Instead of going through my experience and listing all the dumb shit they need to fix in this game, I'll give a single example which pretty much sums up the game: force fields. There's a building that keeps aliens away (range: 2 hexes) flawlessly. Once you've built it, you get the option to expand the range by 1 or turn it mobile, causing aliens to not be able to attack your trade vehicles. I had several issues with this.
So you build this building, and then realise that it works completely independently of your actual city borders: it has a static radius around the 1 hex your city occupies. Why is that? Why can't you build small ones around your territory to keep the aliens out? I can spread all other kinds of shit but not the tech that flawlessly keeps the aliens away? Seems pretty fucking stupid. Well, maybe it needs lots of power and has to be near a super power source...wait wait. That's the point where my scientists tell me they've mobilised the technology. Great. Excellent. Let's mount that shit on some tanks and go hunting!, no such luck. The game assumes I'd want the shields mounted on my trade craft. Why the fuck? What's the logic there? If it can be fitted onto a stupid little caravan truck, then fitting it to a tank should be a snap. You're telling me we get the tech to render the enemy completely useless...and then I get no choice in the matter as it gets utilised to protect a bunch of cargo vehicles instead of the military ones holding back the tide of alien death. What.
That's the game, in a nutshell. I played until I realised my military aircraft were taking counter attack damage from strafing melee dog aliens and then I decided that maybe this game was not for me.