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Civilization V Brave New World |OT| More than Content Tourism


Trying to improve my play so I can get to Immortal and Diety, and I almost always settle on a non-resource tile hopefully on a river. I always look for the best 3 tile city radius while still working around those 2 conditions, but should I expand my city locales a little bit? How big of a deal is it to settle on either a resource or a tile or 2 off a river if it gives me a better 3 square radius for the city to eventually work?

Does it stack on tiles that give gold without improvements? Like deer or something?

I think customs houses only connect strategic resources, which IIRC all give bonus production, so there is no real reason AFAIK to put one on a +gold resource tile, since you would not get the gold/silver/etc resource to use or trade.


So I want to abuse the shit out of science. Babylon strategy, right? Trying to get that claim the entire tech tree cheevo.
Going live again, this time to cover a Liberty opening (peaceful version, so erm Immortal).


Will post to Youtube when done. All credit for this goes to Moriarte over at Civfanatics.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.




Started my first game on Emperor difficulty, also first game with Assyria. Took out Siam without too much trouble, and there aren't any people currently in the world looking to knife me.

I'm kinda scared to go back to it, because I'm behind the eight ball on all of my neighbours. I think to win this, I have to go full-bore total bastard and take all of them out. The Moroccans have one city left, so I might be able to find a way to induce them to join me in a war against the ascendant Germans. Said Germans probably are at a tech lead against me, but as a human player I naturally have an advantage per-unit.


Rodent Whores
So I want to abuse the shit out of science. Babylon strategy, right? Trying to get that claim the entire tech tree cheevo.

Babylon, Maya, Inca, Korea are all good. Siam is crazy too, with the Wats + Jesuit Education trick I screenshotted a while back.


Rodent Whores
Ugh seems like any civ who gets to the top of piety grabs Jesuit education straight up. Those bastards

When I played my Siam game, I chose all the leaders myself, so that Ethiopia, the Celts, specifically weren't in the game. That way it'll cut down the chance that they'll get a religion on turn 4 lol.

During the beginning of the game, check the world diplomacy tab periodically to see who's put points into what social policies.

If you check my Siam post, you'll see that I did the tradition opener, then went full piety until reformation, then by that time I had all the prerequisite cultural buildings in my cities, so that when I went back to Tradition and chose Legalism, that gave me a free Wat in every city.
As a person who has never played a Civ game before what would be some general pointers to look for? From the few games I've played so far I tend to focus on getting religion and city states on my side so I've been playing Greece and focusing on patronage and Piety. Is this good?
Liberty opening walkthrough part 1: http://www.twitch.tv/rloutlaw/c/2665536 (audio issues fixed shortly into the vid , sorry for the faint/low noise)

Liberty opening walkthrough part 2: http://www.twitch.tv/rloutlaw/c/2665565

Youtubes will be posted later. Note this is a tutorial of supposed peaceful expansion, not a LP, so that's why I didn't chow down on France more aggressively. As anyone in this thread knows my favorite fourth city is the other guy's capital.


Yeah, I got rolled. Germany finished off Morocco and then just drove straight through me with units I couldn't build yet. Had no money, happiness was gone, also knew nobody else in the world that could assist. Welp.


My current game is bonkers. Playing Soshone, settled 4 cities and had DOF with Catherine early, we worked together for long time and I was careful not to spread my religion or get too close to her borders. Enrico and Catherine had a bit of a spat at one point as well over a CS. I had gone for mass culture, and managed to get 4-5 close CS's to ally and adopt my religion. Things were going well, I wasn't annoying anyone outside of being on some land they desired.

Next thing I know everyone on the continent declared war on me. I had Catherine, Pacal, and Askia all converge on my borders, with Ramkhamhaeng also declaring war but being behind a mountain range and unable to get to me directly without going through Pacal. Unfortunately due to the AI not working out where to put its units when attacking a city they kept putting archers/trebuchets out of range and swordsmen/knights into city defense range. Luckily one or two of the city states I'd befriended were on the opposite front and kept some of them busy. Catherine eventually offered peace and has left me alone since, as did Pacal, while Askia offered peace with an 11pop city despite me never venturing into their territory to harass him.

Once I'd put out that fire Enrico then decides to declare war on me, probably due to the number of great prophets I was using to spread my religion to Venice and one of his puppets. So he tried to take down my smallest city with Axemen, Archers and one trebuchet, which I was able to defend with one crossbow and city defense. After getting nowhere with his weak army, he offered peace by giving up one of his city states, and has kept denouncing me regularly.

Currently sitting around turn 300 now and hoping I can get a cultural victory but it's looking rough.
Liberty opening walkthrough part 1: http://www.twitch.tv/rloutlaw/c/2665536 (audio issues fixed shortly into the vid , sorry for the faint/low noise)

Liberty opening walkthrough part 2: http://www.twitch.tv/rloutlaw/c/2665565

Youtubes will be posted later. Note this is a tutorial of supposed peaceful expansion, not a LP, so that's why I didn't chow down on France more aggressively. As anyone in this thread knows my favorite fourth city is the other guy's capital.

15 minutes into the first one; I clearly don't know how to play this game properly...
As a person who has never played a Civ game before what would be some general pointers to look for? From the few games I've played so far I tend to focus on getting religion and city states on my side so I've been playing Greece and focusing on patronage and Piety. Is this good?
If you're new to Civ, religion is probably something you shouldn't worry too much about. Science and production are what propels you towards victory.

Just some very basic pointers...

If you settle your first city in an area with plenty of green grassland, focus on growing the population of your city and push for science as hard as you can. Do this by choosing the social policies under Tradition and getting a library built ASAP (tech needed for a library: writing). After which, you should research towards Philosophy, then Civil Service and then onto Education.

Upon discovering Philosophy, build the National College in your capital for a 50% science boost.

Upon discovering Education, build a University for another boost to research.

Once you've got your universities up and running it's time to make a decision; should you continue along the path of science, or should you switch to war and begin researching the lower path of the tech tree? The choice is yours.

If you settle your first city in an area with plenty of hammers/production, focus on expanding wide (having numerous cities). Do this by choosing the Liberty social policies. With Liberty, early wars are quite beneficial, so instead of pushing ahead with science, focus on researching techs that will help you war. research towards archers, horses and catapults, then go and steal some cities from your neighbour. Try to get three cities of your own first, then build 2-3 units in each before going to war.

Once you've stolen a few cities, you can then make another decision; should you try to steamroll the rest of the planet, or switch over to a more peaceful style of play? The choice is yours.

However, with mass expansion comes unhappiness. Before you begin an onslaught, try to gauge how much unhappiness it might bring. You can counteract unhappiness through various social polices and religion beliefs.

Other pointers:

If you have more than 1 luxury, you should be able to rent it to another civ for 6 gold per turn (or 5 if they don't like you). Every few turns, go and talk to the other leaders and see if there's anything you can rent to them).

Want to weaken an opponent before attacking them? Bribe then into war with another civ. You can do this on the lead screen where you strike deals, look on the left hand side and one of the options should be 'Declare war on'. Usually you can start a war for as little as 100-200 gold. A bargain.

City states are your friends, never attack them. Try to ally with one's that suit you and
-are 'Friendly'
-have iron/horse/coal resources that you need
-have happiness resources that aren't within your own borders
-are located at natural choke points.

Finally, the game can be a little overwhelming, especially as there have been two expansions since launch. If you're finding everything a little bewildering, I suggest that the next time you play, go to the DLC menu from the title screen and uncheck the Gods & Kings and Brave New World, so that you can experience the base game without religion, trade routes, tourism etc


I really wish the branch-specific wonders required you to finish that branch instead of just have the branch activated. Id have a chance at the hanging gardens then.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Liberty opening walkthrough part 1: http://www.twitch.tv/rloutlaw/c/2665536 (audio issues fixed shortly into the vid , sorry for the faint/low noise)

Liberty opening walkthrough part 2: http://www.twitch.tv/rloutlaw/c/2665565

Youtubes will be posted later. Note this is a tutorial of supposed peaceful expansion, not a LP, so that's why I didn't chow down on France more aggressively. As anyone in this thread knows my favorite fourth city is the other guy's capital.

Many, many thanks, watching now!
Returned to my game last night, Elizabeth declared war on me (on top of Attila) within 2 turns and saved me the trouble of going through the motions trying to defend my empire. New game.

I'm beginning to think I may not be cut out for Prince yet. Second game on it (4th overall) and again its marred by running into lots of Gold upkeep and unhappiness problems. I think the Civs are more aggressive too, so my gold is bleeding out with the 5th best army in the world, which feels absurd. I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is yet.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I love huge maps! World congress becomes more fun with more participants.

The game eventually slows to a crawl, but playing with max opponents (22) can be a lot of fun. You can see how the AI really works, and they spend as much time fighting each other and killing each other off as you ever thought they'd spend against you. In some ways it makes things a little easier, as if you're lucky and you're on a peninsula/island and stay out of the way, by the time they're actually done wasting resources on each other, you may have a fighting chance for a culture or diplomatic victory. Domination is hard, though, as the AI doesn't raze a lot of cities.
Just witnessed the worst attempt at a city takeover in a long time. AI Iroquois just marched a bunch spearmen and their UUs up to my gates with no siege units and no ranged. Ended up running laps around my capital while I picked them off slowly with my city, composite archers and war elephants. I was on king so I appreciate they weren't on the highest difficulty but I've not witnessed that level of ai inability since I was first starting on settler.
general civ 5 question since i don't have bnw

but how in the fuck can you compete on the higher difficulties? i've gotten a little bored of prince and i'm trying my hand at king and the AI civs are super aggro and get their techs at lightning speed. is it a case of knowing p[precisely what you want to do in order to win?
Just witnessed the worst attempt at a city takeover in a long time. AI Iroquois just marched a bunch spearmen and their UUs up to my gates with no siege units and no ranged. Ended up running laps around my capital while I picked them off slowly with my city, composite archers and war elephants. I was on king so I appreciate they weren't on the highest difficulty but I've not witnessed that level of ai inability since I was first starting on settler.

Early on in my current Brazil/culture campaign, Harold sent a MASSIVE fleet of triremes to attack coastal Sao Paulo. Unfortunately for him, the city was only exposed to a single coast tile. He just moved triremes into range, attacking the city and getting crippled by the return fire, one at a time, until they were all wiped out.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
At the very least, diplomacy is a bit more dynamic now. The friends I have earlier are now denouncing me and the ones that denounced me earlier are now my friends.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
general civ 5 question since i don't have bnw

but how in the fuck can you compete on the higher difficulties? i've gotten a little bored of prince and i'm trying my hand at king and the AI civs are super aggro and get their techs at lightning speed. is it a case of knowing p[precisely what you want to do in order to win?

Get bnw, they're far less aggressive.
Get Libraries and National College.
Oh yeah, finally had this scenario – Assyria was next to me super large and mean; He asks for open borders so I counter with including a defensive pact, which he accepts. Then his armies basically clog up my territory for the next 10s of turns until Alexander declares on me.

I think "Great!, I'll finally be rid of this guy" at which point Darius clears his forces from my lands ASAP. That's not how a defensive pact works, dickhead! Luckily I was easily strong enough to fend off Greece.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
general civ 5 question since i don't have bnw

but how in the fuck can you compete on the higher difficulties? i've gotten a little bored of prince and i'm trying my hand at king and the AI civs are super aggro and get their techs at lightning speed. is it a case of knowing p[precisely what you want to do in order to win?


  • Pick a path to victory and stick to it as much as you can. If you want the be the science guy, be the science guy. If you want to have a big army, have a big army. Just understand that as the game progresses, emphasis on certain things can back you into a corner... a big army of moron warriors isn't going to beat a more advanced army of cavalry and swordsmen, and unless science victory is one of the options and you actually have the production to build all the space parts quickly, being the smartest guy on the planet without an army to field or any wonders to protect it just means you're going to be victimized.
  • Pick policies that support your end game. Don't pick patronage if you don't plan to court city-states all the time and win by diplomacy. Don't pick honor unless you plan on engaging barbarians a lot and want to field a large army and win by domination.
  • Claim luxury resources and trade them with allies. You only need one copy to make your people happy... any other copies should be used as bargaining chips/gifts.
  • Don't bother with city states unless you're sure to get them on your side. If someone else is courting them... unless that person is providing a resource you need, leave it alone.
  • Do not open up your borders unless you really want to allow that person to traverse through your territory and vice versa.
  • Do not back out on friendships or other alliances... let the AI break those first.
  • Always have a backout plan -- If you find unclaimed islands/areas of continents, settle one or two to better protect yourself from being conquered (the AI is bad at naval actions).
  • Consider enabling raging barbarians. While this can seem irritating at first, they bother the AI as much as they bother you.
  • If you destroy a barbarian camp and liberate settlers/workers, consider sending them back to their home or using them as a unit trade unless you're actually deficient. Spare workers do nothing for you and another city may create more problems than you anticipate, while unit returns are thought of very highly by the AI.


Liberty opening walkthrough part 1: http://www.twitch.tv/rloutlaw/c/2665536 (audio issues fixed shortly into the vid , sorry for the faint/low noise)

Liberty opening walkthrough part 2: http://www.twitch.tv/rloutlaw/c/2665565

Youtubes will be posted later. Note this is a tutorial of supposed peaceful expansion, not a LP, so that's why I didn't chow down on France more aggressively. As anyone in this thread knows my favorite fourth city is the other guy's capital.

>Orleans appears

"Oh, this is bad."

I laughed. Had India do the very same crap to me last night. Being all diligent to watch borders yet didn't see that one settler sneak through...
>Orleans appears

"Oh, this is bad."

I laughed. Had India do the very same crap to me last night. Being all diligent to watch borders yet didn't see that one settler sneak through...

I just assumed that the AI wouldn't settle in that spot. It was so much worse than the other options that I didn't even watch for a settler (and that settler DID sneak through big time) and instead moved around a lot to properly pull off the worker steal.

Youtubes are up:

Spending time building workers is for chumps.

(2 stolen, 1 rush bought which I shouldn't have done, 1 free from policy, 1 from a barb camp in these videos).

Couple of things to note if I cared about this game a bit more.

1) I should have been more aggressive about barb camp clearing near the cultural CS. Would have brought in my NC time by 6-7 turns.
2) It was wrong to buy the worker. I should have moved one down w/ the settler. I could use the money for archer upgrades and after math came in, hard built a catapult and rush bought a catapult to kill Paris ( I did mention this-I didn't want to cap Paris in this video as it would have drawn out the walkthrough with "unnecessary" warfare )
3) Should have gotten to Philosophy faster for Oracle, which would also have affected my NC time by a few turns. The Sailing detour wasn't worth it.
4) With all that Jungle I should have build Pyramids over Mauseleum, but going back for Mauseleum isn't a bad idea with a four quarry start. Fuck Jungle, btw.
5) If you take Paris you can then settle into the following spots in a 2nd wave:

- The 2nd French city spot I mentioned
- Down along the river near the crappy cities Napoleon kept settling, on a hill next to the mountain along the river.
- Up near the crab on the north shore.
- Up near the Marble+flood plain due north of capital

Nine cities, all very good, with plenty of unique luxuries and two mercantile CS to back you up. Pretty sure you can't lose the game at that point even with Bismarck's heavily salted started.


Has the Shoshone start already been talked about in length? Because, it seems crazy OP.

You can be 50+ turns ahead of everyone else by turn 100.


On King.
I still have no idea what to do with spies, particularly when I'm already the tech leader. Just counterspy?

Also, China denounced me, but despite being the military leader, I didn't feel like trucking all my (mostly free, from CS-es) units across the map, so I just paid Monte and Alex to do it for me. I tried to bring my other pal Pedro into it, but he didn't want to. I think he's about to go after Gandhi. Oh well, no free gifted military units for him. I have no idea why I get such pleasure from giving free military units to my friends rather than fighting myself, but I totally do.


I still have no idea what to do with spies, particularly when I'm already the tech leader. Just counterspy?

Also, China denounced me, but despite being the military leader, I didn't feel like trucking all my (mostly free, from CS-es) units across the map, so I just paid Monte and Alex to do it for me. I tried to bring my other pal Pedro into it, but he didn't want to. I think he's about to go after Gandhi. Oh well, no free gifted military units for him. I have no idea why I get such pleasure from giving free military units to my friends rather than fighting myself, but I totally do.



Diplomats hanging out in your other civ's capitols are useful for getting tipped off about upcoming war plans and for manipulating their world congress voting.

You can also put spies in enemy-allied CS's to steal them away for yourself
Alright, I guess I'm pretty much using spies to their fullest then. I was just assuming I could do something like sabotage production or something. It'd be really awesome (since I'm culturing, mostly this game), if they could steal great works. Not so much when they try it on me though.


Alright, I guess I'm pretty much using spies to their fullest then. I was just assuming I could do something like sabotage production or something. It'd be really awesome (since I'm culturing, mostly this game), if they could steal great works. Not so much when they try it on me though.

I wish spies could do more things too.
Has the Shoshone start already been talked about in length? Because, it seems crazy OP.

You can be 50+ turns ahead of everyone else by turn 100.


On King.

Shoshone also have a plains start bias, which means they end up with salt more often than other Civs. Salted Shoshone starts are just insane. The main challenge is how to find the million workers you want/need after you steamroll your neighbor's capital on turn 70-75.
Hey Fragamemnon did you ever end up doing your analysis of the other civs like you did for BNW civs? I recall you mentioning it a while back. I would be interested in seeing that.
Hey Fragamemnon did you ever end up doing your analysis of the other civs like you did for BNW civs? I recall you mentioning it a while back. I would be interested in seeing that.

Everything's all screwy with what I am doing at the moment. I've got presentations to give for work to Asia tonight so I'm not going to do much besides post from time to time this evening. Honestly after doing these vids I'd rather do ten minute discussions about what I think for each Civ in a video rather than in text.
Everything's all screwy with what I am doing at the moment. I've got presentations to give for work to Asia tonight so I'm not going to do much besides post from time to time this evening. Honestly after doing these vids I'd rather do ten minute discussions about what I think for each Civ in a video rather than in text.

I like that idea better, actually.. Your video on liberty policy was extremely informative, so I look forward to more.
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