purposes before you edit it out.

You know the Earths only been around for 4.5 billion years right? Universe has been around longer, sure, but unless God was keeping us in cold storage somewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Do you feel like sciencing that for some for us?
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You know the Earths only been around for 4.5 billion years right? Universe has been around longer, sure, but unless God was keeping us in cold storage somewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yes, the Earth 4.5 billion, the universe 14 billion.

I also know that you ascribed the 5 billion to the universe.



Rodent Whores
Weak. Immensely weak.

I'm not about to have a religious debate here, but just to address this dumb meme...

In Judaism, it is praiseworthy to be humble. We are taught that God created all creatures before us so that we can't be arrogant about our position. No, even the insect came before us.

The fact that the universe is magnitudes upon magnitudes bigger than some thought in previous ages only further strengthens the above teaching.
Relax, it's just a meme comic lol

To your point though, God doesn't say why the order mattered, just that He did it that way. Anything else is just man's interpretation. The size of the universe is also irrelevant and neither strengthens nor refutes the idea.


I also know that you ascribed the 5 billion to the universe.


Feel free to do you. I'm sure if you trawl through my entire GAF posting history you'll dig up all manner of errors and oversights here and there. (I don't pretend to be perfect....dyslexia is merely the tip of the iceberg). Absolutely none of which will invalidate my position on the merits of circumcision in any way shape or form whatsoever. Knock yourself out I'm sure it will be a great way to spend your weekend (if not month). I'm also confident that the mods will look favourably upon your lengthy revelations as well. 🤔

Personally, I'm going to spend mine, playing some games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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im not some militant atheist or agnostic or something, it just blows my mind how people use religion to defend this, or any non medical justification, but mostly religion :messenger_grinning_sweat: i have such a seething disrespect for you. not that you care, of course.

these threads will never not be entertaining!


Gold Member
Can't miss what I never experienced. If I experienced it and lost it, I might be pissed. Maybe this is how neutered dogs feel.


I'm opposed to having it performed on children who have no say in the matter, regardless of the reason.

However, once you're over 16, legally you should be able to perform any kind of body modification you want, assuming you or someone else is willing and able to perform it.

As a Brit mind, I find the weird ubiquity of circumcision in the US for non religious purposes just nutty.

Unless it's a medical necessity, the only benefits to circumcision can be achieved by the non circumcised, simply by just washing regularly.


Didn't bother my son as I didn't want his 1st memory to be someone cutting his dick
Wish I Was given the choice but live and learn I guess


I've been getting into Czech porn so I'm seeing a lot of uncut cocks. I can see why many women don't like it if they aren't used to it, but the problem is giving a shit what they think when it comes to CUTTING OFF A PIECE OF YOUR DICK.

I had it done when I was a baby and it didn't turn me into a nut who thinks he can regrow his foreskin, but we opted not to have our son circumsized. But it also created a situation where I'm like, ok, what's my role in this thing? Luckily the medical sites say to leave it alone. Some say clean it when he starts unrolling it, others say it's only necessary when puberty starts.

I think an occasional "go wash your dick, son" might suffice.
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