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Civilization V Brave New World |OT| More than Content Tourism


I really like to get the policy that adds bonus happiness to each of your luxury resources (under Commerce), and if I go Freedom there's also a really, really helpful policy that halves the unhappiness of citizens in building slots (got it yesterday and went from something like -2 to 30 happiness in an instant).


Buy lux's for 240g 8gpt.
I have no one who's reasonable enough to do that
France is still pissed

I just told Egypt to stop spreading their religion and they agreed
5 turns later
Your city religion has changed, denounced his ass
Hope others follow suit
Damn I need to fix my unhappiness quickly
Anyone got ideas?

Make friends with a city state (eg, give them hella gold) with a new luxury resource, this is the most economic option
Spend gold to buy a happyness boosting building.
If you have any captured cities you don't care about, raze them. The population reduction will help reduce unhappiness.
Go heavy religious if you want to help combat it long term, piety social policies help turn temples and monuments into happyness making machines and there are some religion perks that help halt unhappyness.


Decided to sell off Grenoble to the Persians for 24 gold per turn and some coal
Couldn't handle the unhappiness in case of war


5 turns before your first city? No way, even 1 missed turn might cost you.
Delay it only when you don't have 2 luxury resources in tiles you could work on or if you're playing as Venice.

Yeah, I was wondering about that. Maybe sacrifice a turn to get up on a hill by a river, rather than grassland by a river but other than that I feel like you'd lose out exponentially down the line.

Honestly, I wouldn't delay it more then 1 or 2 turns. The amount of time to explore a potentially better location will just set you so far behind resource wise you might as well have just plunked your 2nd city on the better location. Although it is well worth moving your settler 1 or 2 hexes potentially if you find a good spot, things to look out for are making sure your city is parked on top of a luxury resource so you can work it super early, next to a river or mountain for unique buildings and next to the coast for ship building potential. If you are a war nation and surrounded by forests it might also be worth settling your capital on a hill if possible for the line of sight advantage and higher defense, although that will slightly damage your production.

That's what I was thinking. Thanks for the input.


I have problems with unhappiness as well. It's a bitch when you choose rare or sparse resources. No happy resources anywhere and AI wants crazy money for theirs. I just tried 500gold + 15gpt + one of my extra luxurys for 2 luxurys and the AI declined wtf.

I'm now building all the happiness buildings possible.


I got freedom and I went from -2 to 16 lol
Man picking on city states is so much fun
I went from 16 gold to 716 in one round of demanding tribute
I got freedom and I went from -2 to 16 lol
Man picking on city states is so much fun
I went from 16 gold to 716 in one round of demanding tribute

Picking on city states? Bro, the city states are your friend. When the World Congress forms, they become great allies when it comes to deciding world law unless you don't have BNW then have at it.
Don't trust Montezuma, that asshole always turns on you in the end. Ghengis is usually a real bro.

Monty's probably a non-threat. Sao Paulo (the city Brazil gifted me) happened to be on the other side of him, and I took one of Morocco's adjacent cities and annexed 2 city states to surround him on 3 sides.

He never expanded beyond a second city, so he's pretty much my pet at this point. Trading with his big twin cities keeps us both fat and happy.

Genghis, on the other hand, is rapidly becoming a problem. During a joint campaign against the Byzantines we worked through their empire from opposite ends, and have met in the middle (also, Brazil, in hilariously insane fashion, decided to try to drop another undefended city right in the Mongol warpath - with expected results).

He's got a slight lead in war tech, but an extended period of peace allowed me to get totally out of hand with my trading. I think I should be able to outspend him if we come to blows.


Unlimited Capacity
Playing as Venice is kind of a do nothing play though. At least it is for me at this point. Probably playing it very wrong though lol


Bought it last night... stayed up till 6am.

Beat it today with a cultural victory. I had like.. 24 delgates or something in congress.. and was pumping out 300+ tourism per turn.


Anyway to buff spies? Or is it just when they level?

Spies get better by successfully stealing tech. Nothing more you can really do on that front except stick them in civs you know have more tech than you. I think the smaller cities are the best targets. I imagine a capital to probably have an enemy spy parked in it.
Just finished my first ever game of BNW

Played as Shaka and got a

I wiped out all other civilizations on my continent, but never attacked a City State. I'd like to think they responded well to that but in all honest I can't pin down why 4 City States on my continent were my allies NON STOP for 2000 years.

I settled down and down sized my army to save gold (for bribes) after I saw this and got my first taste of the world congress. The only other civs left in the game were the Swedes and the Indonesians. Because we had no contested borders we were best buddies till the modern era until we each picked different Ideologies.

For reasons I can't fathom, I decided to go with Autocracy even though I'd long since decided I wasn't going to try a Conquest victory.

I just hunkered down, got to the stage where I was at +1000 science, +500 gold and +70 happiness per turn.

When it came to my turn in the congress I gave myself some leg ups. I managed to convince the Indonesians to partly vote in support for Autocracy as world Ideology, then Sikhism as world Religion. From there I had a good base of delegates not counting all my city state allies. I ended up with a massive gold reserve at the end as literally threw 3000 gold at a city state in the turn before the election to get the allied status.

In the mini fiction of that world I imagine there was some serious unfinished business and bad blood after a serial-conqueror somehow led the world to peace.


I've only played one game, but I really, really like Brave New World this far... The World Congress is a great addition, and cultural victory feels like a real competition.


Picking on city states? Bro, the city states are your friend. When the World Congress forms, they become great allies when it comes to deciding world law unless you don't have BNW then have at it.

Picking on city states isn't really worth it unless you're in a real tight spot.
I need the money to upgrade units and pay other city states so I can increase happiness
I dont need it anymore now that im sitting pretty at 26 happiness
besides they were allied with france
Im also trying to start a war with them so I can finally knock them out of the race
Shhhhhh, he's on Settler difficulty.


Pulled of two coups with my maxed out spy


Mouse over the empty slot on a building or the +0 on a building.

Theming bonuses only occur on buildings with multiple slots, and each varies depending upon the building. For example the Louvre requires 2 works of art and 2 artefacts, each from a different civ and different era to get its bonus. The Sydney Opera House requires three pieces of music from the same era to activate its bonuses.

Oh, I have to build the wonders to find out eh.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I got freedom and I went from -2 to 16 lol
Man picking on city states is so much fun
I went from 16 gold to 716 in one round of demanding tribute

You're doing it wrong. You get that much gold by hitting enter to end turn.

Basically the free ride of putting cities on rivers is over. You have to shuttle caravans to enemy cities and get a few bonuses and in now time you rake in hundreds of gold per turn.

Game is too easy. I actually cheesed on Settler to get some achievement. But without trying I got cultural victory. I ignored all antiquity. Don't know what the fuck happened...had like 100 tourism.


I started my first BNW game as Assyria on Emperor. Unfortunately I started on an isolated and large landmass with no neighbours, meaning that I couldn't use both of Assyria's advantages, the tech-stealing UA and the Siege Tower.

I thought about stopping the game when I found out but I had the tech lead and eventually I found all of the Civs and they were all really nice to me for some reason - 5 friendly Civs at the same time. So I thought I might stick it out and try to go for a science or diplomatic victory. Unfortunately my huge landmass didn't contain any coal or aluminium so I gave up at that point as the Dutch were on course for a culture victory.

Now I'm trying to decide whether I should start another game as Assyria, and this time have a neighbour I can dominate early and steal techs from, or I should play a game as Venice for variety. I still have a lot to learn about trade routes, the World Congress and the new culture victory.


I just finished my first game of BNW - domination with Shoshone. I have to say the new trade route system is far more realistic and strategic - I found myself having to consider "well I plan to go to war with Aztec, so I better not invest in a trade route that goes through their backyard".


I used to play Civ V multiplayer a lot with a couple friends and we came back to play the expansion but now there'd be like 5 seconds at the end of the turn for processing until the next turn started and by the time we got to turn 50-75 we'd have to wait for like 20-30 seconds before each turn. The game works perfectly fine in single player though. Anyone else have this problem or any idea how to fix it?


You're doing it wrong. You get that much gold by hitting enter to end turn.

Basically the free ride of putting cities on rivers is over. You have to shuttle caravans to enemy cities and get a few bonuses and in now time you rake in hundreds of gold per turn.

Game is too easy. I actually cheesed on Settler to get some achievement. But without trying I got cultural victory. I ignored all antiquity. Don't know what the fuck happened...had like 100 tourism.

im not playing on settler tho
You're doing it wrong. You get that much gold by hitting enter to end turn.

Basically the free ride of putting cities on rivers is over. You have to shuttle caravans to enemy cities and get a few bonuses and in now time you rake in hundreds of gold per turn.

Game is too easy. I actually cheesed on Settler to get some achievement. But without trying I got cultural victory. I ignored all antiquity. Don't know what the fuck happened...had like 100 tourism.

What difficulty level are you playing on?
I really do wish this game ran better. I have a pretty beefy machine, but the PLEASE WAIT is a bit much - even on Standard size maps. The worst part about it is how during PLEASE WAIT it pretty much locks everything else down. At least let me manage some city stuff while you're doing it....


Been playing MP with some friends and damn it's unstable as hell.

Long initial loads, not being able to make the game private after loading (!!!!!!!) and general disconnects and a lack of stability. Pretty infuriating. How can you mess up so badly? Not to mention my computer sounds like a jet taking off when the session gets long enough.

Still incredibly fun though.


Finished my first BNW game yesterday. Venice is a beast. It was the first time in any game of civ that I never went to war. No one declared war on me, it was crazy.

By the end of the game i had so much gold, I didn't know what to do with it. I was planning on a cultural victory and had four of the five remaining civs, but ended up world leader before that. Lots of fun.

World Congress is one of the best additions to a civ game ever.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
It's 7 am here.
I did a whole game of 8 hours in one sitting.

Archipelago, Immortal, Venice.
Got a cultural+diplomatic win in the same turn.

Had to pay off 350 gpt to Napoleon for a open borders treaty, incredible stuff.
After i paid, i promptly tourism-bombed him with FIVE stacked up great musicians.
I got crushed by my younger brother last night. We were playing domination only victory (King). First game of BNW and we were all struggling for gold so I cut back my army in view of waiting for my borders to expand so I could get more gold through luxury resources. And he just snuck 5 archers, 2 pikeman and a catapult up on me and I was done. I have to question the balance a bit, because he was -21 per turn gold and that didn't seem to affect his army at all. Very humiliating though, and disappointing because we got nowhere near any of the world congress stuff.

Gold was a major issue for some reason. I built a caravan to see if some of the new stuff was part of the reason, but it was too late by that point.
I wish you could make deals with AI that dealt with land/religion/and city states. Basically, I wish you could offer money and resources for "not setting around me" or spreading religion or taking allies.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Man, cultural victories are really fucking hard now. If there's one warmonger that snowballs, they'll have so much culture buildings from all their cities that it's nearly impossible to overtake them with tourism in a timely manner.

I really need to get out of the mindset that culture = passive.

Hell, I only won that game because I managed to scrape out a Diplo victory with economics and spies.


I got crushed by my younger brother last night. We were playing domination only victory (King). First game of BNW and we were all struggling for gold so I cut back my army in view of waiting for my borders to expand so I could get more gold through luxury resources. And he just snuck 5 archers, 2 pikeman and a catapult up on me and I was done. I have to question the balance a bit, because he was -21 per turn gold and that didn't seem to affect his army at all. Very humiliating though, and disappointing because we got nowhere near any of the world congress stuff.

Gold was a major issue for some reason. I built a caravan to see if some of the new stuff was part of the reason, but it was too late by that point.
Your bro only had two units in his entire composition capable of capturing cities, and he was losing so much gold that it was eating the asshole out of his science output. If he didn't correct that, the game would have literally started selling his units on him.

There's balance problems, and then there's taking your belt off and turning your back to your neighbor.


Is the new diplomatic victory just by majority or do you need to win by a certain percentage of votes? Feels like it comes too soon significantly reducing the chance for science or conquest victory.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's a static number of votes depending on the map size and number of civs and city states I think.

So if you want to intercept a diplo victory, just take over a few city states, ally them, or keep your spies on them.


I got a rad cultural victory yesterday with Arabia on Prince even though religion became non-relevant about halfway through. Love the trade route stuff except it fucks you over doing quests for city states since there's no more reason to route roads to them

So is there anything I should be using workers for? Seems like after a while I just fill all my tiles with improvements


I got a rad cultural victory yesterday with Arabia on Prince even though religion became non-relevant about halfway through. Love the trade route stuff except it fucks you over doing quests for city states since there's no more reason to route roads to them

So is there anything I should be using workers for? Seems like after a while I just fill all my tiles with improvements

Not really, you could disband a few for the gold and to save on unit maintenance. If you leave it on autopilot be aware that they will always upgrade roads to railroads which is not always the best option due to the 3gpt tile maintenance.


Given that generally the workers don't have anything else to do though is it better to just make em drop improvements everywhere? Even if the cities don't have the pop to take advantage?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Given that generally the workers don't have anything else to do though is it better to just make em drop improvements everywhere? Even if the cities don't have the pop to take advantage?

Yeah, they don't cost you anything (except for roads and you should be doing those by hand) and it means once you get the pop it'll start cranking out stuff at max output instead of waiting for a new farm or whatever.


Given that generally the workers don't have anything else to do though is it better to just make em drop improvements everywhere? Even if the cities don't have the pop to take advantage?

Yep. It might be worth building forts at the borders if you think you might get attacked from that direction.
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