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Civilization V Brave New World |OT| More than Content Tourism


I know this may be a tired subject, but can someone direct me to some newbie resources to pore over? I really want to get into Civ, but my (very) brief encounter with Civ IV and some Paradox game left me scared and confused. I've always loved strategy games, but I've never been able to get into this genre. I'm not looking for tips or tricks, I'd just like to learn the fundamentals to construct my own playstyle at first. Optimization can come later.

Also, does this expansion pack require the base game?

You do need the base game for BNW. Not too sure about a guide, sorry. However, Civ is a lot more simple than Paradox games.


Wait, other way around. Younger planet = more mountains, older planet = less mountains
Not entirely true
As I said younger planet means alot of the world has a similar landscape
Older means its more varied
That could go either way
Edit: goddamn this upgraded pathfinder is unstoppable
Edit: goddamn this upgraded pathfinder is unstoppable

Those guys are beast mode for the new barbs.

Shoshone's settlers and UA rocks because it's good no matter what the strategy or terrain. You can easily forward settle, defend with your upgraded pathfinders+bows, and then fill in your "back area" on a map if you are on a continent map. Shoshone gives you one thing on high difficultly that you normally can't be guaranteed of-the plenty of space.


Only bad thingis these pesky ottomans are like parasites
They have like 5 cities near me already
Edit: how big is the penalty if I start a war? I need to drove these pricks back a bit I can't breathe
The annoying thing about the diplomacy victory is that it can be blocked by Civs going to war with you. It's really bad in multiplayer. See a competitor is getting close to 32 delegates? Go to war with him! Suddenly any of your allied city-states are at war with him too and he has no opportunity to make them allied with him. Since you'll never agree to peace, he'll never reach 32. You can just not fight him and block him the rest of the game.
The annoying thing about the diplomacy victory is that it can be blocked by Civs going to war with you. It's really bad in multiplayer. See a competitor is getting close to 32 delegates? Go to war with him! Suddenly any of your allied city-states are at war with him too and he has no opportunity to make them allied with him. Since you'll never agree to peace, he'll never reach 32. You can just not fight him and block him the rest of the game.

Embargo their asses with your huge voting block and watch them self destruct.
The problem is that everybody can be in on it in a multiplayer game. If you're playing with a total of 6 people, the other 5 can simply put you in a war status to defend their city-states. City-States should be able to be made peace with without having peace be made with the allied Civ.
I haven't played since shortly after G&K and I was wondering if Firaxis ever added like an Ironman mode or something. As ashamed as I am to say it I frequently fall prey to save scumming when things don't go my way, but any game that offers an Ironman mode I jump on it.


I know this may be a tired subject, but can someone direct me to some newbie resources to pore over? I really want to get into Civ, but my (very) brief encounter with Civ IV and some Paradox game left me scared and confused. I've always loved strategy games, but I've never been able to get into this genre. I'm not looking for tips or tricks, I'd just like to learn the fundamentals to construct my own playstyle at first. Optimization can come later.

Also, does this expansion pack require the base game?


Civ V is much less intimidating than Civ IV, which I could never get the hang of. The game pops up an adviser window whenever a new concept is introduced and it's much easier to get a feel for how the systems work and interact.


Unlimited Capacity
Still holding strong in the top 10 of top sellers on Steam.




Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
What does the world age parameter do? (3,4,5 billion years)

I don't see any discernible difference.

A younger planet will see fast changes, for example you may see Grassland or Tundra directly in contact with Desert, which is impossible at 4.
You can also see plains <-> mountain, without a hill near the mountain, which is extremely uncommon in 4b year and downright impossible, if memory serves, at 5b.

Basically, it means you have more 'isolated' mountains around, which are gold for Observatories. 5b means you have more hills and less mountains, and greater distances between biomes.


That stupid bastard gandhi settling cities like mad once he realized he settled next to my rio home base

You done goofed pal...


Finally finished up my first game with the new cultural victory, as Poland. It went really long (2027!) because I made a lot of mistakes and Napoleon is a jerk. The culture/tourism changes are really interesting; winning with culture is definitely more active than it used to be. There is a fair amount of micromanagement involved, but that's not necessarily a complaint. I like that there's more to it than I can easily master in a single game.

Guess I'll try a new diplomatic game next. The World Congress is cool, so it'll be fun to run it.


Christ getting bodied by the byzantines with religion by 1050AD. How do you fast-track faith generation?

You need the right beliefs, build temples, shrines, and religious wonders. Also lots of cities. I'm pumping out like 16 faith per turn right, now.


Won a Culture Game as Venice - I'm on board the "making mad cash" train, Jesus. I was clocking in almost a thousand a turn by the end, with a Size 35 city and still growing. Had enough money to buy an entire fleet of Bombers once China and Rome teamed up to start trouble... end ended it all with perhaps the greatest rock concert in human history (which pushed me into "Influential" with three out of five Civs!).

Once I figured out how the hell the system worked I really like the new Cultural Victory - particularly micromanaging the Great Works. Fun finding the right combinations and all that.


Had to stop my game at 950 Ad
I'm building up m forces to take out Mongolia cause they've been tearing through the city states like butter
Have a couple other civs agreeing to war pact
Can they back out of it? I'd be really pissed if they could
Edit: ill try a culture win later, anyone got any links to guides?


Won my first BNW game with Portugal; Space victory. I love how I didn't have to fight anyone really but just maintain a nice standing army

Questions. What decides in which direction the border grows? Does the city randomly decide which tile to grow the border to? Also, is there a hotkey that snaps the camera back to the city?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Is the Hermitage themeing bonus broken for anyone else, not working for me at all.


Steam cards are in.

Economic (advisor)
Foreign (advisor)
Military (advisor)
Science (advisor)

I find it odd that they chose
advisors for cards - the heads of state are so much more interesting


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Volunteer Army in Freedom is such a good tenet, got it as Brazil and then upgraded the Foreign Legion to Pracinha, went from worst military in the game to the best :lol


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I finally got BNW. Haven't played it yet, but it's 33% off for the next few hours on Steam, so around $20. Also upgraded to the Gold version for $5 to get all of the DLC civs while I was at it.

So if anyone wants to get BNW for $20, do it now.
Volunteer Army in Freedom is such a good tenet, got it as Brazil and then upgraded the Foreign Legion to Pracinha, went from worst military in the game to the best :lol

It seems fairly OP as a tenet

On topic with Ideologies, is there one of the three which you guys think is best? Obviously they are each good at different things and their tenets offer flexibility to help in certain areas. Some really stand out however, like Order's Iron Curtain: free courthouse on city capture, seems incredibly handy for speedily conquering neighbours without incurring crippling unhappiness.

They seem fairly well balanced from where I'm sat but I haven't got my hands on BNW so I can't really say.


Unlimited Capacity
I did it again. At least I finally won! Culture victory with Catherine on Prince. Was way too easy. I ended in the early 1900s I think in the atomic era when the closest was industrial. I could have easily had any victory type. Back to deity so I can hate the AI, then myself, and then the AI again. Oh, I also got the George Washington and Catherine cards!


You need to add a .dll file to your civ 5 directory. Look back through the thread, it's somewhere in the early half.

Thanks it worked, but everything took so long I didn't really get time to play anymore yesterday, but I'll be rectifying that this weekend. :)

I got a question though. It's happened in previous games that someone would declare war on me and after fending them off the best course of action seemed to be to counter-attack and take the player (npc) out. Another reason being that this player is closest to me and I need his land. However taking over all of his cities, even if I puppet them, drops my happiness incredibly low. Like below -30 or something. So I get rebellions, it takes ages for anything to grow anymore and I fall far behind everyone else. Should I not be taking over all his cities at once? Should I let him live a while longer and slowly take his cities one by one waiting many turns inbetween? Or should I simply raze half of them to the ground and build completely new cities later on? Neither solution seems very ideal at first sight. Or is there another solution that I'm completely missing perhaps?

Thanks in advance!
Has there been any change to the way trade routes work? I mean the Vanilla/G+K connect two cities by road/harbour method.

Do you have to have a road to a city for a Caravan to trade there, does it provide a bonus?


Has there been any change to the way trade routes work? I mean the Vanilla/G+K connect two cities by road/harbour method.

Do you have to have a road to a city for a Caravan to trade there, does it provide a bonus?

Roads only allow caravan trade routes to go further, so you might have a wider selection of cities to trade with. They operate as before, the gold gained from a city connection with your capital is still generally the average of the populations of the two cities.


Didn't think I'd buy it this early but it was part of the flash sale on Steam. Looking forward to trying out the changes.
So I started a game last night (still on G+K, don't have BNW in the UK yet)

Archipelago as England.

I had a bad start since I got fucked over twice trying to build a wonder and the Austrians beat me to it with 2 turns to spare. Was the last to get a Pantheon as well, amazingly, no one had chosen God of the Sea, so all my pearls and fish gave me production boosts.

My main island barely had room for three cities, but nearby I had one of those city states situated on a one tile island, but it had 2 whales, 1 fish and both Great Barrier Reef tiles inside the borders, so I built about 5 Triremes and went to work on it, capturing the place in 3 turns. I hadn't realised that Austria was protecting the city state till I was halfway done, she opened diplomacy and said "Elizabeth pls stahp". I thought it would damage relations if I said "I'll do what I want." so I said "Okay we'll leave them alone" and captured it in the same turn. Apparently, I'd broken a promise, and for the next 2000 years everyone on Earth except the Dutch hated me.

I learnt two things.

First of all, think carefully about what you say to Civs when they ask you things like that.

Second, naval warfare is very fun. There's something very satisfying about it, don't know why. Playing on an Archipelago is the only way to ensure the other civs make an effort with their navies and even then I still wasn't too impressed.

A little update.

The other civs in this game were Japan, Dutch, Austria, Ethiopia and the Celts. Since everyone except the Dutch hated me, I decided that I was going to wipe them all out rather than go for a science victory as initially intended. Japan fell first because they started settling islands I wanted. Austria (the strongest civ at the time) became the testing ground for my new Ships of the Line and Privateers. They performed exceptionally well, every city was on the coast, I've never even had a single land unit enter combat. I've just obliterated the Celts, the Dutch are next now since they've stopped being my friend and refuse to trade luxuries reasonably.

Now that I have Ironclads and the Dutch are barely in the Rennaisance they should fall very quickly, thereafter it'll just be me and Hail Selassie.

I've got to tell you, It is incredibly easy to travel the world sacking capitals with a fleet like mine which has about 6-7 ranged ships and 6 melee ships like Privateers.
Anyway, that's the save: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/783175/AutoSave_Initial_0000 BC-4000.Civ5Save
Have fun! (Obviously, it's Legendary start. Huge, 11 AI, 40 CS, and Save Policy enabled)

OK, so I played through this map last night. Turn 300-ish science win: not great but Venice is decidedly not all that great at science because you have to dilute your GP pool with so many Great Merchants. It is still the best way (IMO) to win this map in the fastest amount of time, with conquest(!!!) being the safer and more reliable-and slower-second option.

I started with exploring and sent my Optics Merchant of Venice to Brussels along the coast. I invested a lot early in early military to protect the shipping route between Brussels, Venice, and the other two nearby City States. I did *not* capture La Venta first-first because it is a land route (much worse growth when sending back food to Venice ) and second because that would basically be settling right in Atilla's face, and Venice is not a Civ that can transition effectively to an early war.

Washington and Germany are very close to Atilla, and he will go after them instead of you. This leaves you alone to face Babylon in the north.Since attacking Babylon early is a completely horrible idea, I knew I needed to hold off for xbows/pikemen/longswords knights, and I knew that because Babylon's start was so bad (they expanded slowly in my game, and cities 3 and 4 were simply not productive) they would not be able to easily replace units. I did get an early pantheon off meeting city states and a quick shrine, I got the +2 faith from gems and easily got first religion and enhancer belief. I went for Pagodas and Mosques w/ the faith from expending great people enhancer (over the span of a Venice game it works out to a very respectable amount of faith, and I planned on buying Engineers for late game wonders (2x hubble!) and more Merchants.

While America fed Atilla in the 80-120 turn timeframe, I greedily beelined right for national college into Education, not even getting Iron Working, and then went into Astro for Renaissance to meet the other continent, get observatories, and a spy to start stealing military techs. I got a 2nd merchant at about this timeframe and then bought the CS (and its army) next to Brussels. Once I got machinery I picked a fight with Babylon using the army and navy from newly stolen Valleta to help out. Again, staying away from Atilla for as long as I could, though it was clear from his city count that he was going to snowball runaway after Washington fed him so hard. Took Babylon+his 2nd city, then just left him a rump useless state in a peace deal. This left me with an empire that spanned northward away from Atilla.

From here, it was all I could do to push for Public Schools and Industrialization, so I could get Big Ben (always go full commerce w/ Venice). I focused money first on buying up every maritime CS I could find and Venice was size 29 by turn 200-which I needed because I was running 12 specialists there, getting both GScientists and GMerchants.

Game wasn't too bad besides a huge war with Atilla. I just played defensively and let him feed units for XP until I got great war bombers, then I just stayed at war, still killing his units every turn but not taking anything (later GM were used on the CS in the desert penisula south of the start) to level them up to logistics. I went Order since I had like 7-8 cities at that point and rationalism, buying Merchants w/ good faith generation since a captured CS is a MUCH better science city than a puppeted AI city. Once I got real bombers later I took just enough cities to allow me to hop ahead my bombers, which were literally capable of dispatching 2500+ hammers of units per turn (I had like15, Big Ben+Commerce makes then easy to mass).

Focused on getting factories w/ Science bonus from order and then the right side of Rationalism (I had taken the opener already) for the trading post bonus and University bonuses. Worked fine. Had RAs with DOFs from the other continent all game.

Will not do Venice on a huge map again.That was a serious pain and turns get glacial.


Seriously what the fuck. My connection dropped and got kicked to main menu with pop up message saying connection lost. Did not give me the chance to save. Lost alot of progress. If I knew about this shit beforehand I would have never purchased.

edit: I tired to replicate it by pulling my internet but it did not happen again (though my net did not get physically pulled when the glitch happened), all I know was the error that came up was very real and I lost about 30 turns of gameplay after checking where my last save was. Hopefully it was just a weird glitch and not something where the game is connecting to online for whatever reason.
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