Anyway, that's the save: BC-4000.Civ5Save
Have fun! (Obviously, it's Legendary start. Huge, 11 AI, 40 CS, and Save Policy enabled)
OK, so I played through this map last night. Turn 300-ish science win: not great but Venice is decidedly not all that great at science because you have to dilute your GP pool with so many Great Merchants. It is still the best way (IMO) to win this map in the fastest amount of time, with conquest(!!!) being the safer and more reliable-and slower-second option.
I started with exploring and sent my Optics Merchant of Venice to Brussels along the coast. I invested a lot early in early military to protect the shipping route between Brussels, Venice, and the other two nearby City States. I did *not* capture La Venta first-first because it is a land route (much worse growth when sending back food to Venice ) and second because that would basically be settling right in Atilla's face, and Venice is not a Civ that can transition effectively to an early war.
Washington and Germany are very close to Atilla, and he will go after them instead of you. This leaves you alone to face Babylon in the north.Since attacking Babylon early is a completely horrible idea, I knew I needed to hold off for xbows/pikemen/longswords knights, and I knew that because Babylon's start was so bad (they expanded slowly in my game, and cities 3 and 4 were simply not productive) they would not be able to easily replace units. I did get an early pantheon off meeting city states and a quick shrine, I got the +2 faith from gems and easily got first religion and enhancer belief. I went for Pagodas and Mosques w/ the faith from expending great people enhancer (over the span of a Venice game it works out to a very respectable amount of faith, and I planned on buying Engineers for late game wonders (2x hubble!) and more Merchants.
While America fed Atilla in the 80-120 turn timeframe, I greedily beelined right for national college into Education, not even getting Iron Working, and then went into Astro for Renaissance to meet the other continent, get observatories, and a spy to start stealing military techs. I got a 2nd merchant at about this timeframe and then bought the CS (and its army) next to Brussels. Once I got machinery I picked a fight with Babylon using the army and navy from newly stolen Valleta to help out. Again, staying away from Atilla for as long as I could, though it was clear from his city count that he was going to snowball runaway after Washington fed him so hard. Took Babylon+his 2nd city, then just left him a rump useless state in a peace deal. This left me with an empire that spanned northward away from Atilla.
From here, it was all I could do to push for Public Schools and Industrialization, so I could get Big Ben (always go full commerce w/ Venice). I focused money first on buying up every maritime CS I could find and Venice was size 29 by turn 200-which I needed because I was running 12 specialists there, getting both GScientists and GMerchants.
Game wasn't too bad besides a huge war with Atilla. I just played defensively and let him feed units for XP until I got great war bombers, then I just stayed at war, still killing his units every turn but not taking anything (later GM were used on the CS in the desert penisula south of the start) to level them up to logistics. I went Order since I had like 7-8 cities at that point and rationalism, buying Merchants w/ good faith generation since a captured CS is a MUCH better science city than a puppeted AI city. Once I got real bombers later I took just enough cities to allow me to hop ahead my bombers, which were literally capable of dispatching 2500+ hammers of units per turn (I had like15, Big Ben+Commerce makes then easy to mass).
Focused on getting factories w/ Science bonus from order and then the right side of Rationalism (I had taken the opener already) for the trading post bonus and University bonuses. Worked fine. Had RAs with DOFs from the other continent all game.
Will not do Venice on a huge map again.That was a serious pain and turns get glacial.